LTC-A carrying pre-ban mags question

You are aware that there's a forum section dedicated to MA law, right?

Tons of discussion on this topic here:

OP didn’t want to read 22 pages worth… I can’t blame him, for that matter… early Glock mag pick is .40 …ugh [puke]
Hi Maura.

Edit: ok, use the search feature. Several senior members have posted about this..
Don't be that guy. Its a forum, let people ask. You are free to ignore it. Information changes, so updates to previously asked questions are a good thing. If the information did not change the person gets their question answered anyway and the thread goes away. We should be encouraging people to post here not the other way around.
You should definitely not carry hi cap preban mags in Mass, especially if the are square back Full metal lined. I’ll tell you what, I’ll give you $10 for all of them and save him the risk of getting rid of them and getting arrested. Can we meet in like 10 min?
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