Justice Kavanaugh

Do you think there's a line outside this lady's (?) door?


Dude - that's a man.

Even with it's mouth open like that it's just not doing it for me.
Now that Kavanaugh is officially on SCOTUS, there's a list of things to be done and the first of which I want is that Hawaii open carry law overturned by the 9th Circus so it can go to SCOTUS and permitless open carry is protected in every state.

I don't give two craps about Roe v Wade, if anything I want a law passed that states any illegal/undocumented woman in the US who is or becomes pregnant must either abort the child or be deported to her home country to give birth. Yeah, no more anchor babies and if you're pregnant and aren't a citizen, you're getting that thing ripped out of you or you're getting deported. We don't need any more immigrants, we have enough people in this nation.

I expect nothing related to taxes to be overturned that would hurt local, state, or federal treasuries. The individual mandate in Obamacare has to be overturned by Congress. That needs to be pushed back to the top because it's stealing money from the young and healthy to pay for sick people. It's unsustainable.

Identification for voting must become law. It's not a poll tax, it's not keeping the poor from voting. If the poor are so poor, how the f*** do they get to the polls to vote in the first place? They walk? Okay, then they can walk to a damn police department or DMV and get a state ID card.

There's plenty of gun legislation that SCOTUS needs to affirm violates the 2nd Amendment and it's gun rights that I think this Supreme Court is going to protect for the next 15 years. It's time to ram through lawsuits against AWB's, mag capacity limits, lead bullet bans, carry restrictions, safe storage, Smart guns... the works.

If we work hard enough the next decade, we can turn states like Mass, NY, CA and others into New Hampshire on guns.

With enough solid conservative justices on the SC , a case could potentially be pushed up to the Supreme Court level to get rid of birthright citizenship.

This , among a whole host of other reasons - is exactly why it's so important to get as many justices into the SC on Trump's watch as possible.

I have no sympathy for the crying liberals .


There have been multiple times in the past history of this country when the left could have tried to retain the Supreme Court's position as a dispassionate arbiter of cases.

Instead - the decided to use it as yet another political battleground - and use SC decisions to shove things down the throats of the American people - that the lefties couldn't get shoved down our throats any other way.

She was a prototype. It almost worked. Dems need to work on the released product now so every potential candidate, every man in America, will understand the fear of "potential revelations".

And the next time they try and pull this the Kavanaugh debacle will be brought up to the detriment of Democrats. This was a fail for them on many levels, it completely backfired and in time it will be seen a such. I have been saying for two years that Dems are overplaying their hand, I think this time it actually happened.
Avenatti must be a liberal because he does not understand how behaviors and past behaviors have consequences. I have to say that it true democratic fashion let the blame game begin. Anything to take the pressure off the senators and especially Diannearrhea Shitstain.
Truth is, it was not so much Avenatti's fault, although he did not help, it was his client. Swetnick is legitamately psychotic and her past screamed that. All the senators stayed away from her claim because they knew her character seriously jeopardized her credibility.
I do, in fact, live under a rock wrt to most Hollywood types. And most of the ones from back in the day when I did pay attention are tragic disappointments today...

Alyssa Milano, Cameron Diaz, Leather Hocknear; yeah, I'm talking about you.

Alyssa Milano whether she was in the hearing room or among the protesters she was always looking around for the camera during this whole affair.

But when she is given a camera and opens her mouth that is when she best channels her inner dipshit... my wife and I just saw this and laughed our asses off.

Seriously best laugh all day, watch the face the MSNBC anchor woman makes... (cued up to just before the segment)

If trump is smart he'll have a non public list of potential nominees to draw from that the left isnt already prepped with dirt/mudslinging to hurl/make shit up about.......

good point. do not want them bringing up a candidates kindergarten playground records......
How Democrats Helped Us:

Democrats in 2013 set the wheels in motion of what is now an entirely partisan judicial confirmation process when they invoked the so-called nuclear option and abolished the 60-vote rule that practically ensured that nominations could only be passed with significant bipartisan support. )


[rofl]Idiots on parade!

What, did they think obama was going to have seven more terms?
Any Coney Barrett is the most likely next appointee if there is another opening. She was attacked by DiChi during her confirmation hearing for appointment to the 7th CA. DiChi thought that she might be "too Catholic" to decide abortion cases fairly. She was confirmed 55-43 in October 2017.

I expect that if nominated, she'll receive a repeat performance of her Circuit Court hearing.

[rofl]Idiots on parade!

What, did they think obama was going to have seven more terms?

No, they thought the Republican Party was down for the count and they would hold the White House indefinitely. They would have been right if not for Donald J. Trump.

I understand why the libtards have been driven insane, Trump snatched their socialist paradise from them right at the moment they were sure it was about to be realized.
The Left-wing Nuts used to say it was ridculous that Birthers made claims that may have been wrong, but at least were based in reality (ie, it is entirely possible that Obama was born in Kenya, it just didn't happen).

Now, they are saying Trump supporters are under some "cult-like force"?

The lady host should have just burst out laughing, but the look to her co-host to see if he heard what she did was hilarious!

Alyssa Milano whether she was in the hearing room or among the protesters she was always looking around for the camera during this whole affair.

But when she is given a camera and opens her mouth that is when she best channels her inner dipshit... my wife and I just saw this and laughed our asses off.

Seriously best laugh all day, watch the face the MSNBC anchor woman makes... (cued up to just before the segment)

No, they thought the Republican Party was down for the count and they would hold the White House indefinitely. They would have been right if not for Donald J. Trump.

I understand why the libtards have been driven insane, Trump snatched their socialist paradise from them right at the moment they were sure it was about to be realized.
I can recall 5-6 years ago hearing people say that we would never have another Republican president, due mostly to immigration and differences in birth rates.
They though that they had successfully rigged the system so that only Democrats would hold power for the next generation. By which time there would be no going back. That's why Harry Reid blew up the fillibuster for lower court appointments. He figured that Shrillary would win, that he or Schumer would be the Senate Majority Leader, and that they'd successfully put more people like RBG on the court. People who would interpret the Constitution by feelz and looking what other Socialist sh*tholes did. Remember, Ginsburg said in 2012 that she wouldn't suggest the US Constitution to emerging nations such as Egypt. She thought that the South African Constitution was much better.

I wonder what the white farmers in SA who are having their property confiscated in the name of "Racial Justice" think about that.

Yet, that's what the Left had planned for us. Look at the Department of Education, EPA, and BLM to see what the Socialist Democrats had planned for us.

Deliverance came in the form of Donald J. Trump. Deus Ex Machina.

No, they thought the Republican Party was down for the count and they would hold the White House indefinitely. They would have been right if not for Donald J. Trump.

I understand why the libtards have been driven insane, Trump snatched their socialist paradise from them right at the moment they were sure it was about to be realized.
I can recall 5-6 years ago hearing people say that we would never have another Republican president, due mostly to immigration and differences in birth rates.

That would have been me. I thought the Democrats had created their permanent voting majority. President Trump is a reprieve from life in that country. The Ds will still get there in the long run but Golden Don is going to monkey wrench their plans for 20 or 30 years.
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