Just found out today that I'm the reason work installed Internet Blocking Software!

Unless you are sure it is OK where you work, save any such web browsing to when you get home.

My company doesn't block anything as far as I know, but they do monitor everything and HR examines the details. That's probably worse than just blocking, because you don't know right away when they are in disagreement with your browsing. The official policy is no non-work browsing but with an unwritten understanding that you'll be OK as long as you are still getting your job done and aren't going to un-PC sites. Other than tech sites (that I need for my job), I only occasionally check news, weather, traffic and maps. And sometimes my web-based email if I'm expecting something that I want to respond to soon.
I own a business and have great respect for the folks that work in my company. Many employees have told me that we are the most generous and caring company they have worked for. It is like a family, and we take care of one another. Even though we have four offices spread across the US folks give a damn about one another and reach out to help. In many ways it reminds me of the folks on NES, and probably why I have such an affinity for this site.

I don't block internet. I don't care if someone wants to quickly check a stock price or view the current news headlines. It is not a big deal. And everyone knows not to abuse the privilege. It is about respect.

Your comment "but if someone tells me I can't do something, that is begging me to do it just because" displays a level of immaturity and ego that is just wrong. I respect my team, and I get that respect back. Sometimes I'll tell the team that something is off limits. I generally do so because there is a valid business reason. You don't surf porn at work. I don't care if it is gay or straight or lesbian dwarfs... it is not allowed. Never mind the legal liabilities... I just don't want a coworker or client walking by a cubicle and being offended by what they see on a computer screen. End of discussion.

I know the people in my office know how to use logmein and proxy sites and vpn... that is what we do for a living. But the minute a jerkoff like you tries to show us how smart he is or how easily he can get around our rules, he or she is gone... done... out the door... don't let it hit you in the ass on the way out. We don't need you. We don't want you. Your attitude sucks. We either have mutual respect, or hit the highway.

I suspect you are a young fella. Learn a lesson here... grow the hell up. FYI you are not as smart as you think.


I am overjoyed that your company doesn’t block the internet, it is the way it should be. Adults (such as myself) know what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. My company is not the same. They see fit to block things that I need to access to improve my knowledge of my job and guns. They have that right, but I have rights same as the next guy. I have a right to a break same as the next guy and when I take a break, I relax and recharge looking at gun related sites, it is my hobby.

I am smart enough to recognize when someone is being singled out for their beliefs about guns and is being blocked because of that position. When I see someone who (I assume here) has the same hobby and is being blocked in the same way, it seems natural to provide a possible solution.

I don’t think that is right, so I am passing on information that I think will help. It can be used for good or bad whatever your position. The difference between me and someone else is I will provide that information and let that person decide if it is appropriate for them.

The term “jerkoff” coming from a reputable business owner (another assumption), seems immature, but it also allows me to make assumptions about people I don’t know either.
I project an inflexible fudd who doesn’t like dissention because it doesn’t flow with your authority, hence the “my company” analogy. If I can’t control it, take it away. I am sure I am as wrong about you as you are of me, but everyone has opinions.

I will never feel sorry or apologize for a position that helps a fellow gun owner who is being singled out for their zeal of firearms.
I am overjoyed that your company doesn’t block the internet, it is the way it should be. Adults (such as myself) know what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. My company is not the same. They see fit to block things that I need to access to improve my knowledge of my job and guns. They have that right, but I have rights same as the next guy. I have a right to a break same as the next guy and when I take a break, I relax and recharge looking at gun related sites, it is my hobby.

I am smart enough to recognize when someone is being singled out for their beliefs about guns and is being blocked because of that position. When I see someone who (I assume here) has the same hobby and is being blocked in the same way, it seems natural to provide a possible solution.

I don’t think that is right, so I am passing on information that I think will help. It can be used for good or bad whatever your position. The difference between me and someone else is I will provide that information and let that person decide if it is appropriate for them.

The term “jerkoff” coming from a reputable business owner (another assumption), seems immature, but it also allows me to make assumptions about people I don’t know either.
I project an inflexible fudd who doesn’t like dissention because it doesn’t flow with your authority, hence the “my company” analogy. If I can’t control it, take it away. I am sure I am as wrong about you as you are of me, but everyone has opinions.

I will never feel sorry or apologize for a position that helps a fellow gun owner who is being singled out for their zeal of firearms.

Wow, that was a lot nicer and better than I could have put it. I would have just told rich I thought he was a f***ing retard and been done with him.
Yes, rich is a retard for wanting his business to survive. Outstanding logic.

The fact of the matter is that the computers and the internet access BELONG TO THE COMPANY. IT ISN'T YOURS. They can tell you how and when and why you can use it, at their complete discretion. I find rich's approach extremely intelligent.
Yes, rich is a retard for wanting his business to survive. Outstanding logic.
This is why socialism is spreading like the clap in this country...

Too much "us and them" - Workers ("proletariat") and management ("the man").

Too much entitlement, complacency and shortsightedness... Not realizing that EVERYTHING has its cost even 10 minutes of looking at porn on your work computer has a price that must be paid by someone in the system...

I think it all goes back to childhood/rearing - used to be people had basic understanding of opportunity cost by the time they left their parents home... Even if they didn't know what it was called, they understood that everything was a tradeoff, you could not have your cake and eat it too...

This goes for everything from overreaching labor unions, to credit cards, to government entitlement programs... No one seems to understand those are borrowed dollars that will have to be paid back. The government does not have a single dollar to give that wasn't TAKEN from someone...
This is why socialism is spreading like the clap in this country...

Too much "us and them" - Workers ("proletariat") and management ("the man").

Too much entitlement, complacency and shortsightedness... Not realizing that EVERYTHING has its cost even 10 minutes of looking at porn on your work computer has a price that must be paid by someone in the system...

I think it all goes back to childhood/rearing - used to be people had basic understanding of opportunity cost by the time they left their parents home... Even if they didn't know what it was called, they understood that everything was a tradeoff, you could not have your cake and eat it too...

This goes for everything from overreaching labor unions, to credit cards, to government entitlement programs... No one seems to understand those are borrowed dollars that will have to be paid back. The government does not have a single dollar to give that wasn't TAKEN from someone...

Its not an "us" and "them" thing. You're paid to do a job. If you're looking at porn, gun sites, or gambling, you're most likely not doing your job. Nonetheless, you're using the PRIVATE PROPERTY of your employer. This is absolutely no different than you walking into my home, invited, and using my computer to look at porn without my knowledge. Are you going to deny that I have the right to kick you out? Maybe I like the porn, and I don't kick you out, whatever, but that discretion is up to me, or analogously, the business.
Its not an "us" and "them" thing. You're paid to do a job. If you're looking at porn, gun sites, or gambling, you're most likely not doing your job. Nonetheless, you're using the PRIVATE PROPERTY of your employer. This is absolutely no different than you walking into my home, invited, and using my computer to look at porn without my knowledge. Are you going to deny that I have the right to kick you out? Maybe I like the porn, and I don't kick you out, whatever, but that discretion is up to me, or analogously, the business.

I thought he was agreeing with you ... sort of. Eh. Maybe I read it wrong.
If you're looking at porn, gun sites, or gambling, you're most likely not doing your job. Nonetheless, you're using the PRIVATE PROPERTY of your employer.
Right, but the justification people give for their feeling of entitlement to look at porn is "the man" is squelching their "rights" or being a "nazi"...

Somehow the boss is being stingy in their minds which is an extension of an "us vs them" relationship between workers and management/owner...

What's amazing is that I see this at big lawfirms with associates making $200K+ in their first years out of college acting like "those big bad partners" are keeping all the money for themselves...

Absolutely absurd that people at these levels could behave/think that way, but they do... The more prestigious the school, the more Marxist BS you hear coming out of their mouth...
Works great from work, I get a great chuckle knowing I have "beat the man".

Maybe you have, maybe you haven't. Maybe "the man" is just biding his time while he collects evidence.

I've seen plenty of cases of people who thought they were too clever to get caught. Make sure you check your computer carefully for screen capture software, keystroke loggers, etc., every single time you use it.

Rather that getting a chuckle, maybe you should just find another job that better suits you?
I thought he was agreeing with you ... sort of. Eh. Maybe I read it wrong.

If he was, that was a massive misinterpretation on my part. Woops!

And yes, re-read it, seems I agree. My bad cekim! [rofl]
In my defense, I just talked with a liberal who said this, talking about Obama:

I like his race, so what? That's good racism, and pretty much any black person would be happy to be the target of this kind of racism. Go ahead, pretend you wouldn't

Ever since, I've been in attack mode.
You're not the reason.

I have content filtering software where I'm employed.

But it's pretty open. No access to gun sites though. Obviously the only people that look at gun sites are police and bad guys, right?
I think companies employing internet/web filtering for anything beyond viruses and malware is frigging stupid. All it will do is get employees pissed off, more than anything else.

Do companies have the right to do it? Sure- it's their gear/bandwidth/etc. No question there. Is it "a good idea"? I don't think so. IMHO if you can't trust an employee with an internet connection then there are other things at play- and using software to try to "babysit" people is stupid.

I have to laugh at what RR posted about them talking about "him" during the meeting- so, these guys had all kinds of time to do a circle jerk about people browsing the web and looking at certain things- I wish I got paid money to look at logs filled with meaningless bullshit. Most of the IT departments I'm familiar with are too busy (doing real work, AKA, fixing shit and keeping it running) to mess with crap like that, unless it involves a user causing network-wide problems, etc. Sounds like they have nothing better to do- Not to mention that someone decided that wasting money on filtering software was a good idea, to boot. [thinking]

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A few of the companies I've admin'd for and worked at it was SOP to can anyone going around any network restrictions.

If its blocked its blocked and not worth the trouble, go to a library or wait until you get home.
A few of the companies I've admin'd for and worked at it was SOP to can anyone going around any network restrictions.

If its blocked its blocked and not worth the trouble, go to a library or wait until you get home.

+1- if anyone is planning on trying to "wallhack" their company policy, be aware of the repercussions. Different places that use this kind of crap have differing levels of enforcement. Not to mention, The places that would fire someone at the drop of the hat for violating an AUP/CUP also often have more security and monitoring in place than one might expect. For example, someone might think they're "beating" them at the network level by using a proxy or whatever, but not realize that their corporate workstation has hidden monitoring software on it that can basically send activity reports back to its mothership at regular intervals...

On the other end though I've seen lots of orgs that rarely if ever enforce their AUP/CUP unless they're trying to use the violations as a wallhack to fire an otherwise problematic
employee. A lot of companies just throw the crap on their network border and basically ignore it or don't even look at the logs, etc.

Telling the difference is the fun part. [laugh]

Time to get a better job. I order gun stuff from Midway and Brownells, have it delivered to work. Then my bosses come by to check it all out. We have a good laugh about what a gun nut I am and how hopefully I won't snap. No one really seems to care. Oh, and then we joke about all the porn we UPLOAD, hahaha.

No problems with sites being blocked except YouTube, not due to content but because it eats up our connection. Plus you can get around it if you really care to, but they suggest if you wanna watch TV, just go home instead, no one will notice if you go to lunch and don't come back sometimes...
... and then there's the broadband wireless card option. Disconnect from your company network and surf on your own private dime.
On that theme...

Dell is presently running a special on a Mini 9 laptop that includes AT&T Wireless Broadband with a mail-in rebate that brings the total purchase price down to $99. (You would be stuck with a two year commitment to broadband service)

You can get a similar model without the broadband for around $300.

If you are on a break and using your own hardware and your own internet service there is pretty much no legal or moral standing for anyone to tell you to stop.

btw, the model I mentioned is for a very minimal laptop computer. It is FINE for web browsing, email and perhaps even doing homework, but you won't be doing database development projects in .NET.
On that theme...

Dell is presently running a special on a Mini 9 laptop that includes AT&T Wireless Broadband with a mail-in rebate that brings the total purchase price down to $99. (You would be stuck with a two year commitment to broadband service)

You can get a similar model without the broadband for around $300.

If you are on a break and using your own hardware and your own internet service there is pretty much no legal or moral standing for anyone to tell you to stop.

btw, the model I mentioned is for a very minimal laptop computer. It is FINE for web browsing, email and perhaps even doing homework, but you won't be doing database development projects in .NET.

link please?
link please?


The total price is $499, less $50 instant rebate, less $350 rebate when you activate the broadband.

That particular laptop has a very small screen - you might be able to get the same deal with a larger screen but the overall cost will be a little higher. (and its a HELL of a lot better than trying to read a crackberry screen!)

Good deal if you just need a go anywhere basic laptop.
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