New Jersey - You want a LTC you need to train. New Use of Force Interim Training For Private Citizen Concealed Carry

The training described in the OP is way more intense than the training cops get.

So, does that mean gun owners will not be liable of they use their gun jn self defense? ... because this training would make them more qualified than the "professionals".

There is truth in your sarcasm. Another negotiation attack surface. "The cops get qualified immunity, in part, because of their training so, what protections will be in place for licensed folks in a DGU now that you've set a training standard?"
"No!" is a losing strategy.
No is the only strategy.

Specifying training standards, Magazine limits, Needing a permit to buy and carry, MA Compliance, AWB Compliance, Pre ban mag compliance, Paying a fee to own a gun, storage restrictions, FA-10, registration at time of sale.................GMAFB.

We've negotiated enough of our rights away. I don't see any fxcking clauses having to be trained, or referencing training standards in the verbage of 2A. Along with any of the other bullshit listed above. Yet we negotiated it all for ourselves just because to "keep our rights".

Everyone knows they just further abuse the power, enough is enough.
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they just further abuse the power, enough is enough.
that was what people needed to say when they replaced horses with cars and made everyone to pay taxes and licenses over and over again for the right to use a same damn thing to move around.
Can someone explain to me why civilians in NJ can't have hollow point rounds? Are they more deadly than the ones their cops use?
Can someone explain to me why civilians in NJ can't have hollow point rounds? Are they more deadly than the ones their cops use?
Here's one for the brain itch. Apparently, (thought I don't know for sure) Hornady Critical Defense is permitted in N.J. because the split copper jacket and hollow pointy bit is filled with plastic.
Not at all. You're still assuming they're negotiating in good faith. You might recall, GOAL refused to negotiate on HD.4420.

This. I asked @SIGNES this in the other thread, too: do you believe they'd negotiate in good faith? His answer acknowledged that they would not.

So, I'll ask again in this thread: if New Jersey's legislators are not negotiating in good faith, what sense does it make for New Jersey's citizens to do so?
This. I asked @SIGNES this in the other thread, too: do you believe they'd negotiate in good faith? His answer acknowledged that they would not.

So, I'll ask again in this thread: if New Jersey's legislators are not negotiating in good faith, what sense does it make for New Jersey's citizens to do so?

GOAL's whole existence is as a lobbying organization.
They broke with that tradition, a tradition that gives them a seat at the table with the legislators and yet they came out as 100% opposed to 4420, and rallied a #$%storm of blowback instead in a manner entirely inconsistent with their previous approach.

Think real hard. Why?

Hint: It's not because GOAL thinks they'll succeed without negotiating.

Now, I'm done with this debate in this thread because, yeah, people need to train to get a permit in New Jersey and @Rob Boudrie is right, ADA and other issues are the way to attack the requirement.
Step #1 is to get "Training requirement" handled as a stand alone item, and debate/fight on the merits of that one alone.

The opposition is trying to play the game "Bundle, if we win on one we win on all".
That would be a great approach.

My big worry about training requirements isn't so much the qualification threshold (I think 'less than cops' is winnable and cop qual isn't that hard), it's who is allowed to certify training completion. I think their play will be "One test every six months at Moon Island run by a Statie with a weather cancelation postponing to the next slot six months away" or some other similarly unworkable process.

Also, I said this elsewhere but 25 yards is a tricky spec because defending a DGU at that range in court would be damned hard. Pointing out that setting the expectation that an LTC and qualification at that distance implied that was an appropriate condition to actually shoot in self defense is another strategy in the fight on the merits.
Ridiculous. This is like saying everybody must pass a multi-faceted English language test just to be able to speak freely.
Or get citizenship.... but that point will go over like a lead balloon in these here parts.
I lived in NJ many years ago and unless something has changed nobody every got a LTC. You could purchase and transport to the range but not carry.
This is somewhat akin to driver licensing testing.

However, driving an automobile is not a constitutionally protected RIGHT
I don't see this standing up under court scrutiny.

Particularly as implementation of it WILL absolutely result in people being rejected.
This is the exact same thing as a drivers license and converts the right to keep and bear arms as a privilege, the right to travel is protected
They infringe on that right by not permitting you the most common means if travel without permission, a firearm is one of the most common means of self defense.

Driving is a right that has been turned into a privilege as a means to control the population.
i think the only point was to make test requirements as close to unpassable as possible for those who are untrained.

also interesting to see them demanding rapid fire - "15-Yard Line. Time: 5 seconds. 3 rounds." that would make half on our state fudd ROs to lose their shit and start hopping with their walking canes toward the offender. they indeed took some standardized police or military test and just retrofitted it.
If their ranges are like the FUDD one in Charlestown, NH no one will ever qualify. You aren't allowed to fire more than one round every five seconds at that range. So no one could ever practice to meet the standard.
Training requirements are not only a clear infringement, but there is no evidence that they will fix a problem (which doesn’t exist anyway)
I was doing a job with a coworker in N Virginia. He's a life long resident of Arlington MA. He's older (late 60's) and very intelligent (MIT EE alum). I've enjoyed many chats with him on everything from technical issues to political policy. He is of course a lefty, but not obnoxious about it. He also has the character (lost art) to be able to let someone have a different opinion without casting aspersions or questioning someone's intelligence. He and I have discussed firearms several times and he has actually asked me about formal training....he may take a trip to my local range one day.

Anyway, I mentioned that it is entirely possible he might see someone open carry because Virginia required those without a permit, to open carry (not sure if it is still that way).

He perked up and started to pay attention as I explained the differences in licensed vs non licensed carry. He said "I would feel better if I saw someone with a pistol knowing they were licensed and trained, that they wouldn't just react and pull it out". I then had to explain, that those are the people who carry concealed and based on my trip to the local range there were tons of them. He honestly believe if someone had a gun they were very likely to use it. I knew I couldn't change that belief, so I went after the training myth.

I asked him point blank what tragedy/shooting would have been helped by training? Have you ever heard of a mass shooter who would have been stopped by training? How about a car jacker who needed training? a 13 year kid killed by a stray bullet cause a gang banger wasn't properly trained? Or a 7 yr old kid who shot his friend after he found Dad's gun? What problem is it exactly that you think training will help with?

So it's really a comfort thing I think that seems intuitive to believers, but has little evidence to back it up.
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Ok Broc. So, lets say there's a live fire qualification requirement in the new bill. (Based on R.I. and 4420 there will be),

Do you just shout "No!" and do nothing else but complain to the minority of legislators who'll vote against it and ineffectually to those who'd vote for a complete ban, or do you say:

"10 rounds from a pistol in the ten ring at 500 yards is absurd, These legislators are demonstrably uninformed because it's 50x more stringent than police qualification" and try to get to a saner standard? Including all the time it takes to sort that out.

Not that you've shown any sign of paying attention to the details of my argument, confronting them with the comparison to the police standard is a winning PR strategy when painting them as overreaching and it's still true almost no matter what the test standard they set.

If the training standard in the next bill is even half as stringent as the cops. "These legislators are demanding civilians be at least half as good as paid LEOs, the standard is unreasonable. We don't insist drivers can manage a handbrake turn or be able to navigate a cone course at speed to let them drive and yet they want gun owners to show they can do the equivalent for an LTC."

If they don't specify any standard, then that too, is an attack surface against the proposed legislation that even the fence sitters can get behind as means to slow/change/block the legislation.

Then... if we got to something remotely like an acceptable standard, the next 'negotiation' is who will administer the tests. If it's LEO only, then it's where, how much, at what expense to the taxpayer?

Every single step of this process involving a negotiation is an upside in terms of time to pass (slower is better if you believe more of currently pending or new cases will improve things) and a livable interim set of conditions while new cases are filed.

"No!" is a losing strategy.

Dude, wake up. Please, never leave MA. NJ might want you.

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If their ranges are like the FUDD one in Charlestown, NH no one will ever qualify. You aren't allowed to fire more than one round every five seconds at that range. So no one could ever practice to meet the standard.
Gather all members together that want to actually train and have everyone do mags dumps at once. The old dickhead fudds that live at the range and act like they own the place will either stroke out or learn to not be faggots. I can’t stand places (or people) like that.
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