If a magazine is showing is that "brandishing"

Sure -- you could drop it an lose it!

Well it has secure straps. As long as it doesn't fall out, yet the end is visible- is that legal?

I won't do this, but I have seen it before. The magazine is peeping out of the top.

Somebody could get scared and their feelings and or self esteem might be damaged! [shocked]

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If that's all there is to the facts, I think it's not criminal.

I think a more serious problem is that you are giving away that you have a gun. That's something I don't want Freddy Felon to know until he hears bang-bang-bang as he breathes his last rattling breath.
This makes me think... (always a scary thought).

What if you had a camera bag (one of the small ones that carries a small camera) on your belt that had a j-frame in it?

I can't tell you how many times I've had my digital camera in the bag on my waist and not thought twice about it. No one has ever asked me about it.

Granted, getting into it in a hurry might be tough, but certainly no harder than, say, an ankle holster...
I have one of those bags and it is awesome. My friends call it a purse, I declare it as a manbag, either way it takes all the crap out of my pockets and it great for hikes or walks with kids.

I know the pocket you are talking about for the magazine, and you could keep one in there, which could attract attention...but most people are looking at the bag itself and it the mag is facing the opposite direction only keen observers will know what it is.

I've only carried in the bag a few times, generally I like to keep my weapon on my hip and under full direct control.

I found a photo I took of a gun with the bag, thats a 229 if I recall correctly. If you decide to keep a gun in the bag you will need to get the velcro ccw holster attachment as well.

If you look just behind the gun you can see the spot where the velcro attachs. If you dont get the holster the gun moves about if its a mid frame, large frames will fall foward to more of a cant, and small frames would be suicidal.
I carry the Jumbo pack.

My extra extra mags are in the concealment area and with the compartment zipped, there isn't any issue.

Not sure why yours would stick out. [thinking]

And to answer your question (sort of), probably not brandishing, but the next best thing to being there. Why advertise?
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