Just found out today that I'm the reason work installed Internet Blocking Software!

My new boss has been bitching about us not monitoring the Internet usage ever since he came on board 5 months ago. Well, today we are going to demo Websense. I see dark clouds on the horizon. [frown]
My new boss has been bitching about us not monitoring the Internet usage ever since he came on board 5 months ago. Well, today we are going to demo Websense. I see dark clouds on the horizon. [frown]

Beware unknown techs coming in to put a "test" environment on a server you have no idea about.
What I use to do to get around this was I installed VNC on my home pc then I would log into my home pc from the office and I would use my home internet connection to go where I needed to go. At least they would only see my IP address and nothing else.

This works well if you can find an open port in your office firewall for VNC.
Wow, that was a lot nicer and better than I could have put it. I would have just told rich I thought he was a f***ing retard and been done with him.

You obviously don't own a company and understand that all it takes is 1 lawsuit from a tight ass employee to claim being offended by something they saw on someone's monitor or an important customer walking by and seeing something that makes them question who they are doing business with to potentially put you out of business.

Good post Rich. With you 100%.

It's his company. He makes the rules because he's liable for what goes on. WTF is so hard to understand about that. [thinking]
... and then there's the broadband wireless card option. Disconnect from your company network and surf on your own private dime.

Heck, what's to stop employees from bringing in a magazine or newspaper? It comes down to managing employees output/production, not what they look at while waiting for something to finish saving or copying, or while at lunch or after hours.

link please?

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