Lost my dear wife

Hi Jack. Sorry to hear of your loss. 59 years and a close and loving family to help you through. Sounds like a family to be proud of.
I can't imagine the heartbreak Jack. Am celebrating my 31st today with my wife & partner in all things and you are in my thoughts as we celebrate our still continuing journey ourselves. Your story is one to be envied and emulated. May we also enjoy the life and love that you and your Dorothy obviously did. So sorry for your loss.
Jack , I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. After 59 years I'm sure you were more like one than two. Keep the good times in your mind. All 59 years of them.
Strength and Prayers to you and your family Jack until you meet her again. Love is Eternal.
So sorry man.
Glad to hear you've got the kids and family to lean on. She and you must have done a good job raising them to be a strong family like that.
Bend our ear any time.
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