More anti BS from the NYT

Here is the problem, what is "military-style assault weapons " really? The brain washed is deep
I'm amazed this clown can write being that f**king stupid.
From the comments section

Why the gun industry is less liable than any other industry is a puzzle to me. I am certain that BP had no interest in flooding the Gulf with crude oil, yet persons harmed by that oil were allowed to bring suit and win damages against the company. The same is true of chemical companies that pollute our streams, or asbestos mining companies that place their mineral in products that harm our environment. None of these industries rightly mean to sell or produce harm, yet all have been and will be sued for the harm they have created. That is one of the things our legal system is built to resolve.

Why then do we allow arms manufactures off the legal hook? Our legal system is created to solve issues just like the suit proposed by the Sandy Hook parents. It should be allowed to go forward. We are a society based on laws,
No mention of the fact that the government created these gun free zones and stripped everyone who is anyone from having a gun legally on the premises which totally prevented any chance for intervention prior to the massacre. Do I know if a good guy with a gun would have stood a chance? No, I do not know. But what I do know is we'll never know because the law forced everyone in that school capable of being armed and potentially turning the gunman away to be unarmed. No resistance equals 20 dead children. Thank you Democrats.
I'm amazed this clown can write being that f**king stupid.
From the comments section

They closed the comments so no one can respond to this crap. The whole thing about suing BP is nonsense. Suing gun manufacturers for criminal acts committed with firearms would be analogous to suing BP because a drunk driver killed someone and had filled his gas tank at a BP station.
And people should be able to sue media outlets when they air, publish, or print stories about them that are filled with half truths and skewed to inflate public perception against those people thereby ruining there lives. But you can't sue unless you can prove the story had malicious intent. So you have the media that has their exemption crying that no other industry should have the same protection.
Beyond seeking damages, the Sandy Hook parents aim to force the AR-15 off the market. “The AR-15 is the weapon of choice for shooters looking to inflict maximum casualties, and American schools are on the forefront of such violence,”

Hey genius, if that happens, there will simply be something else to take its place as the "weapon of choice".
Hey genius, if that happens, there will simply be something else to take its place as the "weapon of choice".

These are the same people that run around saying "We need to find a cure for cancer!".

You know, because if we cured cancer, no one would ever die of something else. Let alone the fact that "cancer" is not a single entity, it's a goddamn huge group of things. [hmmm]
Very impressive! That actually takes the #1 spot for the stupidest anti article I've ever read. I lost count of factual errors and logical fallacies.
It's interesting how Antis have given up on the term "assault weapon" in favor of "assault rifle"
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