If they impeach Trump.

But the evidence points to Hillary and the left, not towards Trump.
There's a reason Glen Simpson of FusionGPS has taken the 5th and refuses to testify before congress, he's afraid of coming down with an acute case of Arkancide.
What would happen if you or I refused to testify before Congress?
in aint' going to happen. the economic consequences alone would be enough to crush the D party for years to come. they're stupid but perhaps not that stupid.

You're giving them waaaaay to much credit. Case and point - the Supreme Court fight... They closed a 20 point enthusiasm gap advanage they were enjoying up to that point and definitely cost themselves any chance at the Senate. I'm not even convinced they'll get the house at this point. They'll probably gain seats, but enough? I'm not so sure.
This is why the illegal voting issue is so important. God knows how many extra reps we already have because of illegals.
Assuming they had the votes for conviction this would still never work because if they had the votes the first time they sure as hell would have them a second or third time if it came to it.

Trump/Pence: "Neener neener!, we got around your authorahtay."

Congress: "Oh yeah? Then we'll just impeach the both of you at the same time and then Speaker Pelosi being number three on the list takes over."

So be careful what you wish for! :D
You are a better man then I am. I could not stare someone in the face and take them seriously after that and continue to conduct business.

My life quote is this: Do you want to be right or do you want to be rich?

I can be right and show them I'm right. Or I can be rich. I won't change their mind by beating them over the head. It takes time. And patience. They are TDS'd to the max right now. I'll be curious how they all fare after the mid-terms - especially if the R's keep both houses. I'd LIKE to think they'll come to their senses. Instead, I'm looking forward to the "explanations."

(Back in 2012, I had a client tell me the Dem's were going to tank the market in order to win Obama's second term out of fear. I asked him, "Wait, if the Dems control the stock market, who cares who's in charge of the country??? You control ALL OF THE MONEY!" "You just don't understand," was his reply. LOL)

They can't impeach him just because they don't like him, there has to be credible evidence that he committed "high crimes or misdemeanors" while in office. So far, after two years of screaming "Russia Collusion", where is the evidence ???

Give Mueller another 6 years or so and he might find something. LOL
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