In the doghouse/ Christmas ruined/ AR build

I love threads like this. It's like Repmas. But I just encountered a new error message:

You have given out too much Reputation in the last 24 hours, try again later.

I'll have to pick up tomorrow at post #68.

I agree, your house, your rules. Your FIL was way out of line to come into your house and threaten you with calling the cops. I wonder how many violations of law you could find in his house right now? Good job on this not coming to blows between you two.

And as far as your wife is concerned, -- and again, I'm not at the end of the thread yet -- two words.

Dia Monds. Can't hurt.
*here's where I hit below the belt...*

me- "well maybe if you were in her life while growing up, then I'd give a **** what you think.

That's where it went truly pear-shaped. Even if true, by pointing it out to him you made it truly personal and, unfortunately, probably beyond mending. I'd have merely pointed out "It's my house, not yours."

She'll be home in a couple of hours. I regret making a personal attack. It was a reaction for feeling backed into a corner in the house I pay for.
Totally understandable, and in my case, since I have been known to have a bit of a temper, I might well have said the same thing (in spite of the Monday-morning quarterbacking above). Glad to see that your wife is on your side, though.

Me, I'm super lucky. My wife is a gunnie (met her at an Appleseed Shoot!) and her dad gave her his parents guns... and I got uber brownie points by finding some .38 Long Colt for her grand-dad's revolver and even more for having a box of .44 Shot made up for her grandmother's J. Stevens 44XL (the ammo hasn't been made commercially in over 70 years).

It's funny. I had/have great parents. It wasn't until I was much older that I learned that wasn't the case for everyone. It still blows my mind that some people can be so shitty to their kids.
I hear you.

him- "well I don't feel comfortable with this being in the house that my daughter lives in"

My response- " well, that's fine because she calls me daddy now!"
Can't read all the responses in this thread because of time constraints...

but I will say I'm very happy there aren't any people in my, or my girlfriend's family like that.
While you were well within your "rights" to tell him to F off, it's still sad. Your wife loves her dad. You love your wife. You don't want to put her in the middle -- you don't want to force her to choose between two people she loves. It's not a matter of who she'll choose. It'll hurt her to make the choice.

I agree with the previous poster who said your FIL must have it in for you... Any history there, besides the guns?

The best move for you would have been "OK, Fred... I know your opinion on this topic and you know mine. Let's move on. You got that pan?"

if he continued to be belligerent then you'd have to go with "Sorry Fred, I'm going to have to ask you to leave. This is my house. We'll see you at Christmas... Bye bye"

i know now it's too late now. But that's something to consider for the future.

You need to fix this I'm the interest of family harmony. It doesn't matter who's right. I bet you and your FIL will both wind up apologizing. Don't let pride screw things up between you and the mrs.

Plain and simple, it's your house, not his. He has no right to tell you what you can and can't do in your house especially when you aren't doing anything illegal! Great story! Somewhat related, just recently found out the fiance's family is somewhat pro gun/neutral. I can finally "come out of the shadows."
If your relationship with your father-in-law is so dysfunctional that he would actually want to see you arrested. Then you should have just met him at the door and took the pan.

You know better than me, if his threat to call the cops was in fact just BSing. With all the other worries you had going on.

Chiefly, avoiding scratching the finish on your lower while installing the bolt hold open pin.

Why get all worked up and create weirdness when you have to see each other on Christmas? I would rather see my wife happy for Christmas then to receive praises from strangers on the internet.

If I were you I would call or e-mail your FIL to apologize and agree going forward only to talk about music or football or whatever.
Hey everybody, take a look at the hard core lib in his native element. Someone who is hard core anti-gun threatening to call the police who will show up with (here's the irony) a GUN. He is another member of the "police can/should solve all problems" crowd.

I also think you were correct in your own house. If he was threatening to call the police on you in your own house, unless he has an epiphany you aren't going to be best buddies...ever.

You might think the whole incident may have turned out a little extreme, but I think he has learned there are limits to what he can say.

Good for you.
Aaron[MA];4262076 said:
FIL is a confused, brainwashed douchenozzle, but it's not really his fault.

The anti gun propaganda out there taught him very well that that pistol grip on the lower receiver was the telltale sign that he was dealing with a machine gun- an assault rifle; same thing, ya know...

Not to defend his behavior, but is it possible the "if I call the police" comment was just his way of asking "so is this thing REALLY legal?! Wink wink, nudge, nudge!?


People with that frame of mind who start saying shit like " what if I call the police" - REALLY REALLY - do not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

There's an awful lot of things in life that happen that don't need "the man" involved. Anybody who says shit like "if I call the police" - is a douchebag almost by definition IMHO. And this has really nothing to do with guns.

Over the course of my my life I've had people try to sell my items that blatantly stolen. I told them to **** off and go away - but did I call the police on them? No.

I've been around people who were selling "illegal narcotics" and other sorts of illicit drugs. Did I rat them to the cops? No.

I know people who keep firearms in MA - who do not have licenses for them and/or who are licensed by have not registered their firearms. Some of these people were honestly unaware of what the law was - so I carefully told them: " I'm honestly telling you I don't give a shit what you do - but here's what the law is - your choice from now on what you choose to do".

I've known people who have drunk driven. I know people who speed like crazy on their motorcycles - and in their cars. Do I tell the cops - "hey this guy is up on Rte 95 right now driving his motorcycle and 160 mph because he wants to see how fast it goes. Nope.

We live in a litigous, near-tyrannical society - where far too many people seem to feel compelled to stick their noses into everybody else's shit - whether or not those other people have REALLY done anything wrong. "Not really his fault" - is bullshit. IT IS HIS FAULT. He's an ******* for even saying it in the first place and people like him are what is wrong with this country, because he's the exact type of person that drives all of the anti-gun laws that get shoved down our throats.

People like that don't deserve even one iota of "benefit of the doubt".
yea i'm sure afterwards you didn't want it to get heated and i'm sure you wish you hadn't said a few things but it happened...he probably feels the same way...hopefully both parties can makeup and move time build your rifles in the basement or another room that visiting people don't walk into when they come over, preferably one with a door you can close...avoid the BS all together [wink]

I agree with you, but under what circumstances would you call the police? Obviously you're of the mindset that certain laws don't need to be enforced all the time. And I'm all for that.

But where do you draw the line?

I think most people here would only ever call the cops if there was an "actual public safety issue"(TM). And when I use those words and think critically, there's about maybe 5% percent of the law that that actually applies to. There's a pretty wide delta between "stuff someone can get arrested for" and "stuff that actually harms people or presents an imminent threat to people"

Wow, I often say that I am lucky to be the youngest of nine children. By the time I came along my parents were all "broken in" as there was probably nothing they hadn't seen by then. My wife's family is all cool as well even though I don't know of a single one that is an enthusiast.

Hell, her uncle even asked me to borrow a side by side shotgun for some pictures at his daughter's wedding. [thumbsup]
As I mentioned before the FIL doesn't like you. Deep down he has no respect for you,,, and thinking a bit more about your reply you clearly harbor the same disrespect for him. This was likely bound to come out at some point.

Your mutual dislike for each other has probably been harmful in ways you haven't seen. You'll need to find a way around it or now that it's out it will fester like an open sore and could do major damage.

BTW you sholdn't take anything I say about this as anything but entertainment.

But still.... that was a pretty damaging exchange.
I agree with you, but under what circumstances would you call the police? Obviously you're of the mindset that certain laws don't need to be enforced all the time. And I'm all for that.

But where do you draw the line?

Like most people. He will call the cops as soon as it affects his peace and quiet. Like when that person is speeding down his street at 160 MPH or driving drunk and almost takes out his mailbox or comes close to hitting his kids.

Or when cars are pulling up outside his neighbors house all hours of the night to buy drugs. Lets see how long he minds his own business.

I'll see if I can find the old thread. There was another poster who talked just like this. He berated other members for calling the cops. He talked how he always settles stuff himself. Then he wrote a thread about someone stealing from him. Guess what he did? He called the police on them instead of forcibly taking his property back.
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People with that frame of mind who start saying shit like " what if I call the police" - REALLY REALLY - do not deserve the benefit of the doubt.

There's an awful lot of things in life that happen that don't need "the man" involved. Anybody who says shit like "if I call the police" - is a douchebag almost by definition IMHO. And this has really nothing to do with guns.

Over the course of my my life I've had people try to sell my items that blatantly stolen. I told them to **** off and go away - but did I call the police on them? No.

I've been around people who were selling "illegal narcotics" and other sorts of illicit drugs. Did I rat them to the cops? No.

I know people who keep firearms in MA - who do not have licenses for them and/or who are licensed by have not registered their firearms. Some of these people were honestly unaware of what the law was - so I carefully told them: " I'm honestly telling you I don't give a shit what you do - but here's what the law is - your choice from now on what you choose to do".

I've known people who have drunk driven. I know people who speed like crazy on their motorcycles - and in their cars. Do I tell the cops - "hey this guy is up on Rte 95 right now driving his motorcycle and 160 mph because he wants to see how fast it goes. Nope.

We live in a litigous, near-tyrannical society - where far too many people seem to feel compelled to stick their noses into everybody else's shit - whether or not those other people have REALLY done anything wrong. "Not really his fault" - is bullshit. IT IS HIS FAULT. He's an ******* for even saying it in the first place and people like him are what is wrong with this country, because he's the exact type of person that drives all of the anti-gun laws that get shoved down our throats.

People like that don't deserve even one iota of "benefit of the doubt".

Ha. It appears we know some of the same people.

I guess my question was more whether the police comment was actually a threat or just him doubting the OP's answer that everything was legit. The guy knows so little about guns, other than what he's learned from MSM, (and doesn't trust the OP, apparently) and in his mind the Police would be the only ones he could trust to confirm what he was looking at.
He is, as I said, a douchenozzle.
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yea i'm sure afterwards you didn't want it to get heated and i'm sure you wish you hadn't said a few things but it happened...he probably feels the same way...hopefully both parties can makeup and move time build your rifles in the basement or another room that visiting people don't walk into when they come over, preferably one with a door you can close...avoid the BS all together [wink]

Um... what? OP was in HIS OWN LIVING ROOM. He doesn't have to change what he does in his own living room. Hell, I have a friggin' gun cabinet in mine - if someone doesn't like it, there's a door they can leave through.
Like most people. He will call the cops as soon as it affects his peace and quiet. Like when that person is speeding down his street at 160 MPH or driving drunk and almost takes out his mailbox or comes close to hitting his kids.

Or when cars are pulling up outside his neighbors house all hours of the night to buy drugs. Lets see how long he minds his own business.

Gladys, is it really you?

I wish I had that kinda time to constantly call the cops about malum prohibitum crap - that in either of the examples you mentioned, the police can do very little about. I have people who speed past my house all the time. Yeah, I'm going to get the cops a plate number of a car that went screaming past my house at 75 mph in a 30. I'll get right on that, I'm sure the police would love to hear about my report of a "blurry black object" that had a loud exhaust that flew past my house. Also I should call the kopsch on my neighbors- after all, They come and go at all hours of the night. They have guests that show up at random times. DEY MIGHT BE SELLING DRUGZ. Oh wait, or they're just a busy family with people who live in the house that work odd shifts. Go figure.

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have any of you guys suggesting that he whack the FIL around etc actually ever done this to their FIL? not asking in an attacking manner, just curious [laugh]
have any of you guys suggesting that he whack the FIL around etc actually ever done this to their FIL? not asking in an attacking manner, just curious [laugh]

I convinced my mother to come to the range with me. Got her to shoot a PPK by pointing out that it was the kind of gun that 007 used.

Father-in-law, though? He's in his mid to late 80's and a bit frail (I wish I'd met him when he was younger!). My wife and I wanted to let him shoot his mother's shotgun (after we had ammo made for it), but he said that that was OK, he just wanted to see his daughter shoot it.

Come to think of it, the guy who was almost my father in law gave me a flare gun he had taken home from his service in WWII. Another cool guy; he was one of the regrets I had about breaking up with his daughter. I liked him.
Gladys, is it really you?

I wish I had that kinda time to constantly call the cops about malum prohibitum crap - that in either of the examples you mentioned, the police can do very little about. I have people who speed past my house all the time. Yeah, I'm going to get the cops a plate number of a car that went screaming past my house at 75 mph in a 30. I'll get right on that, I'm sure the police would love to hear about my report of a "blurry black object" that had a loud exhaust that flew past my house. Also I should call the kopsch on my neighbors- after all, They come and go at all hours of the night. They have guests that show up at random times. DEY MIGHT BE SELLING DRUGZ. Oh wait, or they're just a busy family with people who live in the house that work odd shifts. Go figure.


If you can't tell the difference between drug deals in progress or people just stopping by your neighbors house to say hello. Then you need to work on improving your situational awareness.

Unless you are staring out of your window 24-7 I doubt you will notice any cars speeding down your street. To even call the cops. If it becomes a problem they actually do care.
I don't know what town you live in but I've seen cops sitting in people's driveways waiting to pull over speeders. I have a ticket to prove it.
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