NRA's Secret Graphic Novel Revealed!???

Looks like some graphics from some NRA book/rag/whatever with commentary
on it by some brainwashed socialist liberal hippy douchebag tarts, that's what it looks like to me.

If you read all of the comments, a coupe of them eventually get to debunking it. I doubt the sanity of anyone who could read it and think for a moment that it was real.
If you read all of the comments, a coupe of them eventually get to debunking it. I doubt the sanity of anyone who could read it and think for a moment that it was real.

ROFL, that's what I get for not looking at it for more than 10 seconds....

The drawings of soros et al, though, are damned funny.

I have to admit my initial gut reaction was based on my personal
notions of skepticism about how the NRA (sometimes) does
business. While I find some of the stuff they send out to be informative,
some of it is simply alarmist pandering for more donations. Instead of trying
to preach to the choir for once maybe they should send out some booklets or something
on how to make persuasive arguments to non-gun people about gun ownership and gun
rights, eg, "how to talk to an anti" etc. A lot of us know how to be gentle but persuasive
with those people, but there are an awful lot of people who just bite their lip
because they don't know what to say or how to approach the issue.

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So what's the real origin of this? Obviously I smell a fake when the whole document isn't given (are they even from the same document?)

Nowhere do I see the NRA seal....

I had to skim through the comments sections because there is only so much of that stuff I can take.

Best part - "check out Jim Carey in the bottom middle square". Whomever drew that got Rebeca Peters dead nuts.

It seems like the main point of that whole thing is to try and make the NRA, which I am a member (epl plan) of, look like a bunch of racists. Which is moronic.
Despite what "some" gun owners think about the NRA, the antigun forces still appear to see the NRA as their major foe.

Kinda tells you something.
The first pic of Billery is from the cover of America's First Freedom - the latest one (for those of you who don't get that particular mag).
I just tried clicking on the link and it's telling me the file is damaged and cannot be repaired.

That's strange. First time I downloaded it I couldn't view the text, but the graphics came out fine.

Second time I did (to confirm the link to my post), it came out fine.

Try saving it to disk and see if that helps.

Maybe it's a browser issue... maybe it's an Adobe issue (or maybe it's the anti-gun loonies infecting our computers with a virus [wink] ).

Whomever put this out (for good or bad), it's pretty damn creative.
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