Lockdown for a shovel...what's next???

an entrenching tool? aka "E-tool"

they look kinda like this:

How the hell do they get that it was about 3 feet long? Seriously though people are really stupid, like the person in the danvers walmart that said a man was in there with a gun when it turned out to be a can of car wax, or the one at the burlington mall and the guy with the rifle umbrella. People are really starting to de-evolve and they should be aborted from the planet!!

The boy is not in trouble, Meridian Schools spokesman Eric Exline said.
*sigh* can't believe they are letting that little punk off. Spare the rod, spoil the child...
When I was in school, I took in a paintball gun for a physics project. It was out on display in the lab for months while we worked on it. It's a wonder that thing didn't start going around shooting out peoples eyes. I mean, it was black, it had to be dangerous. And that was about 12 years ago. I think the problem is we've groomed an entire generation of pansies that are now in charge of "educating" our kids.

Home school FTW, where you can bring a gun to school and learn how to use it, instead of getting expelled.
It's unbelievable how stupid people are getting these days. Shouldn't the staff member have at least said something to this person if they thought they had an axe like "excuse me what are you doing?" Or maybe taken an extra second to see what the kid had before running for their life?
very black. very killy and evil looking.... hide the kids, call the cops! better yet national guard!
state of insanity continues...

In that case: You MUST slap the new MSM descriptive "VERY BAD" label on it = "Military Style"..... "Military Type"..... "Military Model"....Military Looking".... "Military-ish".... "Military Blah, Blah, Blah....."

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Coincidentally my son, a 5th grader, was asking me to take a shovel to school as he and his friends were building a fort in the playground. I was concerned about exactly what happened in this article but finally let him take it anyways. He had fun and no call! In MA!! Maybe there is some hope...
Send this mentally challenged individual the bill for this Panic, maybe he will wake up a little when his wallet is emptied.

If one cannot differentiate a shovel from a weapon ( Lets say Gun here, or was it I thought it was a gun, hmm? ) do any of you really take confidence in this persons ability to protect you're child? I sure as hell don't.

The Mentally inept among us are running the insane asylum folks.

From the article:

Twelve-year-old Hannah McKay went home early with her mother.

“I was really scared, (thinking) that maybe somebody was in the school and my life was in danger,” she said.

That's exactly the way they want it Hannah, so they can come in and 'save' you.

And this is priceless:
"Mary Clark found out about the lockdown by driving past the school and became “terrified my kids were in danger” when she saw all the police cars.

“I just kept telling myself that I couldn’t do anything and I had to trust in the people that were taking care of it and watching over the kids,” she said. “They did the best that I could have imagined."

You keep on trusting them Mary. I'm sure your kid would have been fine. They found the evil military style assault shovel in a brief 90 minutes. What could have someone with an axe possibly done in 90 minutes.
You keep on trusting them Mary. I'm sure your kid would have been fine. They found the evil military style assault shovel in a brief 90 minutes. What could have someone with an axe possibly done in 90 minutes.

...and she will. And millions like her will. And even stupider shit will happen, and they will, still.

(Sigh.) Are WE the ones who are crazy?
<mouth hanging open>

Just when you thought the world could get no stupider.... It does. And these ppl are "educating" our future generation. God help us all.

Home School anyone?
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