LGBTQ+++@*&$ in NH Taking Up Guns

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IMO the majority of people do not care what adults do with their bodies
The debate is, is it moral/should it be legal to permanently modify the bodies of children as well as should it be paid for by stolen funds (taxes)
This may not be what those in "charge" believe or push though
Are we going to start splitting hairs over what medical treatment qualifies? Because this is a massive slippery slope.
IMO the majority of people do not care what adults do with their bodies
The debate is, is it moral/should it be legal to permanently modify the bodies of children as well as should it be paid for by stolen funds (taxes)
This may not be what those in "charge" believe or push though
No offense...but this thread is about LGBTQ people owning guns.....

How did this get to kids altering their bodies????
Are we going to start splitting hairs over what medical treatment qualifies? Because this is a massive slippery slope.
Yes, It is probably important to specify what medical treatment is. Either way I do not have a stake in the game
It's not my body, it's not your body, it someone else's and I have no more right to tell that person what they can do than I can tell some overweight person to lay off the sweets. If that person has regrets it's their regrets, not mine, not yours. If the fat guy can't quit the sweets and has a heart attack, same thing.
I have zero issues with an adult who decides to have a permanently altering medical procedure.
But it's not adults we are talking about - it's children, a large number of whom are influenced by activists with very few moderators in the process to help reduce the change of life long regret

Not all of the books are 'porn' books and for the record I don't like the idea of kids reading them either, but again let me repeat, it's between the parents and the child.
Like I said - the books I knew that had been removed were removed because they were not age appropriate content.
If you have examples where a book was removed simply because it depicted some non-normative sexuality or behavior as it occurs in the general population in an age appropriate manner then I would completely agree that is wrong.

What the hell is it with conservatives. I don't want the government between me and my family and also the conservatives we need to get between you and your family. it's for your own good don't you know. Hypocrisy thy name is conservative.

But push push push. The republicans are going to fall so hard on their faces they won't know what happened.
I am a conservative Christian and I truly don't care what you as a consenting adult do with your family or friends.
I do care when I am told that I am a lesser person because I am not part of or support a particular movement or lifestyle.

As far as marriage - the government needs to get out of licensing which adults can consent sleep together or act as a single legal entity.
Marriage has a religious basis and the government was wrong when they jumped in to try to stop inter-racial couples.
In the end, the word is just a word so whomever wants to declare themselves married - have at it. If you show up at my home or church, I will offer my blessings and prayers to both just as I would any other person(s).
It's not my body, it's not your body, it someone else's and I have no more right to tell that person what they can do than I can tell some overweight person to lay off the sweets. If that person has regrets it's their regrets, not mine, not yours. If the fat guy can't quit the sweets and has a heart attack, same thing.

Not all of the books are 'porn' books and for the record I don't like the idea of kids reading them either, but again let me repeat, it's between the parents and the child.

What the hell is it with conservatives. I don't want the government between me and my family and also the conservatives we need to get between you and your family. it's for your own good don't you know. Hypocrisy thy name is conservative.

But push push push. The republicans are going to fall so hard on their faces they won't know what happened.
I think hypocrisy is owned by the left Vette Girl. The Leftists are the ones who can't define a woman and insist if you have a penis you can be a female and you can declare yourself whatever gender you choose today. The Left is obsessed with pronouns and sexual identity not Conservatives. The leftists feel the need to crush Conservative's and declare them right wing extremists because they push back against the Left's radical anti-American agenda. Who backs censorship, hates free speech, the 2A, Capitalism, Right to Work, etc.?
Sounds thin skinned to one "lets" you exist.

Homophobic insults? Its a gun forum......I get called an a**h*** and a douchebag alot and I probably am one. That doesn't mean I have to go hide under a rock, nor should you.

Don't look for people to be PC in any way shape or form here.

I don't care what you are, if you support 2A then I got your back. But that's not gonna stop me from calling something gay, nor should it stop you from calling someone like me an Archie Bunker thinking dickhead.

I work in the engineering profession and I am used to let's just say colorful language. I've tolerated a lot over the years including things that I shouldn't even have to tolerate. I remember years ago working at a certain defense company in East Hartford (It should only take 1 guess) and I was meeting with a group of engineers on a project of mine. Se we get into the conference room and there is another guy, a loud mouth, but also a degreed engineer like myself and this guy was just begging to be made an example of. "So yeah I picked up this chick in a bar last night and I was fingering her at the bar and then later we went back to her place and I tooled her good and then hung her panties on the wall and we laughed....etc etc etc, you get the picture". The only single thought that went through my mind at that moment in the conference room was, I could get this guy fired in 2 second flat. What stopped me was he was married with a kid, even though he was a disgusting pig. But fast forward a few months and I was in a meeting again and asked where's Jon? Is he coming. After the call I found out he had been terminated for making sexual contact with a female employee. That's when I went to HR and they looked at me all perplexed, why didn't you say something before? I said well he's married with a little kid. Fast forward again a few months and I'm strolling into work and I forgot my badge that day so I'm at the desk and security had this collection of badges on a glass plate that says do not admit and there prominently displayed was this guys badge, and underneath it said no admittance under any circumstances.

Funny thing is, a similar thing happened there a couple of years later with a Japanese project manager. He was always nice to me and never gave me any trouble, but he did things that no one would ever expect to hear in a workplace and he got canned. In fact he was told if he mentioned it that the company would press charges. He ended up on the board of shame.
Yes many independent voters are going to tolerate the bible thumping. Have you ever seen the statistics on this? Conservatives love fiery preacher speeches but they are in a tiny minority. A vast vast swath of America does not like theocratic rule. What stops the republicans is the bible thumping and right now the bible thumping is going bonkers. So good luck. Watch states turn blue because I'm not voting republican any longer. And oh yeah, look at those voter margins in 2022. Didn't look so red wavish did they? Subtract a few thousand votes and now repubs have no path to victory.
I think you have it backwards VetteGirl. Try to find Victor Davis Hanson's article from a few months ago on why the Left is so far out of the mainstream they are reaching irrelevance.
Don't like a drag queen story hour? Then don't go.
Don't like bible studies? Don't go.
Don't want to study the Koran? Don't go.
Don't want woke tv in your living room? unsubscribe.

Don't want your kids reading certain books? Tell them
Don't want your kids being indoctrinated? Well raise them right and they'll come out just fine.
Don't want communism and a victim mentality pushed on your kids? Don't send them to school.
Don't want to pay for bullshit to get pushed on kids in public schools? Don't pay your taxes and go to jail.
Are we going to start splitting hairs over what medical treatment qualifies? Because this is a massive slippery slope.
no chopping parts off kids. no spending tax dollars to modify peoples' bodies when it's not medically necessary for their physical health. slope so slippery!
I have zero issues with an adult who decides to have a permanently altering medical procedure.
But it's not adults we are talking about - it's children, a large number of whom are influenced by activists with very few moderators in the process to help reduce the change of life long regret

Like I said - the books I knew that had been removed were removed because they were not age appropriate content.
If you have examples where a book was removed simply because it depicted some non-normative sexuality or behavior as it occurs in the general population in an age appropriate manner then I would completely agree that is wrong.

I am a conservative Christian and I truly don't care what you as a consenting adult do with your family or friends.
I do care when I am told that I am a lesser person because I am not part of or support a particular movement or lifestyle.

As far as marriage - the government needs to get out of licensing which adults can consent sleep together or act as a single legal entity.
Marriage has a religious basis and the government was wrong when they jumped in to try to stop inter-racial couples.
In the end, the word is just a word so whomever wants to declare themselves married - have at it. If you show up at my home or church, I will offer my blessings and prayers to both just as I would any other person(s).
It doesn't matter if it's a kid or an adult. It's not my kid. It's not my rodeo. If the kid is depressed afterwards then it's on the kids and the parents. This shouldn't be that complicated. I don't care if it's a piercing, or the kid wants to be goth, or whatever. Who cares?

If you have an issue with people who hate conservative Christians take it up with them. In all seriousness I would be in a happier place living with conservative Christians than insufferable marxist a**holes. I'm willing to tolerate a lot of things. I'm not some hard at the wall atheist. I understand that people want to sometimes express their faith and that's fine. I'm even okay with a bible study class in school as long as parents and kids can opt out. Hell I'd love to see a gun club in schools too.

If people learned to respect each other's life choice, for better or for worse, I think a lot of problems would simply vanish. Let me say this and this just speculation on my part okay? I think the transgender craze that we see is a fad and it's is going to fade away and die if we let it. But if you keep stirring the pot it will grow a life of its own.
Don't want communism and a victim mentality pushed on your kids? Don't send them to school.
Don't want to pay for bullshit to get pushed on kids in public schools? Don't pay your taxes and go to jail.
Don't want to pay taxes then argue with me to repeal the 16th amendment and end it all once and for all.

no chopping parts off kids. no spending tax dollars to modify peoples' bodies when it's not medically necessary for their physical health. slope so slippery!

Yeah but you're not a Dr. I thought and correct if I'm wrong that conservatives don't want the government getting between themselves and their doctor? Or is it all BS?
I totally agree and I'd add that I think there's people that got really into the fad that are going to have a ton of regret later due to permanent decisions based on temporary feelings.
I also agree with this sentiment and would like to add the following. It's not my grief to live with. It's not yours. The best hope is to let your kids see all sides of an issue.
I think you have it backwards VetteGirl. Try to find Victor Davis Hanson's article from a few months ago on why the Left is so far out of the mainstream they are reaching irrelevance.

You see a spectrum I see a horseshoe. The far left and far right are the same thing.

I don’t care what your pronouns are as long as you identify as a lawful gun owner.
The goal is to prepare and protect themselves from a rising chorus of threats against LGBTQ+ people, including those stemming from hate groups.

Cant say for sure but Im willing to bet in the history of the planet, its never been safer to be openly gay/lesbian/xyz. I tend to think these people along with others are being manipulated into thinking theyre under attack. Hoping I dont get my brains blown out by one if I happen to ask for directions or cough too loud in their general vicinity.
"Don't like a drag queen story hour? Then don't go."
I don't and as long as it's not in a public school or public library and not read to children go for it.

"Don't like bible studies? Don't go."
I don't but I'm not for banning them and banning religion from the school system.

"Don't want your kids reading certain books? Tell them
Don't want your kids being indoctrinated? Well raise them right and they'll come out just fine."
Agreed but when the Leftist Public-school educators insist parents have no say in the curriculum and insist the FBI/DOJ label parents' terrorists who attend School Board Meetings to protest we have a problem. When educators defy Parents and secretly allow a child to change their name/gender and encourage them to transition we have a problem.

"Don't want your kids watching porn, lock down the phone. So many people in this country can't even sync their damn phone in the car with blue tooth. It's just mind blowing. It's not hard to lock down a phone."
Totally agree, blows my mind watching kids in MB on their phones and parents allowing it.
Batteries running low, gotta go.
Nice chatting with you VetteGirl, Vette is 10x better than a Viper.
It doesn't matter if it's a kid or an adult. It's not my kid. It's not my rodeo. If the kid is depressed afterwards then it's on the kids and the parents. This shouldn't be that complicated. I don't care if it's a piercing, or the kid wants to be goth, or whatever. Who cares?
Private insurance? Go for it. I think it's a bad choice for the kids but like you said that's the parent's issue.
However, using a piercing or dressing goth is not even close to the same level as what I am talking about - Most of the gender affirming care that is in question causes sterility and has no long term health studies to see what damage is done (what data there is available seems to show that it's not good at all)

If you have an issue with people who hate conservative Christians take it up with them. In all seriousness I would be in a happier place living with conservative Christians than insufferable marxist a**holes. I'm willing to tolerate a lot of things. I'm not some hard at the wall atheist. I understand that people want to sometimes express their faith and that's fine. I'm even okay with a bible study class in school as long as parents and kids can opt out. Hell I'd love to see a gun club in schools too.
I could not care less about those who dislike or hate me because of my beliefs - most of them have no idea what it actually means to be conservative or Christian and simply project their own insecurities on those who are an easy target.

If people learned to respect each other's life choice, for better or for worse, I think a lot of problems would simply vanish. Let me say this and this just speculation on my part okay? I think the transgender craze that we see is a fad and it's is going to fade away and die if we let it. But if you keep stirring the pot it will grow a life of its own.

So what you are saying is that we agree on essentially 90% and what we don't agree on likely wouldn't be a show stopper IRL.

On Topic: I seriously hope those who fall outside the norm do take their own defense seriously. Had a coworker and friend get put in the hospital with some pretty bad injuries simply because he walked out of the wrong bar in view of the wrong people.
Okay here's the choices:

democrats: we'll leave you alone to live your life. We won't interfere in how you want to organize your bodily autonomy.

Well, except when it comes to making choices for your kids, where they're basicallly on the precipice of getting "your kid can choose to have their dick or tits cut off and there's not a thing a parent can do about it" and also more or less trying very hard to get parents who don't allow their kids into trans-endorsing therapy and so on to get demarcated as child abusers and that
kind of thing. It used to be in this country not that long ago that issue was approached with balance, pragmatism and respect but all that is going right out the window, to the detriment of these kids and their parents. And that's just the tip of the iceberg.

Also in reality they talk a good game but rarely do a whole hell of a lot. You could almost hear the loud disappointment in the room from democraps when the supreme court killed off the gay marriage debate, it was almost like they were disappointed because they lost their main thing to whine about and had to pick something else. (and FTR, I think that decision was a huge win for both sides, ironically, because it killed a divisive issue that should have never existed to begin with).

republicans: you need to pray the gay away. Oh what's that your buddhist? Well you need to convert and become a Christian to live in our Jesus-themed utopia.

Yeah but if you haven't been paying attention evengelicals and juicers have more or less had their knees cut off, as in the last GOP election cycle they got marginalized to
"average". This was shown when Trump was campaigning and he went to court workers instead of juicers. Ted Cruz courted the juicers but gained nothing from it, and got
destroyed in the primary voting. Juicers dont have that kind of pull anymore to throw a primary..

The only thing keeping evengelicals and juicers still relevant is the "Roe" business and the fact that there are like 9 or 10 states where their liberals were too f***ing stupid to
push for or settle for a 15 week law and get it burned in. Now those states have full on abortion bans becasue the other side was too stupid to take the free cheese in the one
case where it would have worked out to take the free cheese....

There can be things that transcend gun rights and the right of people to be left alone is just as important to the next guy as it is to you.

Lol the thing is if you don't have a gun you lose all ability to stop bad actors from violating your other rights. Once people as individuals or groups are disarmed or pose no threat to those in power, whatever little ability you had to stop them from abusing you is basically gone.

Republicans are making an enormously calculated blunder in order to appeal to a small percentage of the republican voting base.

The juicers/evangelicals are no longer the biggest problem for the GOP anymore, not by a long shot, outside of the Roe problem, but that only exists in 10 states and is outside of the mainstream at this point.

The biggest problem is that is basically harboring a bunch of garbage, milquetoast shitbag corrupt a**h***s, like Cocaine mitch, Romney, Crenshaw, ad nauseam. And its not that these pols "arent conservative enough" it's that they are corrupt shitbags.

thats a far bigger problem with pulling wobblies. Wobblies will keep doing the same voting over and over again unless they feel like they are truly getting a different

Thats why, love him or hate him (as an individual) , politically, Donald Trump was a big f***ing deal- there was a statistically significant # of middle left, and middle right type wobblie voters pulled for Trump because he got the lens of the issues off shit that didnt matter (like lmnopq, abortion, etc) to shit that actually did matter, like jobs, economy, government spending and domestic fiscal and regulatory policies, avoiding foreign entanglements, etc.

Republicans need "trump lite" and not "cocaine mitch" or "Romney" etc. THAT is the biggest problem. the Evengelojuicecons are not a big deal anymore. Not by a long
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Here’s my gripe around this. Has any openly gay American gun group ever once protested the removal of our honored POW/MIA flags that have all been replaced with f***ing rainbow flags?

Being called names or being bullied or feeling ostracized or feeling different or whatever sucks, I get it. That said it’s a far cry from having the skin peeled off your back or having your arms and legs broken over and over again, having your teeth and fingernails ripped out with pliers, or your eyes burned out with hot steel, or any type of brutal torture that they endured, for you, for all of us, in the name of freedom they suffered more than you or I can ever imagine.

Their honored place of remembrance on that flag pole with Old Glory, was stolen and given to a bunch of whiny c***s and Starbucks customers just for feels. It’s f***ing shameful and it’s f***ing selfish and you all lost a whole lot of support for your cause around those simple ideas of respect, gratitude and honor.
Cant say for sure but Im willing to bet in the history of the planet, its never been safer to be openly gay/lesbian/xyz. I tend to think these people along with others are being manipulated into thinking theyre under attack. Hoping I dont get my brains blown out by one if I happen to ask for directions or cough too loud in their general vicinity.
Both parts can be true.

In the same way that this is (statistically) the safest time in the history of humanity, it is also true that there are people who hurt people; and this is why we carry.

Unfortunately, if it bleeds it leads. The result is that we hear about people being attacked, and rarely hear about how infrequent it really is. On top of that, the northeast is a relatively safe area, especially for queer folks. Then they travel out of the places they know to be safe, to areas they're told to fear, and they feel how they've been taught they're supposed to.

Some of us try to share different perspectives. Many of us get static when we do. And we can't really choose how reporters will write about us - which usually ends up as some sort of half-hearted "public interest" story: isn't it crazy, some gays like guns!?
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I think hypocrisy is owned by the left Vette Girl. The Leftists are the ones who can't define a woman and insist if you have a penis you can be a female and you can declare yourself whatever gender you choose today. The Left is obsessed with pronouns and sexual identity not Conservatives. The leftists feel the need to crush Conservative's and declare them right wing extremists because they push back against the Left's radical anti-American agenda. Who backs censorship, hates free speech, the 2A, Capitalism, Right to Work, etc.?

I don't want to get involved in their redefinition of the English language. I think it's some foolish nonsense. But to my point there are a lot of LGBT people who are not leftists however they tried being on the conservative side and received a cold heartless reception. I think the right needs to stare into the mirror as well if they ever hope of being a big tent of ideas otherwise they're going to fall on their face. If a conservative says "I'd rather fall on my face and never have a seat at the table of power than comprimise my 'values'" then so be it, your wish has been granted, but don't complain afterwards when your left out of the game orf marbles.

I see the pronoun stuff and I laugh. I see that one trans person who said they were having period cramps and I laughed my ass off. Honey you just need to take big sh*t that's all. Yeah the left is on the wrong side of history, primarily at this moment, by being war mongers, but that doesn't mean they are 'always' wrong.

Yeah but who cares about name calling? On twitter I have people calling me a libtard, a contard, a dotard, Putin puppet, you name it. I'm on several antifa watch lists already because I myself have ticked off LGBT people who are so so sensitive, etc etc etc. I must be p*ss*ng off the right people if they're all hella mad at me. And you know what? Who freaking cares? Call me an extremist one more time and I swear to God I am going to go and bite my pillow and clutch my pearls.

Understand who the real enemy is in the equation. It's not the gay who lives at the corner. It's the people who will commit this country to limited scale thermonuclear war thinking they can win it, in order to sell natural gas to Germany and do it with the greatest piece of psychological warfare in human history.
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