Looks like every Thug in Dorchester has a Glock and a High cap Mag...

Did Nelson give permission to search the passenger compartment,
and if not, what was the probable cause that a crime was being committed?

seeing nothing to provide basis of the search, unless he stupidly authorized it

Funny the markdown on say a 19x isn't anything like the difference in a 19. At the moment both cost about the same "retail". Granted a 19x should be a more expensive gun, the niche it fills just isn't as popular.

are size 36 pants more expensive than size 34? There’s no reason a 19X “should” cost more than a 19.
seeing nothing to provide basis of the search, unless he stupidly authorized it

are size 36 pants more expensive than size 34? There’s no reason a 19X “should” cost more than a 19.

Well it's not that simple, 19x has night sights out of the box, is FDE, with a lanyard loop, and higher cap mags. Sure you can argue it's not costing Glock + $125 to manufacture but they are a bit up level, not just a hair larger than a 19.
Demerits all around for no throwdown embroidered shoulder patches.

Did Nelson give permission to search the passenger compartment,
and if not, what was the probable cause that a crime was being committed?
P. S.
They pulled a guy over for dark tint and an illegal turn, and smelled marijuana (legal) and saw a scale (legal) and plastic bags (also legal) and that gave them license to search him? Or was it just being nervous during a traffic stop?
They pulled a guy over for dark tint and an illegal turn, and smelled marijuana (legal) and saw a scale (legal) and plastic bags (also legal) and that gave them license to search him? Or was it just being nervous during a traffic stop?

My guess is that the guy let them. All you gotta do is mumble OK and all that stuff goes out the window. Sure Police lie, we will never know, but the type of low level grey market weed dealer who smokes in his car while carrying an illegal pistol, plus one with the SN filed, isn't evaluating the risk/reward ratio very well. Smarter riff raff are not carrying guns to protect a little weed.
My guess is that the guy let them. All you gotta do is mumble OK and all that stuff goes out the window. Sure Police lie, we will never know, but the type of low level grey market weed dealer who smokes in his car while carrying an illegal pistol, plus one with the SN filed, isn't evaluating the risk/reward ratio very well. Smarter riff raff are not carrying guns to protect a little weed.
true, never consent to a search IMO unless your lawyer advises it.
Or was it just being nervous during a traffic stop?
If it wasn't for Teh Intarwebs I wouldn't be pre-loaded to discard that testimony
just like "glassy-eyed" during a DUI stop.

About the latter:
Cops can't help themselves -
recently I realized they even put their boilerplate DUI testimony
into press releases and TV news liveshots.

My guess is that the guy let them. All you gotta do is mumble OK and all that stuff goes out the window.
I have a prediction.
I call it "my prediction".
To wit:

Old and busted: Prosecutors complaining that
the fad of police techno-procedurals like CSI
had juries discounting multiple innocent bystander witnesses
confessions, etc., etc. unless the State's case included
irrelevant kewl stuff like DNA evidence.

New hotness: Juries (if not courts) discounting permission to search
unless it's captured on body cams.

You know it's only a matter of time.

Guy is from Dorchester... am I the only one seeing the pattern here... Must be the style in DOT.
Lucky he got caught in Suffolk county, a place where you can walk away from any gun charge with just a slap on the wrist.
Well sort of. How light the charges are.....or how willing the da is to bargain down depends on

1. The color of your skin
2. If your a law abiding ltc holder or not.

I think you can figure out what means what.

And I can’t buy the damned Glock I want here or have mags over 10 rounds in Boston...
I guess they believe the 2nd Amendment more than you.
Criminals don't follow laws.

Every Thuggie McThuggerton has a high-cap because they can just go to NH and buy one like the founders intended. The only thing keeping us from doing the same thing are some pesky words on a sheet of paper at the state house and that we believe in them.
They pulled a guy over for dark tint and an illegal turn, and smelled marijuana (legal) and saw a scale (legal) and plastic bags (also legal) and that gave them license to search him? Or was it just being nervous during a traffic stop?
It's not legal to drive under the influence. Unless they were smelling the actual marijuana and not marijuana smoke?
Criminals don't follow laws.

Based on what ive seen in MA, a lot of otherwise law abiding gun owners don't, either, at least not when it comes to the most senseless laws.

Every Thuggie McThuggerton has a high-cap because they can just go to NH and buy one like the founders intended.

Lol they don't even do that, they just get it that way when the gun came to them off the street.
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