Marlboro thoughts


NES Member
Jan 14, 2006
South Eastern, MA
Feedback: 56 / 0 / 0
Well I just got home a little while ago from the Marlboro show and I gotta say it was small. Seems as though the NH show did indeed keep some regular vendors up there. Lack of ammo competition booted the NY brother's 7.62x39 Wolf ammo cases from $160 when the show first oppened to $199 by about 10:00.[hmmm] No thanks, i'll sparingly shoot my SKS rifles and leave the AK at home for that price.
Of course the only SVT40 I saw was the sniper variant I see all the time at some shows. Its usually right next to the sniper G43s, Enfield snipers, and other high priced sniper rifles that are outa my price range. I did however score a nice Egyptian Hakim for $250. I just know i'm gonna eventually get my finger stuck in that receiver cover that slams shut with awesome force.[crying]
I did meet more NES members than at any other show today which was cool. Saw C-pher and Typeo again, and aside from meeting and selling 2 rifles to Jhrosier and Jay G, I met Lens, Sherrif Dudley, USMA82, and others but i'm so tired and met so many I can't remember everyone right now. I would have liked to have hung around longer and met more folks, shot the shit for a while, but everyone I came up with was waiting for me outside. Like I mentioned when leaving, next time maybe we should buy a table and we can have a place to hang out. Someone will just have to bring a rifle to sell.[laugh]
I went to this for a few hours this morning. It was my first gun show. I thought it was OK. A little bit of a disappointment. I was expecting there to be more ammo and accessories (night sights) along with the guns and knives. Good selection of guns, I thought most of the vendors there seemed pretty cool, but the firearms prices were high for the most part (as has been mentioned on this board). I was hoping to find some good deals on ammo, there were really only a couple of tables/vendors with ammo (I thought I had seen someplace that there would be an ammo tent).

I'd be interested to hear from those of you who go to these shows more often what your thoughts are. Was this better, worse, or about what should be expected?
I was there, but like you I was with other folks. Next time I'm going to make a concerted effort to seek out and meet other NES members.

I agree with your comments. The NY brother's prices in general seemed higher, and they were their usual charming selve's. I did buy a can of 7.62x54r for $50.00, which was more than I wanted to pay, but I really want to get the M38 out to the range if the weather ever get's nice. I also got a 60 sleeve of 7.5 Swiss for a not outrageous $25.00. They had 480 round cases for $189.00, but I'm going to wait until the next show where there might be some competion on ammo prices.

I did buy a No4 Mk2 in what I would call VG condition for $150.00. I might have done a bit better, but I forgot to bring a copy of my C&R. Lesson learned. The same guy had 300 rounds of 303 in sealed tins for $60.00. He told me the inner packs were vacuum sealed and should be fine, but admitted he never opened any to check. If I didn't already have the rifle and can of ammo to carry, I might have bit on it. I did get his card and might give him a call during the week to see if he still has it. Or I might just go to 4Seasons next weekend.

Prices on everything, or almost everything, seemed to be higher than the last Marlboro show. I think that might have been because of the Concord show and dealers figuring that people weren't going to drive to both. In retrospect, it might have been better to head north, but you never know for sure.

A lot more Militaria than the last show, which doesn't interest me that much.

Not bad, but if there is ever a two show day like this again, I'll go to the out of state show AND bring my C&R!

Are the NY ammo guys the ones that sell the Fiochii 9mm stuff real cheap? I bought 1000 rnds from some NY company at the Shriners show for just over $100 which I thought was a great deal.
I had a good time as well. I spent 3 hours there. I didn't see any real deals. Most of the stuff I'd be interested in I can get at Four Seasons for less or the same, and I'd rather give them my business.

Holsters were pretty much non existant.

Lens told me to go screw when I cried about my GOAL membership.

Derek said hi but was too much of a socialite to chat with me.

I probably saw lots of others, but I wouldn't know it.
I got there just as the doors were opening and the line was about 100-150 yards long. Unfortunately I was both on a mission and in a time-crunch. I was looking for and found a gun I had passed up at the March Big E gun show, a pre-WWII S&W snubbie in like new condition. Will be posting pics a bit later. Also had to get back home as the wife was feeling rather poorly. All I saw was C-pher, and had to leave at 11:00am. You could tell that there was another show happening.
Yea, it was dead. I couldn't believe how many dealers that weren't there. People that are always at the show, wasn't. I'm guessing that they went to Concord.

I did hear some of the dealers that normaly do Concord, but live near here say that most they new went up. I guess that the promoter that does Concord told dealers that if they didn't do the Concord show, she can't be sure that there will be a spot at the next one.

And they said that when they didn't sign up for the Concord show, that they didn't get the paperwork for the next Concord show.

I didn't see a lot either. There just weren't that many people.

Man, I also saw more people from here that at any other show as well. It was great.

Nice to see every one, and we'll see you at the next show.
Greg said:
Besides the Nazi Stormtrooper music playing in the back of the hall,I thought the 6'5" dude freak with the long curly hair wearing a tactical kilt was a great addition to the show.

I went today in Marlboro and i thought it was OK and thought it would be much bigger. This was my first gun show. I thought they would have more selection with holsters/ammo. Even though bmy buddy got 500 rounds of Federal .223 for $100. I saw a few guns i liked but like said in the post i could get them at Four Seasons for about the same price. I didnt get a chance to meet any NES members but hopefully i will at the next show. I was able to get a nice E1L Surefire light. Hopefully the next show has more of a selection on ammo/holsters.

Good news though i went to Four Seasons after the show and ordered my SW 1911PD with the CT Laser Grips. I pick it up on Friday and will make sure i put up a pic. [banana]

Martlet said:

I didn't want to NOT say hello, but I hate interrupting people. I figured I'd see you inside, but I guess you were leaving.

Damn it! I was catching up with some guys I shoot high power with. I was on my way in. I looked for you but I never saw you inside. [frown]
derek said:
Damn it! I was catching up with some guys I shoot high power with. I was on my way in. I looked for you but I never saw you inside. [frown]

Oh well. I was there for 3 hours, but we must have been on the same loop.

I'll catch up with you next time.
I saw a bunch of NES'S, show was smaller than usual (Just like Brent). I made sure I got some jerky and that was about it. I had a few things I was keeping an eye open for but didn't see them.
I was in MArlboro today, but to take my father out for his birthday to eat, so I didn't make the show. From the reviews, I probably won't be hitting it tomorrow anyways. About the biggest thing on my want list anyways is just a couple hundred pieces of .38 brass so I have an even 500 to load up some 158 gr. lead RN's I have.
Greg said:
Besides the Nazi Stormtrooper music playing in the back of the hall,I thought the 6'5" dude freak with the long curly hair wearing a tactical kilt was a great addition to the show.

Too bad we don't have "water spitting" smily here! Yes and yes. I can only imagine how annoying that music became after, oh about, five minutes.

IMO the only real deal that the ammo guys had was the 124 Grain 9mm Speer
GDHPs they were selling, two boxes of 50 for $25. Good stuff at
not too bad a price, considering the norm is like $16 for 20 rounds. This is
good for those of us who burned through the $50/250 round 9mm +P
packs that don't seem to exist anymore.

I had to laugh pretty hard though at the pricing on the 7.62 x 39... "last
cases in the country" sure.... yeah, thats it. I know the supply end
pricing on that stuff has gone up a bit, but its still less than $180.

Would have been nice to have the other ammo guy to beat them up
on pricing.

The "most failed marketing trick award" goes to McElhineys, and I got one of
those "$5 off my already rediculously expensive lowest price on the tag
price" thrust into my hand. While he has a lot of nice guns, the pricing on
most of them was not wonderful.

The "most annoying booth" goes to the DGS booth.... where there are
a ton of Gen3 glocks with "no ma" stickers on them in tiny print. So you
see one from afar, start to salivate, and as you get a closer look, you get
let down. This is MA.... why the heck even display merchandise that the
majority of the show patrons can't even buy? (Unless theres some secret
code word or some juju that makes that sticker disappear... lol)

I do think the Tombstone Guns booth was pretty amazing though, they
seemed to have a buttload of MA-exempt goodies there, bunches of
colts and even like two Delta Elites there. At least all their stuff sold
was buyable, thats for sure. They took the cake as far as handgun
selection went. If I had brought enough cash with me I wouldnt have
been able to get past that booth without filling out papers. :)

Overall though it was not nearly as good as the last one. I ended up
buying 4 boxes of GDHPs, a couple of glock 20 mags, and then spent the
rest of what little money I brought over at MLE's booth buying some mag
pouches and a mini range bag. FWIW, props to MLE... Mike is easy
to deal with and his products seem to be top notch.

I was shocked by the fact the show was only 2/3 its normal size, and that the ammo boys from NY could be such dicks.

I was one of the few that did scoop up a 1000-round box of 7.62 x 39 before 10 AM - at the $160 price. This was double what I bought it for last year, and $35 more than what it was going for at Wilmington. But I've seen the writing on the wall - prices are going nowhere but up. When I called Four Seasons about their price for the same stuff, they were selling for close to $200. But what are you going to do... my 7.62 x 39 stock had dropped below 2,000 rounds, so I had to resupply!

But right after I got back to the hall after bringing the box to my pickup, someone told me the Wolf was just marked up from $160 to $200. Ouch! We're getting close to re-loading prices here.

Good to see C-pher, Milsurps, Adam and others. I'm glad I put down the Hakim so Milsurps could grab it! Good score! I was considering it, but between the ammo buy (I needed other stuff besides the Wolf), and my latest C&R buys, my wallet is still smoking.
I went hoping to maybe find a Ruger Mk I or II at a decent price to train my wife on. All that I saw were about $50 over the normal "shop" prices.
Met up with c-pher, BJ, Adam, Jay, Sheriff Dudley, dwarven, Len (caught Deena at the GOAL booth), Lisa, Derek and Brent. I may have missed a name...
I would have like to chatted with Derek a bit more but I got sidetracked and you disappeared!
The only money I spent was the jerky guy and my GOAL raffle tix.
Lunch at the Longhorn was great!
Even though I didn't buy anything we had a good time and it worth the trip to meet up with everyone.
Garys said:
Too bad we don't have "water spitting" smily here! Yes and yes. I can only imagine how annoying that music became after, oh about, five minutes.


Made me wanna grab a helmt, some camo, and a G43 and start goose stepping up and down the aisles.[laugh]
USMA-82 said:
I was shocked by the fact the show was only 2/3 its normal size, and that the ammo boys from NY could be such dicks.

Good to see C-pher, Milsurps, Adam and others. I'm glad I put down the Hakim so Milsurps could grab it! Good score! I was considering it, but between the ammo buy (I needed other stuff besides the Wolf), and my latest C&R buys, my wallet is still smoking.

Ya know when I first walked up to the bigger of the two brothers (Steve I think his name is) he recognized me since I usually talk to him about ammo when I see him and have been buying from them for over 3 years now. Extended his hand for the usual "Hey hows it goin?" handshake, looks down at my Red Sox jersey and gives me the extra firm grip. ::ouch:: I'm not a big guy, no where near as big as he is, but hey, we are ahead of the Yankees already so there.[smile] Lots of stuff was missing from their tables thats usually there like the M1 Carbine bandoliers and the Argentine Mauser on stripper clip packs, but he said something about they had been up for days.[rolleyes]

Yep USMA-82, much thanks for not stealing up the Hakim. You musta knew i'd be all over that one.[smile] Good price from what i've been reading. I'm already searching for a bayonet and sling. I started at the far end and worked my way towards the beginning aisles and when I saw you I knew there was nothing in the last three (a through c) for me. I owe you a beer, or soda at the next show.
I heard my SVT40 was in fact in Concord but for $1000. For that price it can stay there. I'd sooner spend 5 more and get the sniper thats at every show.
My father wound up grabbing the Colt AR15 that Ernie Ellery had. They've known each other for years and will probably work out a deal. Either way it means i'll get to shoot it.[smile] I told him Carl had new M4 style Bushmasters for the same price but hes been wanting to get something closer to the M16 he carried in Vietnam for a while now and he does business with Ernie often. Works for me.
Milsurps 4 Me said:
Made me wanna grab a helmt, some camo, and a G43 and start goose stepping up and down the aisles.[laugh]

Or at the least break into "Springtime for Hitler"! I wonder what a table goes for? I'd love to get a table across from that guy, set up a big screen TV, and play "The Producers" just for the laugh value.

On a more serious note, in a year or so, 7.62x39 could come down as things stabilize in Iraq even more. Right now demand for the military way exceeds supply, so there isn't much surplus. When that changes, the Russians will still need money and will still make ammo. But, you guys know all that.

News Shooter said:
why I waste the time, gas and money going to these things. There is just nothing, nothing that is worth any of that. I suppose it is better than going to a quilt show....but only marginally
I knew I wasn't going to find the proverbial deal of the century but I got to meet up with the other guys and it's always good to look around.
I suppose I could have sat on the couch watching the rain. My wife and I made a day of it.
First off, I want to extend a big thanks to Milsurps. The SKS he sold me is GORGEOUS.

Secondly, it was GREAT getting to meet Derek, even if it was only for a couple of minutes. Also got to meet Lisa and Sheriff Dudley. Always a good time when I get to meet more NES'rs.

Third, once again got to see my buds C-pher, Typeo, Adam, Ross, JonJ, Len, and a bunch of other folk that I'm not intentionally forgetting, but just have old-timers these days...

Lastly a big shout-out to C-pher for hooking me up with the find of the show. Details in a day or two (when I can take a pic w/o Mrs. G. finding out) in the Gallery...
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I went today and got another case of SA .308 from the NY guys.
I bought a box of Wolf 30 carbine to try out.
Bought a USGI 30 rd mag for the M1 carbine
A couple mags for the FAL
And....Joined GOAL!
I usually don't buy any guns from shows because of the prices but it looks like some guys got nice bolt action Milsurp guns.

Damn! I think I have as much $$$$ in ammo as I have in the guns![shocked]
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