(MA) Shooting Under Someone Else's Permit?

Feb 27, 2005
SE Mass
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A friend of mine (also in MA) emailed me the other day to say he took a mutual friend shooting, but they "had to go to NH because she didn't have a permit".

I know that here in MA there are laws about letting a non-licensed person use your guns at a range and so forth. Can anyone spell out how this works?

No. no. no. As long as he's got the license and she's in his direct control (so to speak), she can shoot his guns in MA. They do not need to go to NH to shoot.
Chapter 140, Section 129C:

(requiring FID or LTC for possession of firearm or ammunition)

The provisions of this section shall not apply to the following exempted persons and uses:
(m) The temporary holding, handling or firing of a firearm for examination, trial or instruction in the presence of a holder of a license to carry firearms, or the temporary holding, handling or firing of a rifle or shotgun for examination, trial or instruction in the presence of a holder of a firearm identification card, or where such holding, handling or firing is for a lawful purpose;

SiameseRat said:
Could you imagine if all of our students had to have LTCs before they took classes? [shock]

DON'T GIVE THE STATE HOUSE ANY IDEAS!!! [shock] That's the kind of thinking they'd go for up there!
"So let me get this straight, Major. In order to get an LTC I first have to take a class, but in order to take the class I have to already have an LTC."

"That's right, Yossarian. It's what's called Catch-22."

"Boy! That's come catch."

KMaurer said:
"So let me get this straight, Major. In order to get an LTC I first have to take a class, but in order to take the class I have to already have an LTC."

"That's right, Yossarian. It's what's called Catch-22."

"Boy! That's come catch."


Damn, you stole my reply! [wink] [twisted]
SiameseRat said:
Could you imagine if all of our students had to have LTCs before they took classes? [shock]

Hate to break it to you, but that's exactly the situation here in NY.

I know the woman who runs the semiannual Women's Handgun Safety Course for the Dutchess County Pistol Association.

They use AIRGUNS because anyone without a NY LTC is forbidden to even touch a real handgun.

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