Is it possible for my buddy to get his ltc licence back

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So it is the state that prevents you from gunning people down? Not things like a moral compass or the fear of retribution?

Let's say that someone hurt one of my family members. In that situation the answer would be yes.
Let's say a cop discovers an illegal immigrant. He was caught driving with no license. He wasn't harming anyone. Should the cop give him a free pass and just tell him it's not a good idea to be in the country illegally?
Another friend of the failed analogy I see?

Someone here illegally is doing harm to the people waiting in line following the legal process to obtain a visa to come here legally.

They are also using services (you mentioned driving, that means roads) without paying taxes (yes, they pay gas tax if you want to be pedantic, but not all the other ones.

They are also having an impact on the labor market - supply and demand means that every illegal is increasing the supply of labor which reduces demand (and thus pay) for those here legally. This gets even worse when employers collude and setup a preference for illegals so that they can benefit from lower pay and tax burden of paying people "off the books."
Can you cite the excessive cleavage law as well as the law against staring at same?


Hint: it can harm someone if a passerby sees it and steals it.

So should you lose your driver's license when you leave your car locked and the keys in the ignition?

Hint: it can harm someone if a passerby sees it and steals it.

double hint: the ability to drive a car isn't even a god given right listed in the Bill of Rights
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This statement is straight out of the anti2a playbook, don't fall into the trap. They want you to think a gun is a privilege, does bad spelling by a poster make all posters look bad?

Grammar isn't regulated by strict laws, so no. Does a bad speller on an elite spelling bee team make that team look bad? Sometime's one bad apple does spoil the bunch. You must think gun ownership is a privilege if you paid for your LTC. Even in a free state like NH I had to pay for my license. If you can be denied of something then it's a privilege right? Stupid decisions the OG's friend has made is a reason why it's becoming more like a privilege. You have to live and breath and drink water to survive, but do you have the right to breathe clean air or drink clean healthy water?
I do not know where to begin with this post. Something as simple as ones RIGHT(s)....

An interesting, if not paradoxical, belief system.

From your statement, I read: Man can't be trusted to govern himself. It will result in anarchy. Man, therefore needs government.

What comprises Government? The very anarchistic Man that can't be trusted. :headscratch

Man can not be trusted to govern himself. This is news to you? How do you suppose life would be with no laws out there?
If there was no Victim how can there be a crime? Guns despite what liberals think will not go and kill anyone on their own. The gun regardless if it was loaded or not was in a locked car which technically should be considered locked storage, why MA is to dumb to realize this is beyond me. Should he get his LTC back absa-freakin-lutly. And could a society and exist without a government, of course they could, and here is why the vast majority of people can get along with each other the ones that wish to harm and commit real crimes would be singled out and taken care of. People would self police themselves. People aren't stupid we dont need the government to tell us whats right and wrong.

Cool. So anyone who does something the other guy doesn't like can be burned at the stake. No questions asked.


Is this your version of utopia?
Man can not be trusted to govern himself. This is news to you? How do you suppose life would be with no laws out there?

Interesting perspective. That's very sad that you beleive that.

I guess its better that we give a small subset of those same men all of the guns and power, so we don't hurt ourselves.

Do you not trust yourself to do what is right by others?
Can you cite the excessive cleavage law as well as the law against staring at same?


Hint: it can harm someone if a passerby sees it and steals it.

so let me get this straight this guy should be punished because someone else might BREAK into his car and STEAL it. [thinking] oh and the day they make an excessive cleavage law is the day i go full revolt. [laugh]
Man can not be trusted to govern himself. This is news to you? How do you suppose life would be with no laws out there?

holy shit dude. you need to just stop. maybe you're a sheep and you need to be herded around and to always have someone to issue you directives, commands, orders, and to be told how to live--but we're all not like you. go hang out in cambridge and you'll be amongst your flock, on here we're capable of independent rational though and most certainly CAN be trusted to govern ourselves. you're a sick, twisted, politician-worshipping statist.
oh, i thought most people don't go around burning houses because its immoral. It has nothing to do with the law, but what you think is right and wrong. Would you like your house burnt down? No, so don't burn other peoples houses. Seems simple enough, no law needed. there should also be a fear of the property owner hunting you down.

You should just go ahead and give your definition of freedom first. My definition of freedom is, the ability to do as you like as long as it does not harm anybody else or damage other people's property.

immoral? Should free men be subjected to your definition of morality? Do you pay your property taxes? It is your property- right? What will happen if you don't pay them? Would that harm anyone? Would the fact that your city would foreclose on your own property if you don't pay them coincide with your version of a free man?
Man can not be trusted to govern himself. This is news to you? How do you suppose life would be with no laws out there?

There are numerous laws I am not even aware of that I probably follow and other I break on a daily basis. is it because they are written down or is it that the concept of right and wrong is pretty basic? it is simply treat others how you want to be treated and do no harm to others. do you really need laws to tell you what is the right thing to do? and if you do how do you know if the law itself is right?

immoral? Should free men be subjected to your definition of morality? Do you pay your property taxes? It is your property- right? What will happen if you don't pay them? Would that harm anyone? Would the fact that your city would foreclose on your own property if you don't pay them coincide with your version of a free man?

This is in conflict with my view of a truly voluntary society.

If there needs to be taxes, property or sales taxes are the least of the evils. Where income tax is slavery and the most evil.
immoral? Should free men be subjected to your definition of morality? Do you pay your property taxes? It is your property- right? What will happen if you don't pay them? Would that harm anyone?
Yes, yes it would... The other people paying the taxes of the town to pay for the services you either voted for or allowed to succeed in their vote.

Why do you and the other Rick have so much trouble identifying the actual harm that failure to follow various laws you attempt to compare when you have no trouble finding harm in a gun lying limp on a seat of a car?

I find this very confusing and you have both done it repeatedly in this thread...

p.s. no, I don't find the taking of property for failure to pay taxes in fitting with a free society. Imprisonment or not, seizure of assets not ill-gotten by criminal activity should not be permitted in a free society, but that is a separate issue from whether harm is done by not paying taxes (which it is).

immoral? Should free men be subjected to your definition of morality? Do you pay your property taxes? It is your property- right? What will happen if you don't pay them? Would that harm anyone? Would the fact that your city would foreclose on your own property if you don't pay them coincide with your version of a free man?

And that is wrong, if I pay no property taxes the town should not have the right to take my property. They could withhold services that the taxes pay for but taking of property by force is theft even when the state does it
No, you don't get it. You are failing to comprehend the reasoning behind it. I am justifying when someone loses their rights. And you are not. You fail to answer my questions.

This is not about personal satisfaction. You are starting to get personal in this discussion, which turns on your emotions and turns off your brain. This is about you understanding the following:

I disagree with laws that punish people for doing no harm upon someone else. I do understand that one does not have to hurt someone to violate a law. But that doesn't mean that I blindly get behind them and support them as you seem to do.

This is dangerous to retaining your freedoms. If you take every law as "the law of the land" and as permanent without questioning them and their effect on your freedoms, then you are signing over your freedom as a individual.

What we have been discussing since the beginning is personal opinion. How is it just now starting to get personal?
I don't see myself as a piece of property like that. I see you have no further interest in this one:

Just wanted to get both.

Help me understand, if you don't fully "own" you, can I own the rest?

Do you have claim to me, or my kids? or some part thereof?
Ah but he has harmed someone, you me and the rest of the country by using resources he has not paid for but that you and I have paid for. It doesn't have to be physical harm, it can be economic.

Let's say that he has an ITIN and is paying taxes. How about then?
no shit, we need statist valtrex.

ironically enough your post is #357 which is exactly what would take the pain away in a hurry.

i am seriously about to throw up my lunch reading the blind statist bullshit being posted in here.

Well you're certainly free to navigate away from the page and stop reading this offensive material. You are a free man- aren't you?
This has turned into one of the better debates I have seen in awhile on here. Even if I don't agree with all of what Rick Roma has said so far, he has made some solid arguments, in particular post #412. BTW, this has nothing to do with my views on the guy in the OP, as I do feel he should be able to get his LTC back based on the details we were given.
This has turned into one of the better debates I have seen in awhile on here. Even if I don't agree with all of what Rick Roma has said so far, he has made some solid arguments, in particular post #412. BTW, this has nothing to do with my views on the guy in the OP, as I do feel he should be able to get his LTC back based on the details we were given.

Do you beleive that you have full claim to yourself? Do you beleive that initiation of force is wrong except for self defense?
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