Imus gone, Barnicle here. Idiot gun comments


NES Member
Aug 24, 2005
RETIRED, at home or wherever I want to be
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Listening to Barnicle, that lefty loonie, this AM made me sick. He's telling everyone all you need is a DL in Va to buy a gun and used the analogy of driving up to a McDonald's.

Then he has John Rosenthal on saying what a mess the gun laws are in this country and how it is so easy to buy weapons which outclass the cops. "Assault' weapon and hicaps should be outlawed but the govt will not do anything because of the NRA, etc blah blah. He stressed how important it is to have a gun database to help in solving crimes. "If you're a legal gun owner why would you care if you're in a database? The only reason would be if you don't trust the Gov't and that's crazy."

He took several calls and most people they talked to were great ! Rosenthal put a billboard up in Boston with pics of kids killed by guns and one caller asked why didn't he put pics of kids who have drowned in pools or were killed in traffic accidents? What's the matter, not enough room on the billboard?

There were others that were sensible too, that was the most memorable.

Barnicle makes me sick.
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Listening to Barnicle, that lefty loonie, this AM made me sick. He's telling everyone all you need is a DL in Va to buy a gun and used the analogy of driving up to a McDonald's.

Barnicle neither knows nor cares about the facts regarding guns. He just goes with emotion, as do many of his listeners. He's also responding to the sheeple demographic of the Boston/128 area

Then he has John Rosenthal on saying what a mess the gun laws are in this country and how it is so easy to buy weapons which outclass the cops. "Assault' weapon and hicaps should be outlawed but the govt will not do anything because of the NRA, etc blah blah. He stressed how important it is to have a gun database to help in solving crimes. "If you're a legal gun owner why would you care if you're in a database? The only reason would be if you don't trust the Gov't and that's crazy."

Does Ol' Johnny still have his own LTC-A that he won't admit to? A Kennedy wannabe.

He took several calls and most people they talked to were great ! Rosenthal put a billboard up in Boston with pics of kids killed by guns and one caller asked why didn't he put pics of kids who have drowned in pools or were killed in traffic accidents? What's the matter, not enough room on the billboard?

There were others that were sensible too, that was the most memorable.

Most of these guys only operate in specially controlled circumstances, in sympathetic media settings. I'm shocked the screeners let counter-calls through. I watched Richard Callaghan demolish Rosenthal in a debate once on MA fiream laws. The libs in the audience were gasping that John's scared beliefs were being questioned, but even they started laughing after a while. Johnny was visibly upset towards the end of it. I don't think he's done a real debate since then, except to get some doddering old local Fudd to agree with him.

IIRC I called into the Connection on WBUR just after Columbine when Chris (I'msmarterthaneverybodyelse) Lydon was away, and a clueless guest host was at the helm, with the usual antigun shills from academia in Boston. I got through the students who were screening the calls by telling them I was a contributor to WBUR, which at the time I was, and then proceeded to tell the
assembled taking heads that they were basically using the bodies of innocent victims to advance their agenda, and that none of their proposals would make the world any safer. They then launched into the platitudes of "we need fewer guns" "Nobody has a right to anything other than a musket", etc., When that didn't work they resorted to ad hominem attacks on gunowners
in general, and then I got cut off. So much for the give and take of debate[rolleyes]....

Barnicle makes me sick.

Yes, plagiarists who live in fancy surroundings and still call themselves regular guys induce reverse peristalsis in me, too.
When Rosenthal hung up this morning, Barnicle said something to the effect: I wonder if all the gun owners holding on the line realize that when John hung up the collective IQ of those on hold just went down dramatically.
When Rosenthal hung up this morning, Barnicle said something to the effect: I wonder if all the gun owners holding on the line realize that when John hung up the collective IQ of those on hold just went down dramatically.

Typical of Barnicle. He never, ever, debates facts. He insults those that disagree with him and questions their intelligence.

One of the best comments I heard on the Virginia Tech shootings yesterday came from a NYU professor.

He said that guns aren't the problem. We've had guns for a long time, and never had the kind of issues we've seen in the last ten years. He said the same for video games and media violence. He added that what he thought the problem was is that there is an increasing lack of respect for school authorities, and authority in general, and that there was a lack of discipline.

Pretty interesting coming from a college professor!
One of the best comments I heard on the Virginia Tech shootings yesterday came from a NYU professor.

He said that guns aren't the problem. We've had guns for a long time, and never had the kind of issues we've seen in the last ten years. He said the same for video games and media violence. He added that what he thought the problem was is that there is an increasing lack of respect for school authorities, and authority in general, and that there was a lack of discipline.

Pretty interesting coming from a college professor!

Was that the guy on with Lou Dobbs on CNN. I saw it to, For years all people have yapped about is guns, guns, guns, and never even had a thought about paying attention to anything else. This is what 30 or 40 years of liberal "feel good, you're special, no ones better than anyone else, and you're not responsible" BS has gotten us.
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The Gun Database has already been proven to be a total waste of time far more so than the Brady Bill. The Brady Bill took Cops off of the beats and put them behind computers doing background checks. The database as simple as it sounds when only a few seconds is donated and more complex the more you THINK about it. It requires massive amount of Man hours for scanning, input, and constant NEW scanning and constand NEW input. It is Projectile Finger printing and each projectile has to be Fired to have the marks of the firearm. Then they need to be scanned and inputed into a computer. etc etc. Many many manhours and after it all said and done, its OUTPUT is only as good as the INPUT. I don't think filed serial number firearms are going to test fire and offer the projectile for databasing..
One of the best comments I heard on the Virginia Tech shootings yesterday came from a NYU professor.

He said that guns aren't the problem. We've had guns for a long time, and never had the kind of issues we've seen in the last ten years. He said the same for video games and media violence. He added that what he thought the problem was is that there is an increasing lack of respect for school authorities, and authority in general, and that there was a lack of discipline.

Pretty interesting coming from a college professor!
You can bet that he either has tenure or won't get it.
NYU Professor

One of the best comments I heard on the Virginia Tech shootings yesterday came from a NYU professor.

He said that guns aren't the problem. We've had guns for a long time, and never had the kind of issues we've seen in the last ten years. He said the same for video games and media violence. He added that what he thought the problem was is that there is an increasing lack of respect for school authorities, and authority in general, and that there was a lack of discipline.

Pretty interesting coming from a college professor!
I saw this interview also. This is a byproduct of the lefts anti-establishment agenda. Kids these days are taught to question everybody and thing. It`s all about their happiness and wellbeing. The Govt. is wrong, the administration is wrong, the cops are wrong, etc. They have no respect for any institutions.
I can`t imagine this happening back in my school days.We were still afraid of our parents, teachers and the cops. Not anymore.
When Rosenthal hung up this morning, Barnicle said something to the effect: I wonder if all the gun owners holding on the line realize that when John hung up the collective IQ of those on hold just went down dramatically.
That's just as bad as saying all Black people like watermelon. What a two-faced wipe !![puke2]
August 1998, Barnicle was forced to resign from his position as a columnist at the Boston Globe amid questions about the sources of at least two of his columns.

The first column to raise journalistic suspicion, dated August 2, 1998, purportedly contained unattributed material from the 1997 book Brain Droppings by George Carlin ([3]).

After Barnicle claimed he had never read the book, editor Matthew Storin issued a one-month suspension. Later that afternoon, when a local television station aired a video clip showing Barnicle recommending the book to viewers, Storin increased the suspension to two months.

Closer scrutiny of all columnists followed, because another Boston Globe columnist, Patricia Smith, had resigned just two months before amid revelations that she fabricated people and quotations in four of her columns.

Review of hundreds of previous Barnicle columns revealed only a single possible fabrication in an October 8, 1995 piece. The column, titled "Through Pain, A Common Bond," recounted the story of two sets of parents with cancer-stricken children who had struck up a friendship during a stint at Children's Hospital in Boston in the summer of 1994. When one of the boys, a black child, died, the parents of the other boy, a white child who had begun to recover, sent the down-on-their-luck parents a check for $10,000. None of the people identified in the story could be located. When confronted with charges of fabrication, Barnicle said he did not obtain the story from either of the parents, but from a nurse at another hospital. When Barnicle did not produce the name of the nurse, and editors could not find a death that matched that of the child, Barnicle was asked to resign
He is a a**h***.
If I had to listen to either Mikey or Imus....give me back Imus.


+1... I don't really like Imus but I think I'd rather listen to him any day
over a puke like Barnacle. Barnacle should be pretty much excommunicated
from all forms of radio, TV, and print media. Anyone who plagiarizes and
makes shit up (like he did) doesn't have any business trying to pretend that
they're objective.

Wed AM
Barnicle says that the Va tragedy is less likely to happen in Mass. because we have laws that PREVENT guns from being on campus !

Same tripe in the Herald today. Quoting Rosenthal about that. Also, it's very easy to get a gun in VA, because they don't do background checks. And, did you know that in VA you only need a permit from the police in your town to carry concealed?

Why here in MA you need to have a LICENSE from you local police to carry concealed! That's much more stringent than merely having to have a PERMIT from your local police.

Besides everyone knows that criminals scrupulously follow the law while they are preparing to break the law.


I was less than happy to hear this scum got a job at the Herald, even less when I found out he had a gig a WTKK. I sent TKK an email before they made Barnicle the morning annoyance, asking they air Laura Ingraham's show in the am slot. I'm going to send them an email now demanding Barnie gets unplugged. [angry]
I've been thinking of why people think like this and basically have come up with only one idea - these are children walking around with adult clothes on! The thread with that guys speech at the Heritage Foundation is right - these people are ill equipped to figure stuff out like this because they have the mental capacity that a 10 year old kid has. To make statements like Barnicle and Rosenthal have said proves that their reality is lacking and they should be moved to where they can do no harm.

It irritates me to think that in this day of the Errornet and other forms of info available that a person could still be so ignorant of how the world works. Any of the states gun laws, along with the Federal laws, can be looked up with some time put in on the keyboard. We let these people get away with saying the crap they do becasue " well we're better than they are." It's time to start getting into the faces of some of these people and telling them how it is. If it takes a slap or a knee to the 'nads to get their attention, then so be it...

Joe R.
I've been thinking of why people think like this and basically have come up with only one idea - these are children walking around with adult clothes on!

+1 to that. Ever notice that a Liberal won't call somebody an "Adult" unless it benifits them?

Hell I was hearing Tom Finneran talking about "Where was Cho's Parrents?"

While it would have been nice if Cho's Parrent's could have come to the rescue, the bastard was 23!!!

But for the Left he's still a "Troubled Child" [rolleyes]

And on the same note allowing CCW holders to carry on campus becomes:
"Why would we put guns into the hands of children?"

By Being Children from Cradle to Grave it allows us to always pass the personal responcibilty buck to somebody else.


-Weer'd Beard
It irritates me to think that in this day of the Errornet and other forms of info available that a person could still be so ignorant of how the world works. Any of the states gun laws, along with the Federal laws, can be looked up with some time put in on the keyboard.
Joe R.

Joe, it's willful ignorance. Or call it lying if you prefer. These people know what the laws are, hell many of the have LTCs. In their arrogance they think (and are probably right) that most of the populace doesn't know that the laws are and will believe what these "opinion shapers" say. Barnicle is just one among many who still cling to the idea that they are the filters through which we all get our news and form our opinions.

The lame stream media hates the Internet and the Blogosphere because it is in the process of killing their monopoly on information. In 1994, Dan Rather would have gotten away with putting falsified documents on TV in order to besmirch a sitting President. Who would have been able to fact check him, let alone get the message out? Instead in 2004, within minutes of the end of that episode of 60 Minutes, a couple of people were vetting the documents. Within hours they were posting on their blogs that something was fishy. Within days CBS was doing damage control and within weeks Dan Rather was gone.

Instant communication is revolutionizing the way people get information. Look no further than this very web site and forum to see the proof.


Barnicle was ranting about guns again today. He said the only way to change the situation is to amend the Bill of Rights to change the 2nd amendment.
I assume he means to take away our right to own a gun. what a POS!
Barnicle was ranting about guns again today. He said the only way to change the situation is to amend the Bill of Rights to change the 2nd amendment.
I assume he means to take away our right to own a gun. what a POS!

This is getting to be the liberals new rallying cry. They think that it's easier to convince the House, the Senate, the President and then the legislatures and Governor's of 3/4 of the states than it is to convince 50 individual legislatures and Governor's. Apparently they don't think that they can use their favorite tactic, getting judges to legislate from the bench.

I think they are wrong. In fact, I think that it would be easier to amend the First Amendment to limit what the press can say than to repeal the Second Amendment.

I don't think changing either is a particularly good idea.

If the reports are correct (big IF I know)

The shooter had guns with filed serial numbers. Sounds like he showed his license and bought them legally huh?

Press conference just about to start in Virginia.

yeah... you know... I have been thinking about that one too... If he bought them legally, and fully intended on killing with them... why bother with the serial numbers?

One of the news reports said that they foud the month old reciept for the glock in his back pack... again... sounds like more bullshit here... I'd like to know who keeps a reciept for a gun in their backpack for over a month, but takes the time to file the numbers?

Again, make no sense what so ever. I think someone has some bs facts.
. . .I think that it would be easier to amend the First Amendment to limit what the press can say than to repeal the Second Amendment.

I don't think changing either is a particularly good idea.

I agree. But every time I [accidently, and briefly] listen to that POS Barnicle on the radio I find myself re-evaluating my position on changing the First.

I just emailed WTTK and told them I will stop listening to their station in that time slot if they keep Barnicle in the morning. I suggested they move Michael Graham to the 6-10am slot.
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