MA: Identifying Pre-Ban Glock Mags

Question for the experts here... as my G-Fu seems to be weak tonight. When did the STOP marking LEO Restricted magazines with 9/13/94 (or whatever date it was)... was it prior to the Mass Ban?

What LenS said... Glock and other companies stopped putting "Govt/Le Only" markings on them when the federal law sunsetted on 9/13/2004.

There are a few companies that never marked their mags at all during the ban, not so much gun manufacturers like Glock, etc. but certain aftermarket mag manufacturers... [laugh]


I was having last round FTF problems with my G17 and preban square notch mags. The last round would jam trying to ride up the feed ramp.

I replaced the "9mm1" followers with "9mm3" followers. The 9mm3 follower noses the round up more, which seems to address the problem.

I've seen this posted around before, I thought I'd share it here.
Can any one help me identify if the 3 hi-caps in these pics are preban.
Somebody will chime in and answer your question.
I'm no expert but I didn't think they offered ambi cut mags before '94.
Any Glock mag that has the metal strip on the back (part of the ambi-cut) like that is definitely not preban.
Can any one help me identify if the 3 hi-caps in these pics are preban.

Those are all ambis, the only one that's MA legal is the one on the left in the last picture, because it looks like it's a 10 rounder.

Mine look like that and I've owned them for 20 years. I cut the ambi notches myself with a dremel. Prove otherwise.

Uhm, good luck with that. Be sure to let us know where you end up. We'll try to scrape up a few bucks to put on your canteen account.
Uhm, good luck with that. Be sure to let us know where you end up. We'll try to scrape up a few bucks to put on your canteen account.

Any proof that his defense -wouldn't- work?

I'm not saying I would suggest it (it doesn't sound smart to me) but the AWB garbage in MA doesn't have a whole lot of case law behind it.

It also doesn't help the state that Glock is not willing to go on the record about the provenance of its magazine designs, and I suspect that is on purpose. The only way the state can glue someone is if they try to get someone to plea out, or they retain someone who is passable as an expert witness at trial.

I'm endlessly entertained by this entire thread. While the best intentions are obviously behind it and many 'experts' opine, trying to deduce or glean from Glock and Mass law to figure out what is legal and what is not is at best an exercise in futility. The only truly 'safe mag' is a 10 round that will only fit 10. Even then some argue 40S&W mags with 9mm ammo makes even the 10's potentially objectionable. I wouldn't recommend making up stories about basement machining either but the way some say 'this' or 'that' is 'illegal' with no basis in case law or citations is curious to me. drgrant and LenS truly are the voice of reason here. Back to your regularly scheduled programming.
Sooo. Just to be clear. The mag in the very first post of this thread, .40 LE only with 9.13.94 printed on it, is not legal to OWN if you're a MA resident?
Sooo. Just to be clear. The mag in the very first post of this thread, .40 LE only with 9.13.94 printed on it, is not legal to OWN if you're a MA resident?

It is not legal to possess in Massachusetts (with the usual exceptions for LE, military, dealers, etc.). You could own it provided you never possess it in MA (keep it at a friend's place in NH, for instance).
From my State Police friend .... If you are in a situation where a LEO is checking the capacity of your magazine, the capacity of your magazine is probably the least of your worries! Case in point .... Aaron Hernandez is facing 2 counts of illegal possession of high capacity magazines ... think he's worried about it?
So confused by this thread so I am just going to ask...pre or post?...came with a g19 that I just picked it up today from a vendor...if it's post I'm going to return it for a low cap...

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