MA Gun Store owner's opinion on firearms

Does this guy make his money doing LEO only sales?

I am glad this was posted.
I have never been to this store. And after this, i will never set foot in this person's store.
Old news, Ware is failbus anyways, surprised it's not out of business.

Mike the gun guy was being investigated by the ATF for "losing" 12 handguns. Last time I was there, they had nothing there.
American medicine costs more and does less than the socialized kind.

Hard to keep reading after this. Irrelevant to the topic at hand, but naturally just HAS to be included in that shit rag publication.

It might be a fact that American medicine costs more than commie medicine, but to say it does less...hmm I don't know about that. Americans generally don't have to wait 6 months to get An ct scan to confirm their cancer. In socialist countries they do and that time allows their cancer to stage up and become more difficult if not impossible to cure. I have a coworker from ireland whose grandmother this happened to.
But it’s good, at least, to hear someone arguing the details and filling out the fact-picture, good to be reminded that the cultures and rituals of the gun, however irrational in nature, are still felt to be essential by the people who engage in them. Curing the irrationalities of human culture later depends on understanding them now.

You guys are all irrational and in denial about the need for your guns.
Easy enough. Don't patronize his establishment AND remind others in the community, and Mike needs to know we are a community, and that we vote with our wallets. I'm all for him taking whatever position he so chooses, but at the same time, I need to remind him and Fudds like him, that they are dead wrong.
Gotta wonder how many more gun shops in MA have this attitude. Thankfully this POS outed himself as an enemy of ours and we know where not to shop.

Any other shop owners wanna come clean?
Added my own review on Google:

Christopher De Roma

in the last week

I've never been a customer of the WGS, but after reading his contributions to anti-gun publications such as the Daily KOS and the Huffington Post, I'd sooner give my money to a Walmart before Mr. Weisser. For a gun shop owner to savage the very industry and consumers that have allowed him to make his living is both unconscionable and disgusting. Worse yet, he expresses dissatisfaction with the NRA, disavows them and still retains his membership in the organization. Why, Mike? Why not show some integrity and give up your membership? I'm not always thrilled by them, but if I was as dissatisfied with them as you were, I certainly wouldn't renew, in fact, I'd proudly disavow them. There are plenty of gun shops in the Commonwealth worthy of your time and money. Given the level of contempt Mr. Weisser shows for his customers, he's not worthy of either.
I wonder if the Patriots who birthed this nation would've remained content to m
Simply not shop at the businesses of their opponents? I suppose at first perhaps.
Gotta wonder how many more gun shops in MA have this attitude. Thankfully this POS outed himself as an enemy of ours and we know where not to shop.

Any other shop owners wanna come clean?

You'd probably be sickened to know how many people actually think this, nevermind gun shops.
So the disarmerment of people and the attempted genocides afterwards of millions, were just small insignificant points in history that mean nothing to the gun control debate of today,

Ya I'm going to rate him as a ass hat double douchebag
I also should add there are plenty of people who buy guns for protection and not for recreational fun, and the ones that do shoot for fun, are still very responsible gun owners and citizens
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"He’s in favor of what he sees as the right kind of gun control—he accepts that the best way to have less gun violence is to have fewer guns—"

"the truth is that gun violence is, outside of poor, minority neighborhoods, relatively rare"

So an anti gun advocate writing in the New Yorker pens these two quotes from a gun store owner in his article.......what this is telling me is there is proof the gun grabbers need to get a grip and realize that the damn gun violence problem is with the inner city gangstah shit heads shooting each other up.......go after them and leave the rest of us the hell alone.

Didn't read the whole thread here but read that part of the article again. I'm not really trying to defend the guy but that section is not in quotes. His words may be twisted against him here.
Looks to be a "soundbyte" attempt by the author.
Hard to keep reading after this. Irrelevant to the topic at hand, but naturally just HAS to be included in that shit rag publication.

It might be a fact that American medicine costs more than commie medicine, but to say it does less...hmm I don't know about that. Americans generally don't have to wait 6 months to get An ct scan to confirm their cancer. In socialist countries they do and that time allows their cancer to stage up and become more difficult if not impossible to cure. I have a coworker from ireland whose grandmother this happened to.

I'm glad you posted what you did. My wife had relatives in Germany who experienced such a delay. When I tell people about that in discussing government healthcare they either don't believe me or consider it an anomaly. It is not an anomaly. Socialized medicine doesn't need death panels. The deaths will occur while people wait for their turn at treatment.
Didn't read the whole thread here but read that part of the article again. I'm not really trying to defend the guy but that section is not in quotes. His words may be twisted against him here.
Looks to be a "soundbyte" attempt by the author.

He spews that nonsense all the time. This isnt the first time.
Funny how Gun Shop owners keep pushing customers away.... Wonder if he is related to that guy on the North Shore.....I'm sure he has a good reason..... For the kids I bet. [thinking]
Great sound bite!

The guy has the guts to say what he thinks publicly, and run a gun shop in MA to boot. I give him credit for speaking his mind, even if I don't agree with what he says.
The true underlying principles that birthed this country have largely been lost.

Even most of the people here aren't even arguing from the "right" perspective IMHO.

The ownership of firearms is about personal liberty. A society that TRULY believed in personal liberty - wouldn't even be having this argument. Because the partner of personal liberty - is responsibility. And people would recognize instantly that if somebody harmed another person by using a firearm - then the fault lies with the person doing the harm - and not the object they used to inflict the harm.

Instead what we live in these days is a society permeated thru and thru with socialism and creeping closer and closer to accepting a Minority Report state of existence.

And most people don't even understand that this is just a modern, very sophisticated form of tyranny. They're so caught up in the Matrix they don't even know they're in it.

The ideals of personal liberty that tried to take root in the American Revolution - were historically ground breaking and completely and totally revolutionary. Which of course meant that they must be fought tooth and nail by those who seek to rule over other men.

Seems like socialism is as sort of Manchurian Candidate that makes people conveniently forget any thought of personal liberty..... LIBERTY !!! LIBERTY!!! LIBERTY !!!! - oh wait - what? ..... You're going to give me some free shit , oooh maybe I need to think about this liberty thing a little bit ... I mean I might get sick and need health care......

Hey wait a minute - how come there's a government telling me what I can do every minute of my day - and is taking my guns away? I want my liberty dammit !!! - and my free shit!!!

People like the owner of Ware Gun Shop - are just coming up with excuses for justifying the taking away of liberty.

This Fudd is being portrayed as the "normal" gun owner who is in-favor of "common sense" gun control. What is left unsaid in this piece is that those that don't agree with the author and this Fudd are extremists and fanatics.

One more example of the media choosing who they want to have this discussion with. After all, the NRA and the rest of the gun-rights groups are extremists and fanatics so they shouldn't be involved in the discussion.
In order to have any credibility at all, you have to at least approach a topic objectively. This guy starts with conclusions that socialized medicine is better than what we have. This is an opinion, not a fact.

Similarly, nothing in this article debunks anything. It is a guy stating an opinion that validates the author's opinion. The fact that the guy owns a gun store but is anti-gun makes him a hypocrite: it doesn't give him added credibility.

This is nothing more than mental masturbation to give antis the validation they crave without having to think about or defend their beliefs. In other words, total bullshit and a waste of my time.
Couple of things:

He represents a "middle ground" of a lot of gun owners. Accept the reality of the situation, that many that you label as "Fudds" are an element of gun culture, we have to deal with it.

We are not the only culture that has a fascination with firearms, Japan and S Korea come to mind, but we are the only culture outside of a few Third World Countries where firearms are relatively easy to obtain.

There are far too many documented cases where a firearm has stopped something really bad, sometimes in an actual shooting, and sometimes simply by displaying the firearm to deter.

I have not read his blog, so we are depending on someone who writes for "The New Yorker" as giving accurate information. I can misquote anyone, and in the right context, make them seem to say something they are not. If it is accurate reporting, then he is definitely not on our side.

What I think he does get right:

Gun Culture based on family and tradition (esp in the west and south).

An ever growing gap between gun owners and non-gun owners in this country.

The fact that small retailers still prevail in this industry despite the inroads of large outdoor and sporting goods chains.

The hobby related aspects of a sizable number of firearms owners.

From my perspective everyone has two choices:

Either slam him and his gun shop, "put the SOB out of business"

Examine his position, if accurately reported, and see where one faction of the firearms owning community is saying and thinking, and use this to develop new strategies.

He reflects that thoughts of many gun owners 50 years ago today, the assassination of JFK was a watershed in gun control history and the GCA of 1968 was a direct result. There was a time when most Americans did not fear their government or even hate it. Times have changed, except some have not changed with the times. Some of you who post here represent the "3 percenters"...but simply bitchin' about this guy and his gun shop isn't going to change things much. Put him out of business, so what? Dowd and company and the outfits on the North Shore and in Leominster are still going to be around, and in the meantime this guy has reached out and influenced thousands via the HuffPost and the New Yorker. So the question remains: do we deal pragmatically or ideologically with people like this?
No way this guy is a real businessman in the gun business to make money. Don't think he gives two shits about selling any guns. Sure, he may have a shop, but it's just a "front" to give him faux legitimacy to push another agenda.
No way this guy is a real businessman in the gun business to make money. Don't think he gives two shits about selling any guns. Sure, he may have a shop, but it's just a "front" to give him faux legitimacy to push another agenda.

I think you're right. This turd has a blog people should read.

He is definitely a charlatan.

We need to play the same dirty tricks the anti-gunners do if we want to win.
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