Know the Law: Employers can still ban guns from workplace

May 8, 2011
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New Hampshire employers could face liability for violence that occurs in the workplace. In New Hampshire, there have been cases where businesses were held responsible for violence that occurred in the workplace when the employer was aware of the potential danger. Federal OSHA law contains a general duty clause requiring employers to provide a workplace that is “free from recognized hazards that are causing or likely to cause death or serious physical harm.” Employers could also face workers’ compensation claims for injuries sustained by an employee in the workplace. New Hampshire businesses can continue to enact policies that mitigate against potential risk of workplace violence. Businesses do not have to allow employees to carry concealed weapons in the workplace. In New Hampshire, businesses may continue to prohibit weapons in the workplace because the prohibition is relative to the business’s property.
The article also perpetuates the thinking that it is negligent, and a liability exposure, to not prohibit guns for employees.
The company I work for is owned by a UK consortium [sad2]. That's why concealed means concealed.
But wait... by that same law... if something did happen isn't the company held responsible for not allowing their employees to be safely armed?

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But wait... by that same law... if something did happen isn't the company held responsible for not allowing their employees to be safely armed?
Good luck finding a contingency fee attorney to take such a case in MA. The defense will have no shortage of HR experts who can testify that "no guns" is not only safest, but also the "industry standard". Except, of course, for high ranking senior executives [wink]
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