New ALERT for H. 4552

One other question.... is there any legislation or something in the works
to allow the humble serevants of the commonwealth to order ammo
and reloading supplies via mail order....


No chance of that!

If they wanted to, EOPS could release a CMR with a procedure for inmates of PRM to order ammo/supplies from out of state. From what I understand, there is no interest in GCAB/EOPS to tackle this. Best guess is that the AG is a "stronger" person than the yellow-spined Sec of Public Safety.
Marcus in the Darkus said:
Ahh, it appears that our favorite Senator Barrios has saved the day.

Senator Pam Resor actually wrote back to me regarding the email I sent a few weeks ago urging her to support H4552. Here's what she said:

Any suggestions on how best to respond?

Take her to a match. Let her try it herself. Make sure she has a good time. Make sure she sees guns as good, not evil.
C-pher, re-read the GOAL URL you posted, it answers your questions.

Briefly . . .

Some day! (probably be 6 months minimum before you see the first list)

GCAB recommends to EOPS. Sec of Public Safety accepts/rejects/ignores GCABs recommendations. He "writes the list".

Nobody, it doesn't work that way.
I read the link...

Instructs the Executive Office of Public Safety, with the Advice of the Gun Control Advisory Board, to create a list of formal target shooting firearms that shall be exempt from the testing criteria.

I guess I'm just out of touch as I don't know who these offices the GCAB part of the CHSB?

Why do I have a feeling that almost nothing is going to be on this list?
Marcus in the Darkus said:
Ahh, it appears that our favorite Senator Barrios has saved the day.

Senator Pam Resor actually wrote back to me regarding the email I sent a few weeks ago urging her to support H4552. Here's what she said:

Thank you for your correspondence regarding H 4552 "An Act Protecting the Rights of Target SHooters." In the past I have supported legislation that prohibits the purchase of certain guns that are extremely lethal, as well as high powered weapons that can be used in warfare, sniper activity or other non-recreational activities. I have read the Gun Owner's Action League fact sheet that explains H4552. My initial response is to be supportive of recreational activities that include Olympic style pistol shooting, international practical shooting competition and single action pistol competitions. I would welcome any more information that you could send me to know more about this sport and the guns used in them before I make up my mind.

Thank you again for your correspondence and I look forward to hearing from you.

Any suggestions on how best to respond?

I got the same B.S. letter.

I have supported legislation that prohibits the purchase of certain guns that are extremely lethal

Well, it doesn't sound like the bill ended up being everything we wanted, but it's something. Called Travaglini's office and Jack Hart's office and thanked them for doing what I asked of them.
GCAB is an appointed body, most appointed by the Governor. Chief Ron Glidden is the chairman.

EOPS is run by the Secretary of Public Safety (appointee by the Governor).

Both are independent of each other, but GCAB is an "advisory" only board that reports to EOPS. Sec. of Public Safety can accept/reject/ignore whatever they do.

Ron will try, but he is a strict "law and order guy". Per this bill, any gun that was EVER advertised ANYWHERE in the WORLD as a "plinking gun" in marketing literature will be DOA and can't be added to this List.

AG can still over-rule anything with "consumer protection" as his cover.

Better than being poked in the eye with a sharp stick, but certainly isn't a real answer to the problem. Don't expect too many guns other than some space guns, Pardinis, etc. to be added to this List. For instance, I wouldn't expect a S&W 41 (already approved anyway) or HS Victor to ever make this List, although both are really only target guns . . . because you could shoot a rabbit/squirrel with one of them!

So the key will be that the marketing literature will have to be as pure as the driven snow . . . target only . . . or it's ineligible for the List.

FYI, i got some email yesterday about H4552, its being stalled i think in the HOuse, the email strongly contacting your REPRESENTATIVE.

The source of this info is very credible....

Anyone else aware of this. I sent my letter out last night...

I was told that it's already dead. That it ends sometime this week and Goal with have to refile next year. Maybe next year the single action piece will make it! Although, we all no it won't. They are just so unsafe and have constant malfunctions! Thank god we have the AG to protect us....
So...does this mean that the work to get it through the Senate is wasted? I don't know enough about the legislative process.

What I'm imagining is this: if the bill is not passed tomorrow, it dies completely. Next year a new bill has to be drawn up and passed through both houses.

Am I correct? Incorrect?

You are correct . . . if we get real lucky!

Each legislative session starts over just like "it never was even thought of before". Includes all the ban all guns, insurance on each gun, etch S/N on ammo, etc. bills as well.
LenS said:
Legislative year ends Friday, June 30th in MA!

I certainly thought so, as the fiscal year for many also ends on that date. However, Michelle at GOAL said the deadline is NEXT month.

I have my doubts in that regard....
I've read the June 30th date in numerous published (non-gun) sources as the end of "formal sessions". They will usually come back for special items (budget, Constitutional Convention on gay rights, etc.) or non-controversial "clean up items", but not for controversial items that won't win them votes come election time (e.g. helping legal gun owners).
Continue discussion of H4552, implementation (assuming Gov doesn't veto it), etc. here.

I'm not holding my breath on this one. Unlike CA where SAA and such are automatically exempt. I'm not seeing a lot of pistols being put on this list.

While now most SAA pistols are used for cowboy action shooting...there are still people that carry them and use them for things other than cowboy shooting. SO, like Len has been saying, seeing a lot of these on the list isn't very probable.

I think that the same is going to go for 1911s and the like. While they can be dressed up to a race gun, the basic platform is a 1911 and that in itself isn't a target pistol.
Cross-X said:
Guess what bill this might be?
Is this the bill that completely does away with the communist gun control acts of this state, while simultaneously, doing away with ALL licensing, and puts that Jackhole Tommy boy in jail???
Adam_MA said:
Is this the bill that completely does away with the communist gun control acts of this state, while simultaneously, doing away with ALL licensing, and puts that Jackhole Tommy boy in jail???

I want some of what you're smoking! [laugh2]
Call me pessimestic...I called, I hounded, and kept checking back, I sent letters, I sent e-mails...I did what I could.

But I don't think that this is going to do much of anything for the average sports shooter. CAS, IPSC, IDPA, etc...
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