N.Y. Man Arrested for Having Two Extra Bullets, Violating State’s 7-Bullet Cap

Why feel sorry for him? Everyone here knows the law is 7 rounds, my guess is he did also. Until the law is changed he is just giving law abiding guns owners a more hassles by doing something stupid like this. I can't see how you can feel sorry for him when he broke more than one law, no matter how bad one of them is!

This post is why this once great country sucks,it's a shame that your response is the only thing learned from that incident.

Your overlords are so proud of you right now.
I hate to be a cynic, but in 15 years you won't be able to even carry if we keep going at this rate. When is okay to break the law? If a rash of crimes were committed by Jews and the government made it a crime to do business with them--then you broke it how righteous would you be?

1.) Mag bans are unconstitutional and thus illegal
2.) Carry permits are unconstitutional and thus illegal

All this talk is worth nothing because anyone here could run afoul of the supposedly "common sense" gun laws. And while talk is cheap and I often complain, I will spend the day trying to figure out the facts of this case and who the lawyer is I need to make a check payable to...
A little history lesson:

When DC vs. Heller first went to the appeals court, there were seven plaintiffs and the case was actually "Parker vs. DC". It was ruled that six of the plaintiffs did not have standing to sue since they had not suffered injury in fact, and only Dick Heller had suffered injury due to the DC laws. You can't score if you're not holding the ball, and thanks to Heller's standing, we now have incorporation of 2A.

Look at it this way: We're a thousand times better off getting legislation ruled unconstitutional than leaving it on the books under some feeble hope of nonenforcement. We now have a person who has unquestionable standing against the radical NY legislation and can now start the process to get his case to the USSC. NYSP just gave us the ball. Time to push towards the end zone.

Could this guy have been a Trojan horse? We can always hope. We need to start playing dirty like the libs.
It's just a matter of time before they try and pull this shit on some 82 year old, pro 2A curmudgeon vet who's wife and faithful dog died years ago and is just absolutely itching for a righteous blaze of glory to exit this world in.
When laws become absolute there can be no justice.
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There are two issues of constitutionality with this case. First, the obvious 2A stuff. Secondly, the fourth, the Governments second favorite ammendment to take a dump on. What right did they have to search his vehicle? Did he consent to the search? Ive learned the lovely phrase " Sorry officer I do not consent to any searches of person or property". It sure pisses LEO's off but also protects you. I think it all hinges on if he gave permission or not.
It's just a matter of time before they try and pull this shit on some 82 year old, pro 2A curmudgeon vet who's wife and faithful dog died years ago and is just absolutely itching for a righteous blaze of glory to exit this world in.
When laws become absolute there can be no justice.

when will you retards realize the battle is not with the cops- it is with the court system.

this will be won in the the ballot box,or in court.

the cop just starts the process.

making him the judge and jury is moronic.

when will you retards realize the battle is not with the cops- it is with the court system.

this will be won in the the ballot box,or in court.

the cop just starts the process.

making him the judge and jury is moronic.

Partial credit. You do not have to enforce unlawful laws. "I was only following orders" is not an excuse.
It may be more policy than the trooper. Certain offenses a treated, by policy, as "mandatory arrest" and the officer prohibited by policy from exercising discretion. If such is the case here, it would take a willingness to put one's pension at risk to look the other way on an 8 round offense//

It may be policy, but the cop can still look the other way. It is easy to pretend not to see something, just don't actually put in the report what he did.
Son, does it hurt to be so stupid or does it just feel natural after a while?

Nah - becoming stupid would hurt, as you'd still remember having been smart. The nice gentleman cannot feel the lack of what he never had, whether it's a brain, a spine, two balls or any combination thereof.

And on a little tangent here... If y'all did not read Flowers for Algernon yet, do so - you'll be glad you did.


Steve, I won't go back to lurking. That is how I feel about it....

bmach, by all means keep talking. The more you talk, the more we can appreciate what you bring to this forum.

And we have some great thread for sharing feelings - just keep posting.

I will close with an apocryphal quote which comes too late for you:
"It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt"
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I am curious, if the law does get struck down, would this guy's arrest be null and void, and it stripped from his record?

well... if convicted and appealed to the supremes, i imagine if overturned and the law declared unconst. then sure....

ETA: oh, the arrest? probably not.... the conviction (if any) maybe... but he was still arrested, whether lawful or not...
I am curious, if the law does get struck down, would this guy's arrest be null and void, and it stripped from his record?

The arrest will always be on his record.

How Law Enforcement and the Legal System really view verdicts:

Guilty = Guilty
CWAF = Guilty, but the Judge and Prosecutor gave you a break
Not Guilty = Guilty, but you hired a good Lawyer.
The arrest will always be on his record.

How Law Enforcement and the Legal System really view verdicts:

Guilty = Guilty
CWAF = Guilty, but the Judge and Prosecutor gave you a break
Not Guilty = Guilty, but you hired a good Lawyer.

I'm pretty sure it can be vacated (or whatever the correct legal term is) by some court order.
Unbefrigginlievable. I'm willing to bet the arresting officer is a f*cking a$$hole. If the guy is legally carrying and breaking no other law, you're going to jam him up over two goddamn rounds in his handgun?


Why feel sorry for him? Everyone here knows the law is 7 rounds, my guess is he did also. Until the law is changed he is just giving law abiding guns owners a more hassles by doing something stupid like this. I can't see how you can feel sorry for him when he broke more than one law, no matter how bad one of them is!
You must have graduated from your indoctrination with high honors. sheep.jpg
1) It's always fun to be the first cop to charge someone with a new crime.
2) Maybe lots of overtime for court proceedings
3) I wonder if the cop wanted to be nicer, which would be worse for the guy: The 9 rounds in the mag or if the cop popped two rounds off the top onto the floor of the car, and they were found.
4) A nice cop could have palmed a couple of rounds for a licensed guy who had a traffic violation.
5) See #1
It may be more policy than the trooper.

If policy required me to jail people for doing what they have the right to do, or what I am currently doing while arresting them for doing the same thing, I'd find another job. Any man with a spine would do the same. Cowards and thugs do what the "trooper" did.
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