Longmeadow MA Alert - CCW - AWB Bans proposed + Gun Registration!

Lots of incorrect information on that site. Sad that opponents of the initiative would be spreading misinformation. For example the "talking points from the Agawam Revolver club" : "This law is redundant. All law abiding citizens who possess either an LTC or an FID card already have their firearms registered/listed with the state of MA. Longmeadow PD has the capability and resources to retrieve that information when necessary."

WHen did MA start a firearms registry?

P.S. I know what the MIRCS firearms transaction portal is and what it does and doesn't do.

You have much to offer, can you please PM me so I can arrange to have you there for all of us on May 10th we need support. I think you should come out May 10th to Longmeadow to shoe support and be there to clarify some of this matter.

pm me please thanks

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Show not shoe please excuse iPhone typos!!!
Lots of incorrect information on that site. Sad that opponents of the initiative would be spreading misinformation. For example the "talking points from the Agawam Revolver club" : "This law is redundant. All law abiding citizens who possess either an LTC or an FID card already have their firearms registered/listed with the state of MA. Longmeadow PD has the capability and resources to retrieve that information when necessary."

WHen did MA start a firearms registry?

P.S. I know what the MIRCS firearms transaction portal is and what it does and doesn't do.

"All" is incorrect, it is most. If you bought or sold guns in Mass since the era of Blue Cards they are all in the database and the FRB can provide you with a list. The fact that you are licensed and have guns shows on the police computers. When my son was taken to the hospital from our house by EMT's the police officer who responded grilled him as he was being loaded into the ambulance "we know your father has a gun license and we show plenty of guns, how are they stored?" He had almost died and they were grilling him. Had I been there I would have gone ape! But they have access to the info.
But back to the website it would be better if they said all purchases, sales and transfers must be "registered" (since that is what it is, it even says registration on the eFA10 portal)
"All" is incorrect, it is most. If you bought or sold guns in Mass since the era of Blue Cards they are all in the database and the FRB can provide you with a list. The fact that you are licensed and have guns shows on the police computers. When my son was taken to the hospital from our house by EMT's the police officer who responded grilled him as he was being loaded into the ambulance "we know your father has a gun license and we show plenty of guns, how are they stored?" He had almost died and they were grilling him. Had I been there I would have gone ape! But they have access to the info.
But back to the website it would be better if they said all purchases, sales and transfers must be "registered" (since that is what it is, it even says registration on the eFA10 portal)

There are other reasons why a firearm may not be in the database. A small percentage of the records were lost in a flood. As far as I'm concerned, that might as well be all of them. Plus, all the guns that came in with people that moved in from out of state. FRB "suggests" that you provide the info on a FA10, but it is not required. Guns that were possessed before paperwork was required are also not included. So far, as much as they would like to have the info, they can't force you to give it up.
all those reasons are true, one thing - it was only the blue cards that were lost due to the flood, so if you did an FA10 they are on record. I got one of their lists and was amazed at the stuff on there, a couple guns I didn't even remember from 30 years ago. However their records are not perfect, there were at least 6 guns that I have FA10's in hand but are not on their records, probably entered incorrectly. Finally from what I have seen there are many people who don't follow the letter when it comes to C&R guns - remember that you are required to do an FA10, registration only, on C&R's from out of state.
Only ~30K blue cards were water soaked and thrown out, all the rest were put into the database of FRB. My source for that info was the Director of FRB at that time.
Mine were tossed then, on my list from the FRB it didn't have any of the guns I bought between 1970 and 1975

Really unbelievable these lists exist! So the registration article proposed in Longmeadow is redundant? I think these articles are fines on top of already things that are illegal use of firearms, example carrying without an LTC unrestricted is already going to get you in a bunch of trouble. I think the articles proposed desciminate against lawful gun owners and in turn are only meant to confiscate guns.

Or or scare everyone into not owning firearms of any type.

Best st bet we all show up and squash this, be there and Vote NO on May 10th!
Really unbelievable these lists exist! So the registration article proposed in Longmeadow is redundant?

Best st bet we all show up and squash this, be there and Vote NO on May 10th!

They are not totally redundant since people can move to Mass and while the state says you have to register your gun the doesn't state that it is really a recommendation. So there are guns out there that are not registered although most of them are. Also if you have a gun you have had for many years and it was never registered or was on a blue card the government wants to know about it.
Yes the purpose of gun control is not to make us safer because it doesn't since the only people it disarms are the innocent. The purpose is to discourage or deny the rights of the people so that they may be more easily controlled. Government exceded its constitutional authority many years ago. Sadly we have allowed our public servants to become our masters.

Really unbelievable these lists exist! So the registration article proposed in Longmeadow is redundant? I think these articles are fines on top of already things that are illegal use of firearms, example carrying without an LTC unrestricted is already going to get you in a bunch of trouble. I think the articles proposed desciminate against lawful gun owners and in turn are only meant to confiscate guns.

Or or scare everyone into not owning firearms of any type.

Best st bet we all show up and squash this, be there and Vote NO on May 10th!
Please note, Longmeadow residents are organizing to stop the three anti-liberty articles. If you live in the area and would like to be involved, please attend, meeting is Monday night in the dining area at the Longmeadow Senior Center, 7:00 PM

Please follow their website and sign up for updates: http://www.longforliberty.org/
Does article 31 only apply to "assault weapons" with adjustable stocks and bayonet lugs as in the 1994 legislation ? If so my ar15s are legal as they do not have those qualities.
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If your AR15's are not preban and have none of the evil Mass AW features they are legal

What article 31 does is to get rid of the grandfather clause in the law. Will the Police be authorized to seize weapons the way the British did?
ARTICLE 31. Citizen Petition
To see if the Town will vote to accept a bylaw for an assault weapon ban that reads, whoever possesses an assault weapon or a large
capacity feeding device shall pay a fine of $300 for each day such assault weapon or large capacity feeding device is possessed within
the Town. The possessor of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device shall pay a separate fine for each assault weapon and
each large capacity feeding device. The term “assault weapon” and “large capacity feeding device” shall have the meanings found in
Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 140, section 121. The possession of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device is
unlawful even if such assault weapon or large capacity was lawfully possessed on or before September 13, 1994. The effective date of
this bylaw shall be September 1, 2016, or take any other action relative thereto.
Massachusetts state law prohibits the possession of assault weapons and large capacity feeding devices (defined as devices capable of
holding certain amounts of ammunition) but provides an exception for assault weapons and large capacity feeding devices lawfully
possessed on September 13, 1994. This bylaw would eliminate this exception and prohibit all assault weapons and large capacity
feeding devices in Longmeadow. The effective date of September 1, 2016 would allow owners of assault weapons and large capacity
feeding devices falling within this exception sufficient time to remove them from Longmeadow

So it looks like all AR-15's would be banned???

Just like CT??
ARTICLE 31. Citizen Petition
To see if the Town will vote to accept a bylaw for an assault weapon ban that reads, whoever possesses an assault weapon or a large
capacity feeding device shall pay a fine of $300 for each day such assault weapon or large capacity feeding device is possessed within
the Town. The possessor of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device shall pay a separate fine for each assault weapon and
each large capacity feeding device. The term “assault weapon” and “large capacity feeding device” shall have the meanings found in
Massachusetts General Laws, chapter 140, section 121. The possession of an assault weapon or a large capacity feeding device is
unlawful even if such assault weapon or large capacity was lawfully possessed on or before September 13, 1994. The effective date of
this bylaw shall be September 1, 2016, or take any other action relative thereto.
Massachusetts state law prohibits the possession of assault weapons and large capacity feeding devices (defined as devices capable of
holding certain amounts of ammunition) but provides an exception for assault weapons and large capacity feeding devices lawfully
possessed on September 13, 1994. This bylaw would eliminate this exception and prohibit all assault weapons and large capacity
feeding devices in Longmeadow. The effective date of September 1, 2016 would allow owners of assault weapons and large capacity
feeding devices falling within this exception sufficient time to remove them from Longmeadow

So it looks like all AR-15's would be banned???

Just like CT??

No, only "assault weapons" and "large capacity" feeding devices. These are already prohibited under MA law unless grandfathered. The bylaw wouldn't have the grandfather clause.
Do these people have nothing better to do? Jobs? Significant others? A life? What an enormous waste of time and resources for a flawed solution to a problem that does not exist. It should take alot more than a few signatures (I think the Lexington one only needed 10?) to formally address these clueless proposals.
The way i read the AWB article is all assault weapons whether pre ban or not are banned. I would also think they are going after pistol magazines exceeding 10rds whether pre ban or not. I could be wrong, just how i interpret it...
The way i read the AWB article is all assault weapons whether pre ban or not are banned. I would also think they are going after pistol magazines exceeding 10rds whether pre ban or not. I could be wrong, just how i interpret it...

That is my reading of it as well, any AW will be banned with no grandfathering, and it will ban all Hi-Cap mags whether AW or regular rifle pistol or shotgun.
From the GOAL blog regarding the Lexington meeting:

"Last night the town of Lexington invited citizens and anyone who was interested, to attend their town meeting, where they would be discussing and voting on Article 34, of the 2016 town meeting warrant.
For those that don’t know, Article 34 started as a ban on many commonly owned firearms and magazines. This was quickly changed to a non-binding resolution when Lexington’s board of selectmen and chief of police refused to support a ban of any sort.
The problem with the current resolution is two-fold. First, it is written in a manner that is more of an instruction to discuss a resolution to present to the MA legislature that MA laws regarding firearms are inadequate, than it is a resolution to begin actual fair and balanced discussion.
It has a pre-determined outcome, “to inform the Great and General Court of its concern that existing Massachusetts laws regarding assault weapons (M.G.L. c. 140, § 131M) may not sufficiently protect citizens of the Commonwealth, and Lexington.
If we know the outcome, why are we going to bother talking? The second issue regarding the article is that Lexington’s League of Women Voters have been selected to be the host and moderator. The LWV is known to be in collusion with Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown, a well-known group intent on destroying the Second Amendment. Furthermore, the LWV testified against the Second Amendment at every opportunity during the Chapter 284 hearings of 2014 held across the Commonwealth.
Getting back to last night in Lexington, after two hours of discussion, much of it dominated by the article’s proponent, Robert Rotberg, who presented “facts” that were pure fallacy, Lexington’s Town Meeting Members halted debate and voted to halt discussion and vote on Article 34. They excluded many people who waited hours to speak, so much for “discussion”.
The vote that followed reflected that the town meeting members were in favor of the kangaroo court outlined by Article 34.
Going forward, we would love to participate in a discussion about real solutions to problems prevalent in today’s society. Let’s take them on and talk about how we can better help individuals with mental illness, let’s talk about the recidivism rate for violent criminals in MA that is greater than 40%, let’s talk about America’s failed war on drugs and how that has fueled inner city violence for decades.
To have a real, meaningful discussion, both sides need to listen and participate, so far, only one side has listened, the other has been too busy broadcasting propaganda supplied by the Second Amendment hating billionaire.
We hope that changes soon."

Any way to prevent the pro guns rights people's voices from being silenced like they were in Lexington?
Do these people have nothing better to do? Jobs? Significant others? A life?

Unfortunately, no... If you are not from the Springfield area, you won't know that Longmeadow is a bedroom community with a lot of wealth and snobbish appearances and an elitist attitude. Kids wear expensive clothes, people driving MBs, Lexuses, BMWs, 2 Golf courses, etc. NOT all Longmeadow residents are like that but that is the perception of many people who live in and around that town. So I'm not surprised.
Unfortunately, no... If you are not from the Springfield area, you won't know that Longmeadow is a bedroom community with a lot of wealth and snobbish appearances and an elitist attitude. Kids wear expensive clothes, people driving MBs, Lexuses, BMWs, 2 Golf courses, etc. NOT all Longmeadow residents are like that but that is the perception of many people who live in and around that town. So I'm not surprised.

Great way to portray the citizens of Longmeadow......sorry for going to school for 10 years and working to build a business that employs over 30 people....love the disclaimer but I'm certain you realize there's people like this in ALMOST EVERY TOWN in Mass.....
I saw the Jack #ff on the news that was interviewed and I believe he is one thats on the town office. His comment was " We're not going after your right to hunt". It's people like him that need to meet a baseball bat.[frown]

I saw the Jack #ff on the news that was interviewed and I believe he is one thats on the town office. His comment was " We're not going after your right to hunt". It's people like him that need to meet a baseball bat.[frown]


Let me guess. Nobody ever corrected him that the 2nd Amendment does not mention hunting?
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