My AR is ready for you,’ Texas lawmaker tells Beto O’Rourke over mandatory buybacks

All I've been trying to say, is that you are hearing things in the mainstream now that would not have been remotely acceptable 50 years ago. There's a reason for that. Whether or not it is intentional is up for debate. The fact that retarded shit (not just guns) is openly discussed and taken seriously means that the window is most definitely moving left.

We have to be careful though, there's a huge distinction of what "mainstream" actually is. If we're talking about shit you hear on the noisebox, sure, but what people on the ground are talking about (and are willing to tolerate) is a whole other thing entirely... and I think the gap between those two things is bigger than it's ever been. If the window was pervasive left on everything, someone like Trump would have never been elected. I mean look at
the foil those people put up- and somehow the public saw right through all of it. That's not a miracle- it's because things like the MSM (and the elites that run it) are often firmly outside of the "thought window" of most of the nation. I think a lot of people have tuned these f***ers out too, but the ratings agencies etc are helping them
promote a lie.... eventually the horse is going to exit the barn on that though. (Fun corollary- you ever see the
big short? If bond rating agencies were willing to lie about the worthiness of FINANCIAL instruments for the sake
of profit, it's not too hard of a stretch to imagine that neilsen and others are playing a rigged game once in awhile. )

ETA: Also, as others indicated- people like Swinestine were openly talking about taking guns back in the 90s. So Beto's assertion doesn't make this "new idea". People were talking about taking handguns after RFK was assinated, although this is likely the first time a presidential candidate has openly yapped about taking guns, so I'll give you that....

I see what you are saying though, and in some cases the bullshit in the window has gone 110% chronic/pervasive, depending on the subject matter. For example 30 years ago a kid under 12 roaming around on their own
was normal. Unless the kid looked retarded or was doing something dangerous or asked for help nobody said boo. Now because of overton window shifting and a massive child fetish/guilt complex, people will call the kopsch if they see a "young" kid by themselves. With that retardation it's only a matter of time where "the kid lost in the grocery store" ends up always being a DYS/DCF whatever investigation. (maybe it's already that f***ed up?). The fact that free range parents have to give their kids like special cards to show people that they're "not unsafe" being alone, is completely and utterly f***ed up.

We have to be careful though, there's a huge distinction of what "mainstream" actually is. If we're talking about shit you hear on the noisebox, sure, but what people on the ground are talking about (and are willing to tolerate) is a whole other thing entirely... and I think the gap between those two things is bigger than it's ever been. If the window was pervasive left on everything, someone like Trump would have never been elected.
...which is precisely why the Donks are working overtime, as we speak, at cheating. And by "cheating" I am including changes to election laws (e.g. "ballot harvesting") that would otherwise be considered other-than-Cricket.
I think the name (Beto) can go either on the front, or the end of the phrase. It would appear to have more impact on the front. There are people on this site who are much more fluent than me. One of them could give a better answer. As far as Ancient Greek, I will try to ask someone at Church.
Bobby Frank is one of those rich kids who are so lucky that they were born rich, because otherwise they'd starve to death.
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One things for certain... the ridiculousness of his comments has gotten his name back in the news, at least for a little while.
It's only because he's so far back in the polls that he can afford to say what he did, and he has nothing to lose by saying it.
If he were one of the top 3-4 contenders, I kind'a doubt he would have taken that gamble.

One things for certain... the ridiculousness of his comments has gotten his name back in the news, at least for a little while.
It's only because he's so far back in the polls that he can afford to say what he did, and he has nothing to lose by saying it.
If he were one of the top 3-4 contenders, I kind'a doubt he would have taken that gamble.
Really? Maybe he has nothing to lose by it, but some Dems in the Senate believe that they have something to lose

Dem Senators Fear O'Rourke Torpedoed Gun Control with Confiscation Push

Hopefully dumbass Beto’s statements get Fudds and average Americans to see what all of this is aiming for
"The clownish antics of Tex Kennedy, that drunk driving furry and El Paso punchline, are much less funny now that he is promising to convert millions of Americans into felons and send armed government agents to their homes to steal their constitutionally-guaranteed property. Maybe he doesn’t know – whether due to pharmaceuticals or simply because he’s stupid – that two Democratic administrations ago, right up the road, the feds sent a bunch of armed men to take the forbidden guns of some people who were minding their own business and it turned out poorly. That debacle resulted in four dead ATF agents and over 70 dead civilians – including dozens of kids the feds burned alive."
"The clownish antics of Tex Kennedy, that drunk driving furry and El Paso punchline, are much less funny now that he is promising to convert millions of Americans into felons and send armed government agents to their homes to steal their constitutionally-guaranteed property. Maybe he doesn’t know – whether due to pharmaceuticals or simply because he’s stupid – that two Democratic administrations ago, right up the road, the feds sent a bunch of armed men to take the forbidden guns of some people who were minding their own business and it turned out poorly. That debacle resulted in four dead ATF agents and over 70 dead civilians – including dozens of kids the feds burned alive."

Yep, he's playing with fire and doesn't have a clue how to extinguish it once it's out of control.

If he were smart he'd shut his ignorant pie hole before its too late.
I like the door mount (belly button height) welcome box with the remote door bell actuator! It would also look great as a belt buckle on a welcome Gnome!
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