Kraft Donated Pats Plane to fly Anti's to DC

I would ask that everybody in this thread remember it when it comes time for somebody here on NES to start up whatever football threads end up here.

People need to reminded when they are supporting the enemy.

I don't think it will amount to a hill of beans, frankly. That revenue stream is huge, even if 20% of it drops off they still are going to make a shitload of money. IMHO the thing that will hurt them worse long term is the rapidly declining quality of the product more than anything else. I also hope that when the CBA thing comes up the NFLPA actually tells the owners to f*** off and demands a lot of changes, I don't even care if theres a lockout and no football for an entire season. Politics aside the product is turning into trash. Out of like 32 teams there
are usually about 8 or so worth watching.

Personally I am on the fence though- but with the declining quality of the games, meh. I think this year I'll meet
myself halfway... up front when the schedules are released I'll end up crossing off the shit games out of the list out of the gate. I'd rather go to the gym and then hit the range after.... I haven't been shooting enough in the past 2-3 years and now every time I go back, I realize how much I missed shooting on a weekly basis.

This matter with Kraft is twisted. He is a staunch supporter of Israel, a State whose existence is due, at least in some part, to the Holocaust. Would the Holocaust have gone the same way if the millions of Jews, Soviet civilians, non-Jewish Poles and others were an armed populace? We'll never know but it seems reasonable to expect that the losses inflicted upon those troops rounding up the Holocaust victims would have been immense.

I don't wish him any harm but I have no good will towards Kraft or to his team after this.
I would ask that everybody in this thread remember it when it comes time for somebody here on NES to start up whatever football threads end up here.

People need to reminded when they are supporting the enemy.

Have you ever read that "2017-2018 Patriots" thread ? Those jock sniffers are so far up the ass of anything Patriots,the entire team could be pedophiles with bodies of children chopped to pieces in the locker room and they would still defend them.I have no idea how or why people worship sports and the men who play them like they do,but it seems kind of like a mental disorder.
"So screw the millions of gun owners who would never hurt anyone and screw the 500,000 to 3 million times a year a gun is used to save a life because just the thought of someone's kid in school (yup, complete hypothetical) MIGHT get shot then take away all the guns." now that's what Kraft really wanted to say. Screw that liver-spotted turd.
I don't wish him any harm but I have no good will towards Kraft or to his team after this.

You're nicer than me. I hope all his players are benched for concussions. Then I hope he steps on a lego and falls down a flight of marble stairs breaking all his teeth which he swallows and has to poop out the shards which cut his rectum and cause an infection.
I can't even listen to Boston Sports talk radio anymore because all they do is whine about why didn't Malcolm Butler play, why did they trade Jimmie G.,etc. It's Pats obsession 24/7 and after Kraft caved to Goodell and now this I could care less. I don't watch any NFL games except the Pats and with the kneeling BS this past season I'm about done. Football is in decline because of the head injuries, owners greed and saturation of the sport on TV.
I won't be watching another game. I didn't watch the regular season last year. I did watch the playoffs....but never again. Won't watch a Pats game again, I don't buy their stuff anyway so no big deal there and I will never again set foot in Patriot Place.
I have never understood why people feel invested in a team just because it headquartered near where they live. A team is a business with an owner, employees and customers - nothing else. It would make about as much sense as a non-investor getting excited about the Gillette quarterly earnings report because the company is headquartered in the local area.
What Kraft should be fearing is not getting paid. That's what the entire NFL should be fearing.

Poor little high school kids and all the other SJW wannabes have no money and would never be buying Pats season tickets or sitting in front of the TV every Sunday watching football anyway. They also won't be wearing official Patriots gear down at the next Antifah rally.

That's why gun owners who support the NFL at this point - really need to have their intelligence questioned. If things have really gone so far that Bob Kraft is worried about getting stuck on the next train to the gulag by all those little commies - well then it's well PAST time for gun owners and people who support freedom in this country to STOP sending idiots like Kraft your money and your support.

Please, allow me to license your statues!
I have never understood why people feel invested in a team just because it headquartered near where they live. A team is a business with an owner, employees and customers - nothing else. It would make about as much sense as a non-investor getting excited about the Gillette quarterly earnings report because the company is headquartered in the local area.

Rob, once lazy masses are fed and they have their games to attend to, since Roman times, they will vote for any gladiator.
I have never understood why people feel invested in a team just because it headquartered near where they live. A team is a business with an owner, employees and customers - nothing else. It would make about as much sense as a non-investor getting excited about the Gillette quarterly earnings report because the company is headquartered in the local area.

I think it depends on what you mean by investment. To me its just entertainment, to other people its involves a retarded/irrational form of jingoism around professional sports.

Like when someones team loses (like when the pats lost the superbowl) theres these people who are like literally bummed out about it.... its a f***in game for chrissakes.

That's why gun owners who support the NFL at this point - really need to have their intelligence questioned. If things have really gone so far that Bob Kraft is worried about getting stuck on the next train to the gulag by all those little commies - well then it's well PAST time for gun owners and people who support freedom in this country to STOP sending idiots like Kraft your money and your support.

LOL, not sure if serious, I doubt Kraft is really thinking about it that deeply. This is an approaching-ancient moonbat that had one of his moonbat friends call him on the phone and ask him for a favor, so he did "what he thought was right" which at best, is probably about a 5%, , half senile understanding of whatever it was. Not excusing his behavior here, but I doubt he was thinking about it very deeply when he was asked to do
it. He might be smart in business, but he's probably a political dotard like most of the rest of his contemporaries with the (D) hat.

I think the point here is that if maybe - just maybe - if so many men didn't have their heads stuck so far up NFL's ass - or LFL _ or whatever the alternatives are - then they might be paying a little more attention to the world commie'ing down the shithole around them.\

I used to believe this but its bullshit. I know plenty of people that don't watch ball sports of any kind and they're still clueless about politics, etc. Most people just don't give a shit unless its inserted directly into their face/front door/ living room. It's possible in the US to live in relative ignorant bliss most of the time- and I can completely understand why, because after engaging people about these kinds of topics for the better part of like 15+ years, a feeling of futility eventually washes over you. There's a continual malaise with it because its easy to say "Why should I even give a shit? It doesn't matter anyways. The retards elect the president, the retards elect everyone else... my opinion is pretty much worthless. " And in most cases, a non retard saying that... they would sadly be right. Drooling idiots control most of the politics in this country. I mean how else do you think we ended up with Shitlery vs Trump to begin with? That wasn't exactly the production of a bunch of intelligent people sitting around trying to figure out what was best for the country. It was the fabrication of a bunch of idiots that drowned themselves into bullshit like identity politics.

You wanna change things? Figure out how to blow up the noisebox for a couple
of months. Then people would be forced to think for themselves....

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