Men tote assault rifles at Obama event

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I'd love to smack Campbell Brown. F the liberal media.
I can't believe she is so lib. During the campaign I kinda thought she was neutral but she is only for her rights not ours.
According to the current rhetoric, exercising our 1st Amendment rights and speaking up against the Government is also stupid and dangerous. What a co-inky-dink.
this whole mess was created by Obama when he used the internet to win the presidency and now that it is coming back to bite him in the ass he wants that stopped ASAP if not sooner. Lets all turn each other in for having an opinion that differs from the ONE, that will fix things quickly.[thinking]

Guys can't we talk about sports or Brangelina or octomom? All this talk, although I understand totally legal under the 1st amendment, is not talk that will put us in a good light with some people.
This is a joke right? I think somebody else wloud be wondering if you should be makin sammiches for your BF. Keep the train rolling, this can only get better from here.

If the libs had there way and all guns were taken and destroyed can you imagine the vacuum that would be created in this country. It would be lawless in days and any other country could invade without so much as a whimper except for the few left in uniform. The military would be outnumbered and the people would act like the sheep in High Plains Drifter when their neighbors are being raped and tortured.
he's being sarcastic, Lynne. if there's one guy who's got your back on this one it's Gonzo. [wink]

Oh I know that from his posts luv. I should have added that I wasn't talking to him specifically, just using his post as an example to respond to some people who I know would agree with him (not knowing his sense of humor) [wink] I didn't mean to single you out as "one of them" Gonzo hun. [grin] [wink]
The day you only eat granola, stop working and start looking like a hippie. Hippies stink...

Actually this usually happens after the home team wins the big one or when a minority is killed by the police or something similar and riots break out.
Hippies are usually too busy getting high to riot.
Guys can't we talk about sports or Brangelina or octomom? All this talk, although I understand totally legal under the 1st amendment, is not talk that will put us in a good light with some people.

Beautiful example! Exactly the argument against open carry, applied to the 1st Amendment!
you think people are mad about Health care? Take away their right to bear arms and watch what happens.
I hope you closet sheep are planning on going to DC in the spring of 2010. A lot of talk about rights and how we can exercise them. You better put your money where your mouth is and make a showing.
It was a good example, save for the Octomom reference, which is sooo April 2009, a lifetime ago mushbrainland! [wink]

Except octomom is back in the news with her Fox reality show. Fox, the height of class in programming. [rolleyes]

Although, it is a good way for us to see our govt dollars at work supporting her litter of puppies. With luck an earthquake will hit CA and "fix" that mistake.
It's amazing the police department and mayor both had no problems with it.

Again lets pretend we don't have them and maybe the liberals won't try to pass more laws.


Exactly Derek. The antis will never be satisfied. They just take advantage of us when we play nice. It is time to take a stand. We have already lost too much ground.
First, if there's going to be an organized, New Hampshire, Open-Carry high-way pick-up, please let me know. I would love to participate. Let's support a clearer enviornment, community action and constitutional rights all at once.

Second, to the Secret Service, a person with an open-carry weapon posses less of a threat than a person suspected of concealled carry. A person likely to cause problems is unlikely to announce themselves through openly carrying their weapon. You assign one person to watch the Open Carrier and they keep an eye on the weapon.
A rifle is even easier to track since it takes longer and more distinct movement to bring to bear than a handgun. A guy with an AR-15 slung over his shoulder is going to drop dead before he can make the weapon ready to fire. Drawing a pistol from a drop holster is an easier action to conceal in a crowd and thus requires closer observation.

Third, In a presidential situation, it is more likely that the Secret Service is worried that the open-carry character is a decoy intended to distract them from the actual threat, placing the rest of the service on higher alert looking for others who are carrying concealled.

But keep in mind, if you are open-carrying, there may well be a sharpshooter who spends the rest of his day tracking you with his scope waiting to see if you make even the slightest attempt to make the weapon ready.
Oh I know that from his posts luv. I should have added that I wasn't talking to him specifically, just using his post as an example to respond to some people who I know would agree with him (not knowing his sense of humor) [wink] I didn't mean to single you out as "one of them" Gonzo hun. [grin] [wink]

I've been called worse. [wink]

I actually ended up geting married due to a misunderstanding. [rofl]
I hope you closet sheep are planning on going to DC in the spring of 2010. A lot of talk about rights and how we can exercise them. You better put your money where your mouth is and make a showing.


Is there a million riflemen march being planned???
I'm 30, and didn't grow up with guns... but I've heard many stories of generations before mine growing up with guns in their daily lives. As children, they'd bring their shotguns and rifles to schools, slung across their shoulders etc. because they were going hunting afterward... and this was commonplace. Guns were not bad. They were just... guns. You hunted with them. You had fun with them. And when you needed to, you protected yourself with them.

Not anymore.

The ONLY reason the sheep are afraid of guns now... as opposed to before... is because the openness of guns slowly disappeared from daily life, for whatever reasons. And now there are whole generations of people who grew up without firearms... who don't know anything about guns... and who believe what they see in the media. ie, guns are about death, hate, violence and crime.

It's these people who don't understand firearms, who believe firearms are the embodiment of evil... who are the ones passionately fighting to get guns banned.

We have to get guns back out into the OPEN. We have to get guns back into the daily lives of American citizens. We have to SHOW the sheep that guns are not about death, hate, violence and crime. That guns can, AND DO, exist in a peaceful society without causing their owners to become mass murderers, etc.

Talking to the sheep is not doing enough. We've all come across sheep that just can't be talked to. Although we always have to continue talking... we have to start showing as well.

The NH and AZ events have gotten the ball rolling. And 2 birds are being killed with one stone. 1) .Gov is being reminded that they serve We The People...and 2) The people are being reminded that guns aren't evil. That gun owners aren't nutjobs. And that guns can, and do, exist peacefully in society.

The more people we get out there OCing peacefully... the more commonplace firearms will become... The more commonplace firearms become, the less they will be misunderstood.

The NH and AZ events have gotten the ball rolling. And 2 birds are being killed with one stone. 1) .Gov is being reminded that they serve We The People...and 2) The people are being reminded that guns aren't evil. That gun owners aren't nutjobs. And that guns can, and do, exist peacefully in society.

The more people we get out there OCing peacefully... the more commonplace firearms will become... The more commonplace firearms become, the less they will be misunderstood.


I am tickled pink at what has been happening here with the OC. I am a big fan of making the anti's play defense. It is sorely needed. But with rights comes responsibilities. Any Open Carriers at these events have to be super vigilant and not do anything wrong as they in a political sense they represent us. This isn't a time for cowboys. Anyone who does this have to have a steady hand a cool head.
Jesus!?[rolleyes] everyone welcome the new troll to NES.

I'm with you derek, the time for tip toeing around is over. Really? Really drawing un wanted attention? Some of you think this is unwanted attention? If anything it shows some people can bring guns out in public and not cause harm. GEE what a novel Idea!

Un-wanted attention is from some douchey kid who jerks off everynight to jedi posters and goes to school and blows away the teacher for "picking" on him in class. Thats unwanted attention to gun owners!

I'm so sick of the notion that rights are something I'm supposed to manage and turn on and off. No I have a god given right to live as a free man and speak my mind. I have the right to own and carry a gun. These are un-negotiable and if anyone trys to take away those or any of my rights for that matter, there will be consequences.

The big picture here is the guberment is trying to force a VERY VERY bad thing down the throats of the American people and if there was ever a time to stand your ground and do what this guy did, who yes I believe is a patriot, than now is that time. If this gun owner is pissed about health care what exactly do you think would happen if they tried to collect everyones guns.....[thinking]
I am tickled pink at what has been happening here with the OC. I am a big fan of making the anti's play defense. It is sorely needed. But with rights comes responsibilities. Any Open Carriers at these events have to be super vigilant and not do anything wrong as they in a political sense they represent us. This isn't a time for cowboys. Anyone who does this have to have a steady hand a cool head.

What sends a bigger message to the .gov that enough is enough?

1.) The liberal hippy holding a sign and screaming for free health care

2.) The armed, articulate, well dressed professional quietly holding a sign in protest of the overbearing federal government?
I am tickled pink at what has been happening here with the OC. I am a big fan of making the anti's play defense. It is sorely needed. But with rights comes responsibilities. Any Open Carriers at these events have to be super vigilant and not do anything wrong as they in a political sense they represent us. This isn't a time for cowboys. Anyone who does this have to have a steady hand a cool head.

Agreed. The #1 priority for anyone OC'ing should be to keep a cool head. Afterall, one of the points is to show that guns are a NON event.
....When the hell did guns become a bad thing? ...... I can't believe the opinions that I am hearing in here......The 2nd Amendment is to remind the government that they serve us not the other way around.....

I completely agree!

WTF happened to NES? Someone left the gate open and the sheep wondered in.

I can't see how this is going to hurt us. The reason the libs don't go after the 'hunters' is because they know the numbers of voters they represent. If we show them how many people carry for defense or just 2A they will have to rethink their position if they value their job.

These incidents have created discussions and media attention. Now is the time to seize these conversations and media events to show we aren't a bunch of psychos.

More power to ANYONE who wants to put themselves in the spot light in defense of their RIGHTS!
A black powder rifle would probably have made the same point but with far less chance of misinterpretation. Don't get me wrong - I 100% agree with the sentiment here but from a marketing perspective it has a lot of potential downside. It does us no good to piss off the antis, and if there's one thing that pisses off antis it's evil black rifles.
my fav comment "you're going to let people carry automatic weapons near people? Probably had Secret Service agents following 3 steps behind them not to mention snipers paying close attention…"

Last time I checked, SS and snipers are people rite... carrying weapons very close to other people...
It does us no good to piss off the antis, and if there's one thing that pisses off antis it's evil black rifles.

They hate us no matter what. They will attack us until they reach their goal. Period. It doesn't get any clearer than that. It doesn't matter if we bought them all houses, they will still come for us. It's pretty cut and dry.
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