No name campaign

Nov 13, 2008
Texas. See ya later Suckachusetts
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These idiots are outside Faneuil hall right now
Moms Demand Action! I love trolling them on Twitter, good to see they're still making lemonade or whatever retarded bull**** they do. Some of their tweets are just straight-up lies, it's hilarious.
Im right down the street ... if I didn't have to WORK for a living maybe I could go out and join in the fun..
They probably were bused in. Also it is just a shot of one area. there may be no one or very little out of the frame. Also some people there may just be onlookers too.

Exactly, look for the professionally made signs and they will tell you what union or whatever group they belong too.
ask to see the permit to park the bus on National Park Service property

Why would that matter, didnt matter for the Occutards, word came right from Barry leave the little spoon fed trust fund basement dwellers alone to ruin Zuchotti Park. Anything Conservative based now they need the correct permits.
Too bad we couldn't have arranged to have someone cropdust the line. There's gotta be a place that sells mexican nearby.

Too bad we couldn't have arranged to have someone cropdust the line. There's gotta be a place that sells mexican nearby.


i would have gladly accepted this mission. my bowels are on the warpath today.

vodka doesn't mix well with salad.

you'd think i'd learn this by now.

but no.
No, so many people like to say that Republicans are as bad as Democrats. BIG difference.

True, but the current admin is made up of Libs NOT Democrats, those ppl in that crowd would without a dobt define themselves as libs. I know a few good Dems, pro2a,Veterans...However I have NEVER met lib I liked....even a ittle.
This is a joke right? Let me clarify, I agree he wouldn't recognize the party. but last greatest? Hardly.

I took that as the poster saying WE as hes a Democrat....not WE as the USA....but I may be wrong. Im not going to start comparing Reagan or anyone else its just to exhausting.
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