Investigators say triple shooting in Hyde Park led them to a Littleton gun dealer, who was arrested today for illegally selling guns to one of the vic

And right on cue. Posted 1 hour ago
Can’t read it though. That Globe “reporter” must be salivating over this
Is it so hard to believe that a FFL overspent, was behind on paying, and did something shady and just hoped he didn't get caught?

Your belief that just because someone has a FFL they are somehow pure as the driven snow intrigues me.
Not at all, but like I said it's not implausible.

I wouldn't rule out anything related to foul play in relation to MA dealing with gun stuff. Either way, I'm sure this event will be hijacked by the AGO
Meh, those guys get audited.

The Mill was already sold.

If there was real dirt, they would have shut them down a long time ago.

It's not about shutting them down, that is just a desirable(to them) side effect. It is about making an example of, something they can hold up to the normies at their next mass firmware upgrade and say " See, we care. this is what happens when you sell guns to our children...". See Jan 6th as an example, of an example.
That really hurts. Do you enjoy hurting other people's feelings? You're just a big meanie. I need a safe space!

Ah, yes. Your recent retarded comments WERE in another thread. My bad, but it doesn't erase your profoundly idiotic comments.

I'll bet you can even remember which ones I'm talking about.

I don't understand your hostility. I mentioned the fact that you've posted some pretty dim witted things lately, which I'm sure you must agree with, but you come here and start bad mouthing me :'(

I made my point, and now your post confirms it. As with the other post, you are incapable of writing anything of substance, just sophomoric trolling remarks. Basically, weak, weak sauce. Go learn something of value and then come back here.
P.S. namedpipes was an idiotic technology used by Microsoft, so I suppose the name fits you well.
The need for the developer to pay for upgrades to town infrastructure made it prohibitively expensive for the usual skinflint 40B developers to swoop in for a quick buck with cardboard construction. Discussed at length in the main Mill thread.
And you think Sal or any other entity is going to want less?
I’m not a total dope in town bullshit.
Oh he’s going to meet Bubba for sure.

Meh, I think they are more worried about the actual machine guns, they also listed a “machine gun barrel” whatever that means.

The Ebonics in those text messages are disgusting. I’m sick of this “bet” shit. I have young apprentices that say that shit. Makes my skin crawl.
Do you like "cap"? 😂
I made my point, and now your post confirms it. As with the other post, you are incapable of writing anything of substance, just sophomoric trolling remarks. Basically, weak, weak sauce. Go learn something of value and then come back here.
P.S. namedpipes was an idiotic technology used by Microsoft, so I suppose the name fits you well.
I can plainly see from that last comment that you are an idiot in technology as well as these matters. You should use your internet skills to find out what a namedpipe actually is and when/why they were conceived.

That aside, that's not the significance of my username. At least not the primary one.
I can plainly see from that last comment that you are an idiot in technology as well as these matters. You should use your internet skills to find out what a namedpipe actually is and when/why they were conceived.

That aside, that's not the significance of my username. At least not the primary one.
I would like to thank you both for adding to the thread drift.

I would like to thank you both for adding to the thread drift.

View attachment 711273
You are SO welcome!

Please wrap your internet meme picture with a "trigger" spoiler. That tv character brings back bad memories of a bad boss I had a while back.
Story about this matter about to air on WBZ Boston news..

I can understand the terror the local citizens must feel knowing there are 80 gun shops in town. (Well done, @one-eyed Jack!).

After all, the crime rate in Littleton has been dropping steadily ever since the Mill began onboarding FFLs:


Just that little spike at the end of Obama's presidency, then a slow, steady decline in crime.

Wouldn't YOU be nervous about crime rates dropping?
no need to read. all the same shit. a multiple liberal orgazm. they cannot hide the excitement.

"connect a vendor at the controversial gun emporium in Littleton to street crime in Boston"

Any time I see crap on some liberal site I post the entire article with no link. Don’t give them clicks and it’s a waste of time because you know what the article will say once you know the topic.
Saw it on the news. State senator Eldridge is very concerned with ghost guns which he defined as guns that are similar to banned guns. What a moron. These twits like him write bills but don’t know know a thing about them 🤣
they know all perfectly well. and 'mix' things as it is just what they want, and what they want is canada. or britain.
total disarmament of the populous. 'let`s just get it done' (c).
Honestly, I wouldn't put it past some people, however, no.

I was wondering if the two yutes that tried to kill somebody (again, pardon details I'm way behind on reading) might have "claimed" the dealer knew it was a straw purchase, in order to get lighter charges.

It sounds like that was not the case, though. Mr. Daigle is probably best off where he is now. Perhaps he will emerge in 5-10 a wiser man.
They didn’t try to do the killing, one of THEM was shot. They didn’t even have these guns on them. The po ran the plates of the car that dropped him at the hospital, went to the guy’s dad’s house, and found these guns there.
Saw it on the news. State senator Eldridge is very concerned with ghost guns which he defined as guns that are similar to banned guns. What a moron. These twits like him write bills but don’t know know a thing about them 🤣
We need stealth staffers that will write bills that sound great to no-nothings like him that do the opposite of what they think. Like an appendix footnote on page 157 that makes a whole bunch of references changing language of the rest of the bill to be in our favor.
We need stealth staffers that will write bills that sound great to no-nothings like him that do the opposite of what they think. Like an appendix footnote on page 157 that makes a whole bunch of references changing language of the rest of the bill to be in our favor.

Lobbyist read the bills, they’d flag it.
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