
I have to ask. Are there really no women where any of you live?

Unfortunately no, but a couple of floral duvets and a throw-rug or two, brightens up even the cloudiest day...

Warden said we couldn't spray paint the cell bars in 'Autumn Gold' any more... bummer, I'm pissed.

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My name is Julie, I got my LTC a little over a year ago. I live in Butlington, Ma. I first got a 380 EZ Shield that I love but ammo is hard to find (post covid) and is always so expensive. My 2nd purchase was a .22 Walther that I hated at 1st cuz it kept jamming but semi fixed that issue and now love it. I am self taught (by You Tube). I need classes! I am a member at a gun club in Dracut but want to find one closer to me....that’s affordable.
I dont know where Buttlington is, but I bet it will get some members excited.

The best range in that area is Reading Rifle and Revolver. Show up on a weekend and meet with the President, he is a great guy. It is not the cheapest, but it is by far one of the best clubs inside 495.
Wasn't that for Martha Coakley, Maura's predecessor?
I could be wrong, but Dimples was later...
Primary sources are difficult to find at this late date,
but it was Ted Kennedy's son "Patches" who screwed up her name.

But I go as far out of my way as necessary to apply it to her successor as well.
And will be doing it even if she's succeeded by Marian, Tom, Dick, or Harry.
It's Marsha, Marsha, Marsha all the way down.
Primary sources are difficult to find at this late date,
but it was Ted Kennedy's son "Patches" who screwed up her name.

But I go as far out of my way as necessary to apply it to her successor as well.
And will be doing it even if she's succeeded by Marian, Tom, Dick, or Harry.
It's Marsha, Marsha, Marsha all the way down.
Owe! My nose!
Obscure Brady Bunch reference
you guys are a little sluggish hitting the like button for julie. come on now, lets push for 250 "likes" by saturday midafternoon. the sky's the limit.
what do you want to train for? For small caliber marksmanship (bullseye) you can get good quality single shot airpistol cheap and go nuts in an apartment.
We use the Crosman 1377 American Classic. 10 pumps sends a .177 down range at 600 fps and that long barrel provides a lot of accuracy. The .177 pellet ammo that it fires is still cheap, even in these crazy times.
You animals are doing a disservice to the women who frequent the board. Do your leg humping off line please, this shit is getting old.

K-Dub, Yelena, Kris, Kim etc. have all disappeared. Does anyone wonder why?

Asking the leg humpers to control them selves would be too much. The usernames that start with "Mrs. ____" don't seem to get the same treatment. 🤔
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OP, if us neanderthals haven't scared you off, Sauer, Cowgirl and Minininjer are all genuine ladies. Minininjer can point you to some gun leather options if you're of a tiny build. They can also provide good tips on spraying the worst offenders with water (or mace) when they get out of line.

I was kind of gender neutral, not broadcasting when I joined. It was a nonissue, but fun. My friend @Cowgirlup figured it out, :). Too funny, and ya, nobody said much of a hello....

Even after you told me I wasn't quite certain. And then for a while I thought you were a dude that a little light in the loafers. It took you showing up at a Meat-Up in that green chiffon, off the shoulder thing to finally get it through my skull you really are a chica.
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