Magpul knockoffs

fyi magpul also has an airsoft product line that is much cheaper stuff.

I had some shmoe on gunbroker sell me Magpul PTS MBUS who was passing them off as authentic MBUS. He promptly returned my $ though for a return and stated "he had no idea".

MBUS PTS are supposed to have PTS on the sights themselves, but these ones didn't. They did come in the standard PTS cardboard box with that conveniently have no PTS markings. The sight posts are made out of the same weak polymer as the body of the sight is made out of while the real MBUS are a more sturdy and robust polymer with metal posts.

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I had some shmoe on gunbroker sell me Magpul PTS MBUS who was passing them off as authentic MBUS. He promptly returned my $ though for a return and stated "he had no idea".

MBUS PTS are supposed to have PTS on the sights themselves, but these ones didn't. They did come in the standard PTS cardboard box with that conveniently have no PTS markings. The sight posts are made out of the same weak polymer as the body of the sight is made out of while the real MBUS are a more sturdy and robust polymer with metal posts.


sounds like Magpul did the ultimate "screw yourself in the ass" move. Someone had the bright idea of exporting CAD/geometry files to China in the act of contract manufacturing and selling a "lower tiered" brand that doesn't have to be milspec (made in the US, tighter tolerance, etc) and now either the parts got tooled in another facility or the contracted plant is running a "4th shift" at night and selling their own shit over 3rd party sources.

So, in short- while they tried to make a secondary market themselves, they ultimately made the art of knocking off the product that much easier. Does Magpul have the legal/on-the-ground-employees over in the far east to combat this? Highly unlikely.

This is all speculation. But if I'm right, they totally f'd themselves.

edit: that PTS logo is pad-printed. So making a "3rd party product" that isn't labeled as such insanely easy- just don't run it through the last process of the line. If they had tooled the plastic tools with PTS in the steel (so that the resulting tooled parts were embossed with the logo), it would have been much more difficult. But they didn't. Because they are stupid.
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