Magazine Blocks to reduce capacity. Are they legal in MA?

No matter how many times you say this, there is always someone here that posts how they will talk to the cops and talk themselves out of getting arrested.

I said this in like 17 other threads ... I dated a MA prosecutor for a while. One thing she told me was that those that STFU and refused to talk were extremely hard to convict.
Scott Greenfield describes it as "falling down the Good Guy Curve"
No matter how many times you say this, there is always someone here that posts how they will talk to the cops and talk themselves out of getting arrested.

I said this in like 17 other threads ... I dated a MA prosecutor for a while. One thing she told me was that those that STFU and refused to talk were extremely hard to convict.

Statistically speaking even when it comes to actual bad guys, i bet 50% of them either talk themselves directly into jail or talk themselves into exta charges.

People used to be fags and rant about Harold Fish getting in trouble because 10mm. Harold Fish got in trouble because he ran his mouth to the police and created a problem of inconsistent testimony.... and that was a case where the cops weren't out to screw him!
... I dated a MA prosecutor for a while. One thing she told me was that those that STFU and refused to talk were extremely hard to convict.
It's astonishing how eye opening Dwayne Ingalls Glasscock was.

So many bodycam videos include the ragtime,
"I need information X to complete my investigation".

To which the response is,

It's your job to investigate,​
but it's not my job to help you.​

I swear @drgrant should change the title of "General" to "The Beauty Parlor".

We are still waiting to see someone charged with possession of a zoobow.
Enough with the zoobow FUD.
Zoobows are just as legal to possess as switchblades.
They're merely illegal to carry.
This is the answer, we don't know. It appears that if the mfr does it it is OK. I do believe that if you or I do it, that a MA DA would have an easy time convicting us . . . but that is just one person's belief.

DA: “Your honor, standing before you is a white supremicist terrorist who was in possession of a hi-capacity extra killy magazine“
Your Lawyer: “that my client took steps to modify to be in compliance with the 10 round capacity limit and which is similar to other methods are used to bring firearms and accessories into compliance with the law
Sometimes I think that MA is extra harder on gun owners because the Dems & their cucked RINO's there absolutely hate it that MA was where for all intent and purpose, the reason for the the 2A to begin with was birthed in MA itself.
Well, it's ironic for sure. But the explanation is much simpler. We have evolved over time into a one-party-controlled social-welfare state that ignores the Constitution whenever they feel like it. Even the Republicans here aren't real Republicans. DimocRATS have a total lock on power in this horrible leftist state... and it's about to get much worse when Dimples the Tyrant becomes governor in the very near future. :(
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