Up until this Regulation (not a law) a lost or stolen license was gone and you had to apply again for a new one. Now, they say that the license authority needs to reissue free of charge.
Don't forget to write your senator and rep about the other Gun bills.
S. 2113 50 Caliber Ban - Especially those of you with such a gun, let them know that the bill will effectively steal a multi-thousand dollar investment with no compensation for NO REASON that exists excpet some unfounded fear by those pushing this bill.
S 2133 "Gang Violence" bill - Section 3 Paragraph 3 as written will effectively make consignment sales and other type of firearm transfers illegal. Paragraphs 1 and 2 have language to exempt lawful owners, that language needs to be added to this part as well.
Support GOAL's "Precision Sports Legislative Reform Package" Basically it will use the same language as California currently has to make the laws and the AG regulations conform to allow handguns designed for competition.
Also in the works:
Looks like the new licenses will change the wording "reason for issuance" to "Restrictions" and the EOPS is supposed to draw up some standard restrictions that will have well defined meanings. While this might sound like a bad thing as it might encourage some departments to restrict, what it dies is provides a precise language that GOAl can use to show how such restrictions violate the rights of MA citizens, arguments that have been hard to make with such undefined terms currently used.
GOAl has also compiled a definitive list of carry requirements on various transportation options.
MBTA - Carry permitted as licensed. Long guns need to be cased and locked in compliance with Mass Law.
The private ferry services require that you check the firearm at the ticket booth. Best to ask for the security officer and deal directly with them. Depending on the size of the vessle (150 passenger and over) this could be a federal law, or just a company policy. Be sure you get a receipt for the firearm and be prepared to have your license copied (or provide a copy)
Hunters who use a ferry to transport game need to have that game packed properly prior to boarding.