Milsurp Family Album (rev 4/06)


NES Member
Apr 26, 2005
"Live Free or Die" Hampton, NH
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Ok, well, since I'm suffering through my current self-imposed Milsurp personal embargo, I thought I should document where I stopped in 2006:


Left to right:

Russian/Tokarev SVT-40 (1941)
Mosin Nagant 91/30 (1932)
Yugo SKS 59/66A1 (1967?)
Finnish/Sako M39 (1944)
FN49 (manuf date unknown)
Eddystone Model of 1917 (1918)
Underwood M-1 Carbine (1943)
Enfield No.4 Mk 1 (1943)
Yugo 24/52-C Mauser (1952)
Schmidt-Rubin K31 (1949)
Carl Gustaf M96/b Swede Mauser (1915)
Springfield Armory M-1 Garand (1954)
Springfield Armory Model 1903A1 (1938)
Springfield Armory M1A Super Match (not a milsurp, but in the family)
Milsurp family Album

Well Mil-4 i think im close to you as far as im short 3 of those unless you will
let me count two Mod-38 swede,s instead of the one m-96 and i dont have a
yugo 24/52 or a Fn-49 or a SVT-40 but it looks like im way-behind in the
Bayonet Department!! but good news i just got my Enfield No1 MkIII Bayonet
and a FREE C.T.M.E.Bayo just like you told Me!! by BTW that Endfield Bayo
i super (under all the Grease) thanks for that info!! S.D.
What I want to know is - where you took the it in the line of sight from neighbors???? [laugh] [laugh] [laugh]

Nice collection hun...I'm green at the moment.

It's a repro M39 bayonet that I got online - actually I got two of them, so I'm looking to sell one at cost right now. They are both brand new, and in beautiful shape - and stamped with a current date so there's no confusion about them being repro's.

Sure beats the $300 - $450 I've seen at gun shows and on-line for the real ones.

The bayo's for the 1903 and 1917 are repro's as well. Just can't see spending that kind of money to pull them out of the safe once or twice a year. These work just fine for me.

The fun part is when I bring them to one of my club's Home Firearms Safety courses for "show and tell."

Lynne & Type:

Don't worry... they were safely screened by the privet hedge that is now leafing out quite nicely. Otherwise, you might have seen a story in the news by now about the "crazy guy with an arsenal."
Nice collection!!!!

I don't have any american surplus stuff yet.

BTW; I'm on the wagon too no more surplups for a while. I was a good boy all last year till christmas too. Its been from christmas on i've been a bad man.
I just got my pension now and been banking it ever since but i searching for that one retirement special buy kind of a retirement present to me from me.

I haven't purchased a surplup in over a week now!!!!
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