Longmeadow MA Alert - CCW - AWB Bans proposed + Gun Registration!

I saw the Jack #ff on the news that was interviewed and I believe he is one thats on the town office. His comment was " We're not going after your right to hunt". It's people like him that need to meet a baseball bat.[frown]


The guy interviewed on the news was a random resident....he is not Alex Grant, the one who introduced the bill.....
I am a committee member and webmaster for the Longmeadow Citizens for Liberty- We have been working on this locally, and have a strong core group together. GOAL has guided us along and we have our website with ties to social media. www.longforliberty.org

Please visit the site- sign up for our email updates- want to help? Come to a meeting or get in touch by email. This is a creeping fungus that will grow if we don't fight it every time it blooms.We will read all the posts here to gleen knowledge from the experienced members.

We have attorneys, doctors, mothers, fathers, police officers and even authors in our group, We are not as someone suggested a privileged group of wealthy, secluded people who are ignorant of what our rights are and will accept what is forced down our throats. But we are new at this- and welcome any and all support.

We have supporters from adjoining towns who have volunteered to help once we have something for them to do. We need to communicate to our neighbors who have been frightened by the rhetoric thrown out by this laws sponsor. We will man sign posts on Rt. 5 to share our message to the public. We have released press statements offering our opposing view...

Please share the word of our site LONGforLIBERTY.org

Henry Lanouette
Great way to portray the citizens of Longmeadow......sorry for going to school for 10 years and working to build a business that employs over 30 people....love the disclaimer but I'm certain you realize there's people like this in ALMOST EVERY TOWN in Mass.....

...And you have a right to be angry as well as anyone else on this forum from Longmeadow. It was a stupid and thoughtless post and didn't contribute to the effort of this thread. Rather than dig the hole even deeper, I totally apologize to you and any other members who were offended. Again, it was a stupid thing to say and in poor taste... I said it. I own it and I apologize for it.
I watched it, he is delusional. I posted a comment on it the fact that he references Newtown and the implication that these changes will change to possibility of a shooting. I posted that the shooter MURDERED his mother, someone like that is not going to worry about carrying on town property etc.

He can't explain how giving a list of your guns to the cops will keep us safe
At the very end he says that the good guys can (will) become bad guys and start shooting people up

Most hard core antis think this way, that we are all the problem. What a moron and what a complete insult, lumping us in with Adam Lanza or some other scumbag because we choose to exercise a fundamental right.
"Mr. Grant, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."
I cannot believe what I just watched. 1/4 of Longmeadow is bordered by Springfield (Forest Park and the X), which has a very high drug and crime rate. Not to mention a huge casino is coming which will only multiply the poor situation. So if a mother wants to jog or walk at a public park she is unable to carry as she will be violating the town's new by-law.

I'm so glad our very own Carolee from Wilbraham shredded this guy on TV and he will get more of this on May 10th. He actually feels that congressmen's lives are worth more than our children's? Longmeadow cannot afford to place metal detectors or off-duty/retired LEO at these schools? And his comment about the officer at the high school is unreal.

The only point I did agree with him was to require live fire training when getting your license. Besides that, this guy needs to be voted out ASAP.
Bump, Longmeadow is 1 week out from voting at town meeting. The Longmeadow citizens group has been doing a great job working to stop the three articles, check out their website and please support their efforts, especially if you live in the area.

A quick google search indicates Longmeadow has had 3 heroin overdose deaths since 2012 and ZERO firearms deaths.

Maybe the "esteemed" selectman should worry about AN ACTUAL PROBLEM instead. Because what he's engaged in now is what is known as "Fiddling while Rome burns." (Avoiding the temptation to instead use a more colorful idiom).

A quick google search indicates Longmeadow has had 3 heroin overdose deaths since 2012 and ZERO firearms deaths.

Maybe the "esteemed" selectman should worry about AN ACTUAL PROBLEM instead. Because what he's engaged in now is what is known as "Fiddling while Rome burns." (Avoiding the temptation to instead use a more colorful idiom).


Ban heroin.
Great way to portray the citizens of Longmeadow......sorry for going to school for 10 years and working to build a business that employs over 30 people....love the disclaimer but I'm certain you realize there's people like this in ALMOST EVERY TOWN in Mass.....

Get over it. We can all find things to be offended about. Nobody is crapping on your success. It's just that most elites are successful and most elites are smug. The fact is that Longmeadow is a nicer neighborhood than its neighbors and the people there do generally lean left.

So what if he made a sweeping generalization.

You know what the left also does? They get offended over everything. Don't be like that guy. Nobody likes that.
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Definitely has a holier-than-thou mentality. Here's hoping the good citizens of Longmeadow show up and vote these articles down.

She's surprisingly good. She didn't insert her own beliefs. But did ask some logical questions and put herself on the other side.

He on the other hand is an elitist prick living in la la land.

Guys, make sure if I die, you ruin your neighborhood so I don't die in vain. It's for the children!
Not sure if anyone has suggested this but if the people who are voting for these laws are that afraid of guns and feel we are better off without them, well...

How about somebody offer to buy them signs that say "THIS HOME IS A GUN FREE ZONE" to put on their front lawns and doors!

We have a real anti here in my town and at Boy Scout overnights he was always railing against guns. We made him that offer, that we would buy and install the sign for him.

FUNNY he said no, he didn't want people to know his home was gun free. Maybe he realized that gun free zones don't affect criminals and they will see it as an easy mark

But my point is maybe someone could stand up at Town Meeting and make that offer!!
The only point I did agree with him was to require live fire training when getting your license. Besides that, this guy needs to be voted out ASAP.

I totally disagree with the live fire training requirement. One only needs to look at the backlog for getting into a simple hunter's safety course in this state to understand that requiring any kind of training course, let alone a live fire one, does nothing but make the process of obtaining an LTC or FID EVEN MORE complicated than it already is and the complication of a live fire requirement would increase EVEN MORE, the time (and probably the expense as well) it takes to get a license.

The simple fact is that in about 88% of the states no license is required for a person to purchase, sell or possess a firearm. That is because in these states, the right to keep and bear arms is correctly interpreted AS A BASIC HUMAN RIGHT that requires no license. Unfortunately, we here in the People's Republic of Massachusetts have become so accustomed to having to have a little plastic card in order to exercise a right that is already ours, that we (some of us anyway) are now willing to argue that indeed we should now be required to MAKE IT MORE DIFFICULT TO OBTAIN A LICENSE in order to exercise that right...which again...is already ours without the license!
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Thing I think is funny is he's confused about the awb I. That interview . He basically said he's trying to ban pre ban rifles . Dose he know you can own ar15's if there made to comply ?
They don't have a clue and never will. Ask a anti or non-gun owner what the difference is between a rifle, assault rifle, assault weapon, pre ban assault weapon and post ban assault weapon and see what you get. All they know is that black guns with pistol grips are bad. Jack.
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