Lost my dear wife

So sorry Jack, my wife is my world, my best friend and someone I lean on daily, without her I truly would be a lost soul. I truly hope you stay strong.
Irish Blessing

May the road rise up to meet you.
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face;
the rains fall soft upon your fields
and until we meet again,
may God hold you in the palm of His hand.
I'm sorry to hear of your loss. May she rest in peace. My condolences to you and your family.
Sorry, Jack. She must have been a wonderful and interesting woman to put up with you all of these decades. I never met her, but I have no doubt that the world is a worse place with her passing, but a better placing for having had her to begin with.
Happened over a week ago and I'm trying to get my act together. Dorothy was 82 and we had a great marriage for 59 years. Having a close family helps, and the sons, wives and grandkids are helping me and themselves cope with this. Per her instructions we had her cremated and she is home with me in a large wooden urn. I chose that because it's big enough for two. Comes my turn, I'll join her in there and we'll be together again. Sorry to be bending your ear, my NES family, but it helps a bit to let it out. Jack

You don't need to apologize for sharing with us here. I am so happy you had 59 wonderful years with her as your wife. Love them children and grand kids. So sorry for your loss Jack.
So sorry for your loss. I would be quite lost without my wife. She is my rock, my best friend, my partner. I truly understand where you are and wish you the best.
Damn that’s tough. Very sorry for your loss Jack. If it helps, come back to this thread from time to time when you’re able and steady and tell us about this wonderful lady of yours. Lot of us here would love to hear about her and how you met all those years ago.

Thoughts and prayers out for you and your family, my sincere condolences.
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