MD - Off Duty Officer Shoots, Kills Man After Dispute

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Jul 30, 2009
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Tyrone Brown, a 32-year-old former Marine from East Baltimore, was out with his sister and her friend enjoying the Mount Vernon club scene early Saturday when he may have taken one of his trademark jokes too far. Glancing at a woman in an alley off East Eager Street, he put his hands on her behind.

Police said the woman's companion, an off-duty Baltimore police officer, got into an argument and physical confrontation with Brown after they left the club Eden's Lounge. His sister said there was no fight, and that her brother apologized and tried to walk away. What happened next is not in dispute — the officer pulled out his department-issued Glock handgun and fired at the unarmed Brown 13 times from just a few feet away.....,0,806075.story
the officer pulled out his department-issued Glock handgun and fired at the unarmed Brown 13 times from just a few feet away..

Hoping to move up to the NYPD?
how is putting your hands on the ass of a woman you don't know a "trademark joke" and not sexual assault? f*** him. he should've been shot more than 13 times, and shot some more when he was dead on the ground.
Those anger management and dispute resolution classes are really paying off huh? [laugh]
Looks like someone didn't find his trademark joke all that funny anymore...
What an idiot. I have a hard time feeling sorry for him... [sad2]

Officer trigger happy crossed the line, but any idiot who goes around grabbing strangers asses sort of signs a waver for his life anyway...
13 shots fired and only 6 hits?
By my math, that's less than a 50% hit ratio.
That's unacceptable, especially for a PO.
Where did those stray bullets go?

If the investigation determines that the shooting was not justified, Tshamba could face criminal charges.

He could face criminal charges?

WTF ????

It should read "He will face criminal charges" [frown]
13 shots fired and only 6 hits?
By my math, that's less than a 50% hit ratio.
That's unacceptable, especially for a PO.
Where did those stray bullets go?

He could face criminal charges?

WTF ????

It should read "He will face criminal charges" [frown]


He touched another man's woman inappropately.

You touch my wife, kids, or me, inappropriately and it's game on.

The line needs to be drawn, hard, at the get-go.

That PO should get a medal. And maybe some more training. I would have expected 13 hits as well.
In a chivalrous world, there would be no charges....If any man here would let a stranger just slide after grabbing their girlfriend's, wife's, mother's or daughter's ass, then I feel sorry for them...They could benefit from having a real man to protect them from the sexual assault of a scumbag....
Sure, it's somewhat cute that you've read Melville, and picked a user name based on Bartleby

Assuming that Keith picked the screen name "scrivener" based on Melville's writing makes about as much sense as assuming that one is making a Steve Martin reference when calling someone a jerk (
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Oh c'mon people.... while grabbing a womans ass is not cool, I can't even remotely agree that he "got what he deserved" or that the officer was justified in any way. And calling that sexual assault? I'm sure there are some LIBERAL judges that might agree with that, but that's more along the lines of sexual harassment and not assault.

The guy deserved an ass whooping and not to be murdered in retaliation.
Oh c'mon people.... while grabbing a womans ass is not cool, I can't even remotely agree that he "got what he deserved" or that the officer was justified in any way. And calling that sexual assault? Yeesh, I'd be a level 3 sex offender if that was the case. I'm sure there are some LIBERAL judges that might agree with that, but that's more along the lines of sexual harassment and not assault.

The guy deserved an ass whooping and not to be murdered in retaliation.

Don't go near my wife or daughter.
An armed society is a polite society. Manners are good when one may have to back up his acts with his life.
- Robert A. Heinlein

The groping jokester evidently failed to realize what kind of society he was in.
Since when did ass grabbing become a crime punishable by death. He did something very stupid. Ass whooping? Sure. Death? That's extreme.
The guy deserved an ass whooping and not to be murdered in retaliation.

I agree. He was unarmed and didn't pose a threat to the PO.
The PO should have arrested Brown and charged him with "groping" or something like that, but he didn't deserve to be executed on the spot.
Since when did ass grabbing become a crime punishable by death. He did something very stupid. Ass whooping? Sure. Death? That's extreme.

There was more to it than an ass-grab and boom he's dead. Did you read the article?

There was a time when a woman's honor meant something....When protecting that honor was the duty of a man, (a real man). It was chivalry and it's all but lost... The ass-grabber got what was coming to him and the LEO needs to spend more time on the range....
Since when did ass grabbing become a crime punishable by death. He did something very stupid. Ass whooping? Sure. Death? That's extreme.

Lack of personal respect for others, is half the problem in today's society. I teach my children to respect others. This woman should have turned around and drove her heel so deep into his nuts that they'd be coming out his mouth. If she had done that, I guarantee you he'd be alive today; in surgery, but alive. Her bf decided to take him out, maybe not the right choice, maybe not the popular choice, it'll come out in the end.
Oh c'mon people.... while grabbing a womans ass is not cool, I can't even remotely agree that he "got what he deserved" or that the officer was justified in any way. And calling that sexual assault? I'm sure there are some LIBERAL judges that might agree with that, but that's more along the lines of sexual harassment and not assault.

The guy deserved an ass whooping and not to be murdered in retaliation.


I don't want to speculate what I would do if someone acted in a manner that would incite me to commit violence with regards to someone, on who's behalf I might act. But there is more than a fine line between getting my Irish up in a hurry, and murder. Let us not reduce ourselves to making statements like "your not a man if you don't kill the man who touches your girls ass on the sly."
There was more to it than an ass-grab and boom he's dead. Did you read the article?

There was a time when a woman's honor meant something....When protecting that honor was the duty of a man, (a real man). It was chivalry and it's all but lost... The ass-grabber got what was coming to him and the LEO needs to spend more time on the range....

Yeah I read the article. I didn't read anything in the article that justified gunning down an unarmed man. He might as well have turned him around and shot him in the back.
Yeah I read the article. I didn't read anything in the article that justified gunning down an unarmed man. He might as well have turned him around and shot him in the back.

So with no statement by the officer and none from witnesses other than those associated with the giddy dead prankster, we are to know for sure that there was no weapon involved from the deceased? Hmmm....
Lack of personal respect for others, is half the problem in today's society. I teach my children to respect others. This woman should have turned around and drove her heel so deep into his nuts that they'd be coming out his mouth. If she had done that, I guarantee you he'd be alive today; in surgery, but alive. Her bf decided to take him out, maybe not the right choice, maybe not the popular choice, it'll come out in the end.

I agree, I don't condone ass grabbing and find it very disrespectful and would be pissed if it happened to my wife. That being said it's extreme in my opinion.
Don't go near my wife or daughter.

I wouldn't want to be anywhere near them. God forbid someone brush against them in a crowd, then it's bang, bang, bang....

I was debating on posting to this thread and I may regret it, but some of the testosterone filled comments comments here sure aren't going to help our cause. Some comments here are the exact picture the anti's paint. I think the guy deserved a good ass kicking, but execution is going too far.
I wouldn't want to be anywhere near them. God forbid someone brush against them in a crowd, then it's bang, bang, bang....

I was debating on posting to this thread and I may regret it, but some of the testosterone filled comments comments here sure aren't going to help our cause. Some comments here are the exact picture the anti's paint. I think the guy deserved a good ass kicking, but execution is going too far.

Maybe he was getting just that, (ass-kicking) and motioned he was going to pull a knife or a gun, (some people do indeed do that). Maybe as well he actually had a weapon of some kind. The problem is that we don't KNOW anything other that what has been reported by those ASSOCIATED with the supposed victim. So you and others are making the statement that he was EXECUTED and you have no earthly idea whatsoever that that is the case...Do you???
Yeah I read the article. I didn't read anything in the article that justified gunning down an unarmed man. He might as well have turned him around and shot him in the back.

Nah, the cop had already done that once before.
So you and others are making the statement that he was EXECUTED and you have no earthly idea whatsoever that that is the case...Do you???

No, but the other crowd doesn't have any additional information either. Despite not having the missing information many still seem to be insinuating that an ass grab is just cause for shooting. I don't! That's my only point.
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