I wrote a letter to the Boston globe

This link shows over 300 comments at this point - wonder why it's a bit different than your link....

I read the comments as far as this piece of work and couldn't stand to waste any more of my time reading more: "There are probably more people on that train who can defend themselves just as well without a gun and perhaps more safely than Mr. Linden with a gun"
I didn't have any egg on my front door this morning... So I guess that's a good thing, right? My dad called me last night. He's a little freaked out! He's afraid some one is going to show up at my door in a rage because of my letter.
The letter is getting buried with bad comments from the moonbats. We need our own supporting comments posted there.

I'm not registering to post on that rag but someone who is might want to have the pussies who think that train shootings only happen in movies Google "LIRR shooter". It wasn't a movie.

Outstanding letter and great effort to bridge the gap between us and....whatever they are.

The comments are just too funny... " your gun did not keep anyone safe on the train. Our civilized society and deputized police do " Anyone that actually believes that is just...wow.

The victims on this train respectfully disagree.
I read the comments as far as this piece of work and couldn't stand to waste any more of my time reading more: "There are probably more people on that train who can defend themselves just as well without a gun and perhaps more safely than Mr. Linden with a gun"

Yeah, that is a crock of shit. I have been riding the commuter rail for over 15 years, and in that time I have been acquainted with hundreds of wonderful people. I can tell you this with certainty: fewer than a handful of people I have met on the train engage in any sort of armed or unarmed self defense methods.

This is where the rubber hits the road. Everybody who has ever seen an action flick thinks that when the SHTF, they are going to turn into John McClane. Reality is they turn into one of the bodies on the floor.
These are the pseudo pacifists that think violence begets violence. Fighting back against the criminal or crazy in their mind only makes it worse. One can't reason with people that logically challenged.

Licensed carrier on a train is a fear to them but the career felon doing the same illegally is not?

Good, lawful, or civilized people need to be better at violence than bad, unlawful, or uncivilized people. To the extent that the good people are so much better at violence, they rarely need to engage in use, as the bad are deterred or utterly defeated.
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These are the pseudo pacifists that think violence begets violence. Fighting back against the criminal or crazy in their mind only makes it worse. One can't reason with people that logically challenged.

Licensed carrier on a train is a fear to them but the career felon doing the same illegally is not?

Good, lawful, or civilized people need to be better at violence than bad, unlawful, or uncivilized people. To the extent that the good people are so much better at violence, they rarely need to engage in use, as the bad are deterred or utterly defeated.

Well said!
Fortunately, very few people have experienced life-threatening violence. One wonders if the views of some would change if they experienced a violent, life-threatening situation?
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We have another addition to the liberal gun terminology by former commish Evans who is now a "security expert" on one of the networks.

ProWorkingClass01/09/16 09:18 AM
Here's the REAL world, outside Dighton, A Linden. Today's Globe: "...Police chased Headley on foot across backyards on Rosseter Street, then onto Geneva Avenue, where he was wrestled to the ground and arrested without any more shots being fired. Officers recovered a .40 millimeter semiautomatic Glock handgun at the scene, officials said. “It’s a high-velocity handgun,” Evans said...."

One of the things that I noticed by reading through some of the early comments was a real normalcy bias. One comment I read really got me thinking. A comment stated "the world is not as scary a place as you might think". In a way, he's right. The likelihood of getting shot on an MBTA train is pretty slim, but statistically, it is a possibility. I'd like to point out that the likelihood of dying in a car accident is small, yet most people buckle up. Why? The likelihood of dying in a house fire is small, and yet we have smoke detectors. Why?

Being prepared for a situation is not "playing Rambo", but rather, having the right tool for the job. If you got a flat tire, and all you had was a screwdriver, well, you'd be pretty out of luck. I don't live my life that way. I don't like surprises, and try to plan for the worst, and hope for the best, as cliche as that may sound.

I'd like to figure out where this laissez faire, I'll take my chances attitude comes from these days. Since when is tribalism a bad thing? Since when has self preservation and a will to live been bred out of mankind? These same people commenting on this article are the same people who wouldn't have seen their 25th birthday in a warrior culture of old. They would be lying in a pool of blood and excrement in a village with nothing to show but a split open cranium.

There is a ton of stuff to unpack from your post, so I will try to focus on one thing. You are absolutely correct that very few people will ever be personally involved in violence, and the statistics back this up. This is, indeed, a good thing. However, falling back to statistics, if you are one of the roughly 5 women raped, or 87 people assaulted, or hundreds of people robbed each day in our fine state, you probably really wish you had some way of defending yourself.

Bravado and trash talk aside, pretty much every person I have ever met in self defense courses (armed and unarmed) hopes that they never have to use their skills. If you have been in an encounter, you know it stays with you forever no matter how you come out of it. However, what we share in common is the belief that it is our responsibility to protect ourselves and our families in case one of these incredibly rare events does befall us.

It's kind of funny, my wife was just talking about these ***holes on ****face or whatever it's called talking about how you are more likely to be bitten by a shark than win Powerball. So, okay, let's play this game. If you are female, you are several orders of magnitude more likely to be raped than to win Powerball. How many women do you think played Powerball this week, as compared to how many women have taken a self defense course in their entire lives?

Sorry if I am rambling. The Liberal worldview is so friggin logically incoherent I get like a squirrel in a nut factory trying to decide where to even start taking it apart.
Curt Schilling shared the link to your article on facebook. Well written by the way.
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Re: the comments. These same people who accuse us of paranoia because we prepare for the admittedly small chance of being attacked are the same ones who are happy to support violating the Constitution if it will save just one life.
Some one should post the video of the guy that was attacked on the train . being stabbed while he's screaming at the two police officers that are safe in the conductor both 2 feet away. The police didn't help the guy till he Was able to stop the guy with the knife him self .

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I saw someone share this letter on my fb. The comments are libtarded. I shared this, great letter!
.40mm is .0157", or something like 27 gauge. We use 24 gauge needles for IV's in the hospital.

Really? Isn't 24 gauge on the small side, even for IV needles? I would think something in the 18-22 gauge would be more common. I use 15 gauge on my IVs [crying]
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