It's time....and I need your help. *****UPDATE IN POST 1*****

So what in your mind constitutes "strong and professional"? What message can we send out that will make people - who do not support the Second Amendment and want to see it either limited severely, or removed entirely, to suddenly shift their thinking, or even care? Do you think say, Gadsen flags and empty holsters will do it? I'm serious - I want to know what this message should be, because messages have been sent prior....

I'm just saying we can't appear to be crazy. "**** with us and die" is exactly what they would want us to say and it would no doubt be used against us. I don't know what the message should be but I know that we don't want it to make things worse.

There will probably be multiple messages depending on who the target audience is, that are spin offs of our "official" message.
I'm just saying we can't appear to be crazy. "**** with us and die" is exactly what they would want us to say and it would no doubt be used against us. I don't know what the message should be but I know that we don't want it to make things worse.

There will probably be multiple messages depending on who the target audience is, that are spin offs of our "official" message.

What you propose does not work. It has not worked. Enough eschewing violence. Violence will be used against us at the end of this road, so we might as well start by being honest now... The tools we seek to keep are for killing tyrants. The attempt at their removal aids us in the identification of said tyrants.

Having a modern battle rifle is the mark of being a free man. With that tool, you possess the means with which to resist. You are not guaranteed success in resistance, but you have the means to make an attempt.

Liberty Rifles. That's what we need to start referring to them as.
OK, Here's my first attempt at a brief message--critique, edit, flame, whatever, I can take it.

We are gun owners. We are Americans. We are mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. We are your neighbors, employees, customers, coworkers, and friends. We are not the "gun nuts" or "baby killers" the gun confiscators label us to demonize our cause. We own firearms and use them responsibly for legal purposes. We believe in the Second Amendment’s affirmation of our natural rights. We recognize that the Founding Fathers did not create the Second Amendment to protect hunting or sporting rights, but to maintain a check against a tyrannical government. Unlike many of our elected representatives, we will support and defend the Constitution of the United States. We understand how firearms operate[STRIKE]; we know the differences between different caliber cartridges, the differences between automatic and semiautomatic guns, the differences between pistols and revolvers, and the differences between clips and magazines[/STRIKE]. We recognize that evil exists in this world and must at times be met with force. We know that guns are inanimate objects and that of and by themselves are merely tools. We know that outlawing these tools is not a solution to violence. We have seen time and again that attempts to cure a symptom fail to cure the disease. We believe that more gun laws will affect only those who are law abiding; criminals by definition do not obey laws. We decry the hypocrisy of the elite who would confiscate the guns we use to protect ourselves but who in their lives are protected by armed security forces. We wonder why it is so logical to protect the president’s children with guns but so unthinkable to protect our own children with guns. We are opposed to new restrictions on every American’s Constitutional rights. We are 80 million strong and we will not go away. We are gun owners.

That's my suggestion. I'd also put in paragraph format. Just to help with readability.

Also you might want to check the "80 million" stat. I thought it was closer to 100 million.
It would yield the most participants. I'm good on weekends. Sure, it's a PITA to get to Concord, NH, but I'd be game.

How about appearance for the events in NH? Are we going super professional? Casual with open carry? Doesn't matter? I realize the occupy people looked like refugees from Chechnya, figured we would want to represent the sport and remain less coarse to the eyes of potential converts and antis alike. Something we really need to think hard about. Appearance does matter.

I fear anything in Boston would have to really focus on remaining business casual in appearance. Any sight of slouchyness, blaze orange, camo, etc will be exploited if any cameras were around. We need to show the second amendment in a new light.

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.
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How about appearance for the events in NH? Are we going super professional? Casual with open carry? Doesn't matter? I realize the occupy people looked like refugees from Chechnya, figured we would want to represent the sport and remain less coarse to the eyes of potential converts and antis alike. Something we really need to think hard about. Appearance does matter.

I would dress for the weather. OC or CC, doesn't matter. I suppose if you're CCing, then a sign would be desirable. Wear your Sunday Best because, as you said, appearances do matter.

And I would probably refrain from anything that could be perceived as redneck, backwoods, backwater, etc. Just look like you are. A normal American.
I had this thought of appearing as white collar as possible with rifles slung. Drive home two points... the first being that we're everyone, everywhere... and the second being that we're fine with giving up our day jobs for this fight.
I had this thought of appearing as white collar as possible with rifles slung. Drive home two points... the first being that we're everyone, everywhere... and the second being that we're fine with giving up our day jobs for this fight.

That's a great thought, but apparently, this is going down on a Saturday - when no one will be home, which still makes zero sense, other than it's more convenient for numbers. Apparently, liberty isn't important enough to take a day off and rally when it will make a larger impact and potentially a difference...
I had this thought of appearing as white collar as possible with rifles slung. Drive home two points... the first being that we're everyone, everywhere... and the second being that we're fine with giving up our day jobs for this fight.

Like this?
That's a great thought, but apparently, this is going down on a Saturday - when no one will be home, which still makes zero sense, other than it's more convenient for numbers. Apparently, liberty isn't important enough to take a day off and rally when it will make a larger impact and potentially a difference...

+1 We need to make this a weekday, make some noise. We'd be better off with half the numbers on a friday than doubled up when nobody is there to see on a weekend.

For the record, the lady said she will OC for the event, booya!

- - - Updated - - -

Like this?

Exactly what I was thinking.
That's my suggestion. I'd also put in paragraph format. Just to help with readability.

Also you might want to check the "80 million" stat. I thought it was closer to 100 million.

Yeah, I think you are right, Mike. That part is not very well written. I wanted to get across the point that we know the difference between facts and the disinformation that is so prevalent. I'll think about it while watching football. The 80 million is a conservative stat--I'll do some more research.
Symbolism aside, protesting without visible arms would be more effective if the "we're not nuts" sentiment is still the goal, like on page one. It's pretty clear that the media has no problem taking the carrying of arms way out of context, as they have previously.

I didn't read the whole thread, so if the intent changed, never mind.
I'm fully behind this entire thread. There have been some really good ideas over the past 2 days. IMO, a show of non violent force is necessary until it isn't. In other words, I want to know in my heart that I did everything I could do within the system we have set up, before I go outside it.
The system is corrupt. It was hijacked years ago, and any attempt to right this sinking vessel needs to include a percentage of the nons and antis. Giving them an opportunity to see the error of their ways is only fair play. If they refuse to listen to reason, it's at their own peril.
One other point that's worth mentioning here, when we're considering "organizing" -

We need to be in closer contact with other internet communities, like, etc. I don't know how this would all work out, but if we want to rally together, the different communities need to get consensus on where to meet, tactics, next steps, etc.
If you're planning something for Boston at the State House, perhaps it should be coordinated by GOAL. They work there all the time, have the contacts and maybe know about any permit that may be needed.

I'm in for a weekday at the State House, especially if GOAL coordinates it so our allies in the state legistature are invited to attend.
Most politicians do things they don’t want the public to really know about on Friday, because people are geared up for the weekend and we really don’t pay attention. But if its done on a Monday or Tuesday it will give people something to talk about all week.
Just an idea.
Guys - in the latest issue of Time magazine...

"A USA Today/Gallup poll released on Dec 27 found that while 58% of Americans say they want tighter gun laws, a majority still oppose an assault weapon ban. And 74% of Americans say they oppose and law that would ban hand-guns, compared with 24% in favor - the largest gap in decades."

This gives me a ray of hope that we are not in the minority. IF we get the RIGHT message out, it appears the majority of Americans would support us.
If you're planning something for Boston at the State House, perhaps it should be coordinated by GOAL. They work there all the time, have the contacts and maybe know about any permit that may be needed.

I'm in for a weekday at the State House, especially if GOAL coordinates it so our allies in the state legistature are invited to attend.

A huge +1 there.
View attachment 49059

Who is making up the shirts?? Huge group buy!!!!! Best way to start a conversation when people ask what that means.

With all due respect. This is NOT the right message. People don't give a $hit enough to go look it up. Our message will not be remembered with this slogan. As was stated in an earlier post, we really need help "marketing". An obscure latin? phrase isn't going to help us one bit.
Having a bunch of tattooed dudes wearing slayer shirts looking like the just left a biker party might not be a good idea.

For the record...I don't care what you look like...but the media will.
Count in the JR. I'll back every single word I've ever said on NES to the 9th power. Tell me when and where.

It would yield the most participants. I'm good on weekends. Sure, it's a PITA to get to Concord, NH, but I'd be game.

I am all for a Sat ralley, I will even drive up other people (only a 4 seater but at least 3 people can get a ride)

How about appearance for the events in NH? Are we going super professional? Casual with open carry? Doesn't matter? I realize the occupy people looked like refugees from Chechnya, figured we would want to represent the sport and remain less coarse to the eyes of potential converts and antis alike. Something we really need to think hard about. Appearance does matter.

I fear anything in Boston would have to really focus on remaining business casual in appearance. Any sight of slouchyness, blaze orange, camo, etc will be exploited if any cameras were around. We need to show the second amendment in a new light.

"Send it" like chinalfr from my can attached to a string from another can in the lair of the dark lord kramdar.

+1 We need to make this a weekday, make some noise. We'd be better off with half the numbers on a friday than doubled up when nobody is there to see on a weekend.

For the record, the lady said she will OC for the event, booya!

- - - Updated - - -

Exactly what I was thinking.

Just got home from the range, head is clear.

If you havent done so yet, but you want to be a part of this meeting, I urge you to send me your email address.

As soon as I hit post, I'm going to go type an email to send off to anyone.


This comes before we even talk about planning a rally. Getting the message to as many gun owners across the nation and region is absolute priority number 1. Write down your ideas, all of em, and bring them with you. We will be planning a meeting for the coming week.

Again watch your email, you should have something in the hour.
One other point that's worth mentioning here, when we're considering "organizing" -

We need to be in closer contact with other internet communities, like, etc. I don't know how this would all work out, but if we want to rally together, the different communities need to get consensus on where to meet, tactics, next steps, etc.

Agreed. We need to get to the server "owners." As active as this thread is, I'd bet my paycheck only a fraction of the NES subscribers are even aware of what we are talking about. We need a clear concise message that can be broadcast to every member of the "population." Start with sending an email to EVERY NES subscriber. Contact the owners of the forums mentioned and ask them to to the same thing. Send an email to the manufacturers, veterans groups, gun clubs, and gun retailers. Ask them to send the email to everyone on their mailing list. I bet the Internet gun retailers have HUGE lists. Ask that everyone with access to a gun related mailing list to send it to their customers/subscribers.

Getting the message out is the easy part. Getting the RIGHT message out is the hard part. HK... another suggestion. Start a new thread for brainstorming a catchy slogan. Here's my first try... I heart the 2nd amendment.
Symbolism aside, protesting without visible arms would be more effective if the "we're not nuts" sentiment is still the goal, like on page one. It's pretty clear that the media has no problem taking the carrying of arms way out of context, as they have previously.

I didn't read the whole thread, so if the intent changed, never mind.

One of the key considerations to keep in mind is that when you communicate with the media, you can't provide them with the opportunity to willfully misrepresent you or to take you out of context. You want to come across as a reasonable person advocating your point of view.

Ironically, the Occupy crowd was a ridiculous collection of idiots but the media didn't care because it was their agenda. You can expect the media to go idiot shopping: the person you'll see on The news isn't going to be the most articulate person they can find, it will be the weird , creepy doomsday prepper guy.

Point being you want everyone to put on their best face in orde to get the best results.
Ironically, the Occupy crowd was a ridiculous collection of idiots but the media didn't care because it was their agenda. You can expect the media to go idiot shopping: the person you'll see on The news isn't going to be the most articulate person they can find, it will be the weird , creepy doomsday prepper guy.

Dont forget things like the 2 people in NYC who got arrested for making bombs, but where part of the occupy movement so after that came out the story was killed.

as for slogans, I am kind of partial to "let citizens be protected same as politicans"
or do you think that people wouldnt understand the whole 24/7 armed securiy (with extra killy assault weapons) thing that the politicans get?
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