New Rep Levels

I was an EXPERT before and now I got demoted to MARKSMAN and I still have the same points !!

and I had to fling a lot of crap to get up to expert.[crying]

Me too Dennis...... I flung a lot of crap [smile] Went from Expert, to "Jewel in the rough" and now I'm a Marksman.

It better not be because someone watched me shoot this week! [wink]

It doesn't matter though, like most of the posters here, I still consider myself an expert!!! [smile]
I was on my way to distinguished... then Marksman and now "a plinker".... [thinking]

Not sure if that's good/bad, better/worse..... [rolleyes]
I'm a victim of my own suggestion. 'I can hit the barn". Someday...... maybe soon... I can be a 'Plinker' ![smile]

I think that anyone who made a suggestion that was used, should be given +100 rep points.[wink]
I don't think anyone deserves that stigma!!

I was on the distinguished road, now I can only hit the barn? [crying]
At least tell me it's the smaller than broadside of the barn!
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