Justice Kavanaugh

my limited knowledge of polygraphs...you get TEN questions asked with a commercial investigator.. Not the TWO questions they admitted to....
something stinks like last week's sushi
Back in the 70's when I watched 60 minutes, they did a thing on "lie detectors". Told the outfit who they thought stole an expressive camera, The lie d said it was him. Then another outfit, same thing except it was her, the lie d said it was her. No camera was stolen and the employees had no knowledge of any of it.
If only there was a way to make the mouthbreathing masses watch this. Instead I get my boss walking past the TVs in the lobby with me an hour ago pointing at K's picture and saying "that motherf***er did it." I told him he was out of his mind.
When getting a polygraph they always asked questions for which they already know the answer to establish a baseline. "Is your middle name Ray? Is your hair green? Is today Thursday?"
Again, in the 70's the mayor of Philadelphia said, "city employees should have no problem taking a polygraph" He even took it to show how harmless it was, flunked several questions including what his name was. Huh...They decided not to do it.
IMO the emotion is not a bad thing, gut reaction, not cold and calculated like Zuckerberg

Remember, we're dealing with the left. Feels are as important as facts.

I once had an argument about guns with a lefty, who was also a chauvinist. He told me he wouldn't feel safe if he thought others in a class were carrying, and I said that our argument was done then. Your emotions are yours, and if there's one thing I've learned arguing with my wife is that you can't debate a woman't emotions to facts, so I wasn't going to debate his. It was an actual eye opener for him, and brought him about halfway around.
I agree. It's genuine, he can't help it. A bit squirmy to watch if you're a man but it will carry a lot of weight with women.

A bit squirmy... but then I picture some of the men in my family who I consider to be men of great character, and how they would react if this had happened to them. Assuming that he is telling the truth, and my gut is he is, that's about the reaction I'd expect out of decent people.

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