LGBTQ+++@*&$ in NH Taking Up Guns

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The problem is the more reasonable people on that side are virtually invisible in the dialogue/narrative, and IMHO that is a huge problem. The commies just walked right in and
"took over the whole band" as it were. Reminds me of those fudd takeovers at gun clubs, except you folks are in a situation where the fudds control 99% of the gun
clubs. " which is a big problem, because then the rest of the world thinks you are fudds......
The LGBT community in this country isn't even being led around by LGBT people. It's being led around by white progressive liberals with a Jesus complex. They want to atone for the rotten things they said as kid or who the hell knows. But's it's white progressive liberal, the scourge of humanity.

The left today is a collection of boutique causes. I mean even look at black people, who's running that show? Is it black people, or guilt laden white people?
I attended a recent meeting of my Republican town committee.

I find politicians on both sides of the fence to be highly objectionable, but I vote Republican because they are a tiny bit less objectionable than the Democrats

At that meeting, I had to stand there, and listen to ignorant, rude, abusive comments about trans people. At least in today's society, ignorant people watch their mouths around black people and other groups who have political power. Many people still call black people the N word, but they don't dare use it in public. Trans people are not accorded the same level of civility. People can make rude, nasty comments while they are actually looking at me, and no one says a word.

So after listening to this nonsense all night, I posted on the RTC website, that this sort of ignorant, bigoted, rude commentary was beneath such an august body. I said that it was obvious that people didn't understand the issue, and that although I didn't expect them to accept the other side, I at least thought that they should be exposed to it. It's like when liberals talk about banning assault weapons. They don't really understand the issue enough to make an intelligent decision.

I've made presentations about gender to hospital staffers, universities and business groups, and offered to make that presentation to educate. I didn't expect anyone to agree with me, but I wanted people to hear the other side, instead of assuming that everything coming out of the mouths of Glen Beck, Fox News and the rest is accurate.

The response? We don't want to hear your presentation. We have our minds made up. We know the facts, and we're not going to waste our time. If you don't like the insults, don't attend.
The message was that they were doing as much as they needed by letting me live, and I should show my appreciation by going back into the closet so they don't have to deal with it.

You can make all the comments about pronouns, gender, and trans people you want. You can guffaw about homos, sucking dicks, and faggots. Those kind of comments are a regular feature on this board.

The reality is that you are intentionally ignorant, clueless, and worse, impervious to any care that you are hurting other people who never did anything to you.

It's no different than the idiots who make inane comments about guns, black rifles, silencers, and short barrel rifles.

Well said. Good on you.

So many hang on to belief systems they were taught when young. That's frequently how prejudices persist. And so many are incapable of independent thought.

I blame the media too. So often they broadcast LGBQT folks who are at the extreme. And many assume that's just the reality for all LGBQT folks.

I've had this discussion with a black friend. How if I based my opinion of black folks on the extreme views I see on tv, well, he likely wouldn't be my friend. He got it completely.

Sorry you have to deal with this $hit. And congrats on having the courage to represent the trans community in a positive light.

Stay strong. And don't let the a$$holes get you down.

I live in metrowest. If you are around this area beers are on me.


This and let me take this one step further. If a drug dealer is walking down the street with a bag of fentanyl in his pocket and a gun tucked in his waistband, then only crime being committed is the fentanyl possession and if on a jury I would not vote guilty on the gun charge so I would go as far as saying a criminal can just as easily act in self defense as a 'lawful' citizen. So as far as who can carry, the answer to me anyways is anyone who wants to. That's what rights look like not picking and choosing who can or can't armed. F*** that, we already have that and it's stupid and unnecessary.

While I uncomfortably agree the drug dealer isn't committing a (moral) crime by carrying a gun, I might have to play the hypocrite card on this one.

I would be perfectly okay with someone going vigilante on drug dealers. I'm not willing to bear the consequences if caught, so I'm not going to do it, but anyone that does hunt down and kill street dealers (the sort that sell to kids, I mean) you have my blessing**.

There was a Clancy novel "Without Remorse" that has some interesting perspectives on this.

** blessing, not permission! I'm too young and pretty to go to jail
What I can’t figure out is the government loves to divide people, but they keep adding letters to a community at what point is it all inclusive? And we kill all the pedophiles.

The government, ie the uniparty, loves this are you kidding? I'll tell you 2 main reasons:

1). If we're all subdivided into little tribes then we're all easy to control. If a problem arises pit group a against b. Tomorrow pit b against c, and on and on it goes. Because while we're busy yelling at each other......

2). They (these establishment politicians, corporate CEO's, etc) want us all yelling at each other on social media meanwhile they are cutting enormous deals in the backroom with establishment politicians. In exchange the establishment politicians can short stocks and shift investments to earn millions in profit for deals that themselves will personally oversee on behalf of all of us, the peon class. Everyone in the smoke filled backroom stands to become fabulously wealthy as long as (a) everyone is fighting and (b) no one notices the level of thievery going on.
No matter where you stand on the transgender issue, some people inside the LGBT community see these raft of new anti-trans laws as a threat. So vote dem and be left alone but deal with gun rights issues of vote repubs and be essentially ghetto-ized but maybe with a gun because it's not like repubs are 2A champions. The right will lose this culture battle I hope you realize and probably end up ceding more political ground.
In the end, DemocRATS are much, much worse on gun rights. And that's why you can't elect them. Unless Gayness is your defining issue.

I don't have a dog in the fight, other than being a little reluctant to apply to some other group similar tactics that are used on MY demographic. (fat, old, bald guy strapping a .45)

I don't advocate someone swap out body parts, but I also don't CARE if someone does. None of my business in the same way it's nobody else's business if I carry a real gun, or a Glock, or even if I were a pacifist.

part of the bill is making it so public funds aren't being used for genital removal. i think we're only here because the mentally unwell started targeting children.
part of the bill is making it so public funds aren't being used for genital removal. i think we're only here because the mentally unwell started targeting children.

It goes a lot farther than that, as you know.

If it's wrong to attack gun owners with rfid tipped bullets, mandatory insurance policies, requiring psych evals for carry permits and all the other harebrained ideas the gun grabbers have tried on us, it's wrong to attack others the same way.
There was a Clancy novel "Without Remorse" that has some interesting perspectives on this.
One of my favorite books. Loved it. Then came the recent movie, they f***ing trashed it with a bunch of woke BS. I didn’t get past the first ten mins of some ridiculously adorned and alleged Navy Seal Tm being led by a black female who appeared to have never held a gun before that days filming. They f***ed that movie up from day 01. Clowns.
I am trans, and I did not join Antifa. I did not march, protest, talk to CNN, or show up at a Nancy Pelosi political rally. None of the other trans professionals that I know did that either.
This is the same as saying all gun owners are members of white supremacist groups, and are the ones who mowed down all of those marchers at that parade in Virginia.

You can't put people into boxes.

If it helps at all.....I am a woman married to another woman. I know all the scrapping dudes out there that wanted to take a ride in my viper are mad but hey it is what it is.

I just want you to know that you are not the only person like you. There are lots and lots of disaffected LGBT people who passionately hates communists, white progressive liberals with their f*cking faux acceptance golf claps and pats on the back and j*ackasses. I've talked with Arielle Scarcella and Blaire White. They're both extremely well grounded people who want nothing more than to live their lives in peace and quiet. But we're in a squeaky wheel gets the grease proposition and right now the clowns are running the circus. A lot of the LGBT people that Trump dragged into the republican party are today abandoning the party because the republican swang hard to the bible thumping crowd and many are joining the libertarian movement where there's no bullsh*t. That's millions of votes that the next republican candidate just lost but some folks just can't compute or are willing to sit in a hell of their own making. Good on them I say you earned it.

If you ever find yourself in Western MA and want to go shooting then shoot me a message. If you find yourself in RI and want go to the guntry club down there (in the viper of course) then let me know or just sit on a private beach and stare out at the water although it's so cold I'm giving it a pass for a little bit.
In the end, DemocRATS are much, much worse on gun rights. And that's why you can't elect them. Unless Gayness is your defining issue.

Okay here's the choices:

democrats: we'll leave you alone to live your life. We won't interfere in how you want to organize your bodily autonomy.

republicans: you need to pray the gay away. Oh what's that your buddhist? Well you need to convert and become a Christian to live in our Jesus-themed utopia.

There can be things that transcend gun rights and the right of people to be left alone is just as important to the next guy as it is to you. Republicans are making an enormously calculated blunder in order to appeal to a small percentage of the republican voting base.
Gays, tranny's complain about discrimination, harassment but how would anyone know who/what you are unless you're broadcasting it and taunting the majority.

I'm pretty sure applying for membership at a gun club doesn't require you to name your sexual preference so it's a non-issue.

The Pink Pistols have been around for years and encouraging homosexuals to get training, apply for LTC's and arm themselves and join Sportsman'd clubs in the area.

The problem with gays, queer Nation, Tranny's etc. are they overwhelmingly vote for liberal Dems who pander to them. They promise them more "protection" in exchange for their votes to disarm them which is the plan. Dems use them as props, examples are Mayor Pete and that freakazoid Sammy Britton.

My main issue with the LGBTQ crowd is their crusade to infiltrate schools and indoctrinate children, teens into their "lifestyle" and their obsession with "Sexual Identity" which seems to run their agenda. I'm sure most homosexuals are not crusaders and just want to live in peace and harmony with their neighbors/co-workers but unfortunately the radicals always hijack a cause and the majority are too afraid to confront them and oust them and tell them to STFU!
Meh, I live life expecting everyone to be armed and looking to do wrong. I'm pretty handy with the steel, hopefully I will be ready for the fight if it comes my way.

As far as my political and societal enemies open carry larping in a state park to make a point, good. People should be desensitized to people being overtly armed.
Halting gender care for transgender teenagers, banning books, etc. It's all going to backfire.

Waiting is a viable option given the known statistic of reversion to the norm of gender dysphoric teens/children.
Proper care isn't affirming or discouraging the assumed gender - it's protecting a fragile child and ensuring that there aren't other forces involved in the disphoria.
But I'm labeled as transphobic if I think that "do no harm" is the first step.

And all of the "banned" books that I've seen are only banned from schools in situations where the content is obviously not age appropriate. Parents are fully able to provide those materials to their children whenever and however they like.
The government, ie the uniparty, loves this are you kidding? I'll tell you 2 main reasons:

1). If we're all subdivided into little tribes then we're all easy to control. If a problem arises pit group a against b. Tomorrow pit b against c, and on and on it goes. Because while we're busy yelling at each other......

2). They (these establishment politicians, corporate CEO's, etc) want us all yelling at each other on social media meanwhile they are cutting enormous deals in the backroom with establishment politicians. In exchange the establishment politicians can short stocks and shift investments to earn millions in profit for deals that themselves will personally oversee on behalf of all of us, the peon class. Everyone in the smoke filled backroom stands to become fabulously wealthy as long as (a) everyone is fighting and (b) no one notices the level of thievery going on.
Well said....... and exactly how our ruling class operates. We are too stupid and too divided to see it.
Okay here's the choices:

democrats: we'll leave you alone to live your life. We won't interfere in how you want to organize your bodily autonomy.

republicans: you need to pray the gay away. Oh what's that your buddhist? Well you need to convert and become a Christian to live in our Jesus-themed utopia.

There can be things that transcend gun rights and the right of people to be left alone is just as important to the next guy as it is to you. Republicans are making an enormously calculated blunder in order to appeal to a small percentage of the republican voting base.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot more Conservative, Evangelical Christians voting for Conservative Republicans than there are Gay's voting for Republicans so there's your answer. I guess Ric Grennell and Guy Benson are the exception. ;)
Conservative Christians, except the radical nut jobs, do not harass folks who don't believe in their Religion unlike Leftists who continue to harass and condemn Christians over their opposition to abortion, traditional marriage, etc.
Gay rights are a settled issue and as stated my only issue is the indoctrination in our Nations Public Schools. Look what happened in Stoughton when the town removed Gay flags from the schools, all the pink, purple haired activists showed up and raised hell. Our schools should not be promoting sex period to minors, this isn't the 1950's. Every teen has a phone and can access crap we couldn't imagine so they know where babies come from and every sexual position/perversion you could imagine.
The Left controls the media and the govt. and has gone after US, White Conservative Gun Owning citizens. WE have a bullseye on our backs NOT Gay citizens.
The cross dressing drag queens have decided to make themselves a spectacle and are demanding widespread acceptance of their "lifestyle" so they brought the attention both good and bad on themselves.

Waiting is a viable option given the known statistic of reversion to the norm of gender dysphoric teens/children.
Proper care isn't affirming or discouraging the assumed gender - it's protecting a fragile child and ensuring that there aren't other forces involved in the disphoria.
But I'm labeled as transphobic if I think that "do no harm" is the first step.

And all of the "banned" books that I've seen are only banned from schools in situations where the content is obviously not age appropriate. Parents are fully able to provide those materials to their children whenever and however they like.

It's not my body, it's not your body, it someone else's and I have no more right to tell that person what they can do than I can tell some overweight person to lay off the sweets. If that person has regrets it's their regrets, not mine, not yours. If the fat guy can't quit the sweets and has a heart attack, same thing.

Not all of the books are 'porn' books and for the record I don't like the idea of kids reading them either, but again let me repeat, it's between the parents and the child.

What the hell is it with conservatives. I don't want the government between me and my family and also the conservatives we need to get between you and your family. it's for your own good don't you know. Hypocrisy thy name is conservative.

But push push push. The republicans are going to fall so hard on their faces they won't know what happened.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot more Conservative, Evangelical Christians voting for Conservative Republicans than there are Gay's voting for Republicans so there's your answer. I guess Ric Grennell and Guy Benson are the exception. ;)
Conservative Christians, except the radical nut jobs, do not harass folks who don't believe in their Religion unlike Leftists who continue to harass and condemn Christians over their opposition to abortion, traditional marriage, etc.
Gay rights are a settled issue and as stated my only issue is the indoctrination in our Nations Public Schools. Look what happened in Stoughton when the town removed Gay flags from the schools, all the pink, purple haired activists showed up and raised hell. Our schools should not be promoting sex period to minors, this isn't the 1950's. Every teen has a phone and can access crap we couldn't imagine so they know where babies come from and every sexual position/perversion you could imagine.
The Left controls the media and the govt. and has gone after US, White Conservative Gun Owning citizens. WE have a bullseye on our backs NOT Gay citizens.
The cross dressing drag queens have decided to make themselves a spectacle and are demanding widespread acceptance of their "lifestyle" so they brought the attention both good and bad on themselves.

Yes many independent voters are going to tolerate the bible thumping. Have you ever seen the statistics on this? Conservatives love fiery preacher speeches but they are in a tiny minority. A vast vast swath of America does not like theocratic rule. What stops the republicans is the bible thumping and right now the bible thumping is going bonkers. So good luck. Watch states turn blue because I'm not voting republican any longer. And oh yeah, look at those voter margins in 2022. Didn't look so red wavish did they? Subtract a few thousand votes and now repubs have no path to victory.
But push push push. The republicans are going to fall so hard on their faces they won't know what happened.
I don't think it really matters anymore. It's all going to come crashing down, hard. People have no idea how hard it will be either.
I'm sure there are a hell of a lot more Conservative, Evangelical Christians voting for Conservative Republicans than there are Gay's voting for Republicans so there's your answer. I guess Ric Grennell and Guy Benson are the exception. ;)
Conservative Christians, except the radical nut jobs, do not harass folks who don't believe in their Religion unlike Leftists who continue to harass and condemn Christians over their opposition to abortion, traditional marriage, etc.
Gay rights are a settled issue and as stated my only issue is the indoctrination in our Nations Public Schools. Look what happened in Stoughton when the town removed Gay flags from the schools, all the pink, purple haired activists showed up and raised hell. Our schools should not be promoting sex period to minors, this isn't the 1950's. Every teen has a phone and can access crap we couldn't imagine so they know where babies come from and every sexual position/perversion you could imagine.
The Left controls the media and the govt. and has gone after US, White Conservative Gun Owning citizens. WE have a bullseye on our backs NOT Gay citizens.
The cross dressing drag queens have decided to make themselves a spectacle and are demanding widespread acceptance of their "lifestyle" so they brought the attention both good and bad on themselves.

Don't like a drag queen story hour? Then don't go.
Don't like bible studies? Don't go.
Don't want to study the Koran? Don't go.
Don't want woke tv in your living room? unsubscribe.

Don't want your kids reading certain books? Tell them
Don't want your kids being indoctrinated? Well raise them right and they'll come out just fine.

My feeling is that all of the decisions are between the parents and the child. If a parent says no sex class, then they take some other class instead. If another parent says, hell yeah indoctrinate the little rug rat, then so be it.

The left controls the media because the right doesn't want to and people still cling to the bitter nipple of traditional media (heavens to Mergatroid no football/hockey/wwe. I'm going to find a book to read now).

Don't want your kids watching porn, lock down the phone. So many people in this country can't even sync their damn phone in the car with blue tooth. It's just mind blowing. It's not hard to lock down a phone.
Just read the responses of this group to anything involving trans people. Read the homophobic insults on these boards that people accept as ok. People think that they are doing me a favor by letting me exist, and that I’d better hide back under a rock so they don’t have to deal.
Sounds thin skinned to one "lets" you exist.

Homophobic insults? Its a gun forum......I get called an a**h*** and a douchebag alot and I probably am one. That doesn't mean I have to go hide under a rock, nor should you.

Don't look for people to be PC in any way shape or form here.

I don't care what you are, if you support 2A then I got your back. But that's not gonna stop me from calling something gay, nor should it stop you from calling someone like me an Archie Bunker thinking dickhead.
I don't think it really matters anymore. It's all going to come crashing down, hard. People have no idea how hard it will be either.

Yup. It is only during really good times that our society behaves this way. Giving an ear to whatever group wants to speak up and raise hell.

People are far more tolerant when the rent/mortgage are being paid, there's food on the table, and a few bucks left over for discretionary fun.

When the economy turns bad, as it always does due to its cyclical nature, the focus will turn quickly to survival. People with big bills lose their jobs, when prices continue to move higher, when feeding the famly becomes problematic, well, people don't give a $hit about these causes. They're scared of the care and feeding of their families.

And that is coming IMHO. Long overdue because of all the free money our government has created out of thin air and given away.
Okay here's the choices:

democrats: we'll leave you alone to live your life. We won't interfere in how you want to organize your bodily autonomy.

republicans: you need to pray the gay away. Oh what's that your buddhist? Well you need to convert and become a Christian to live in our Jesus-themed utopia.

There can be things that transcend gun rights and the right of people to be left alone is just as important to the next guy as it is to you. Republicans are making an enormously calculated blunder in order to appeal to a small percentage of the republican voting base.
IMO the majority of people do not care what adults do with their bodies
The debate is, is it moral/should it be legal to permanently modify the bodies of children as well as should it be paid for by stolen funds (taxes)
This may not be what those in "charge" believe or push though
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