How long did your LTC-A take in your town???

Yesterday I guess I went to the wrong place. So today I went to the correct door and got spoken to by the LO. As expected, the answer was basically "I told you at your interview it would take 8 weeks. You'll get it when you get it. Don't call. Don't stop by. Just go home and wait." I explained very politely that it's been almost 12 weeks and that didn't seem to make any difference. I couldn't even find out if I'd been approved.
I don't have time now, but I have a lot of scribbled notes from a lengthy phone conversation with the Director of FRB. He gave me the entire step-by-step process for getting a LTC. Eventually I'll post a thread on it giving the steps as given to me. It should help folks pin the tail on the right donkey for these long delays (hint, it's usually not the state)!
Yesterday I guess I went to the wrong place. So today I went to the correct door and got spoken to by the LO. As expected, the answer was basically "I told you at your interview it would take 8 weeks. You'll get it when you get it. Don't call. Don't stop by. Just go home and wait." I explained very politely that it's been almost 12 weeks and that didn't seem to make any difference. I couldn't even find out if I'd been approved.

That's what I usually got from my pd too they just keep saying you'll get it in the mail I had to explain that I was concerned that the mail might get lost and my fid isn't something that I want to fall into the wrong hands and that's when the LO agreed to notify me when it is all set. So they called me and left me a message when I was approved but are still refusing to call me to let me pick it up. They just keep saying it'll be in the mail. The worst part is I don't know if I'm all set from the pd or from the frb.
... So today I went to the correct door and got spoken to by the LO. As expected, the answer was basically "I told you at your interview it would take 8 weeks. You'll get it when you get it. Don't call. Don't stop by. Just go home and wait." I explained very politely that it's been almost 12 weeks and that didn't seem to make any difference. I couldn't even find out if I'd been approved.

How tall are you ? Like 4 feet 2 inches tall lil boy, and wearing a middle-school-back-pack with your note books ?

If, that is how he spoke to you, it proves the authority complex issues we discuss on NES about POs
Put a barcode on the applications and scan them each step of the way. Then let people check their status online. That would alleviate a lot of the anxiety.

Not knowing when is like telling a kid that Christmas is in the winter sometime, or maybe the spring if Santa is busy. Well, definitely by the end of summer.
I’m defiantly seeing where you guys are coming from with this now. I was giving the PD the benefit of the doubt on this one but it’s getting ridiculous, I passed in my application Feb 6th, still haven’t heard back about prints. I've even played phone tag with the LO, told me to call him back with a cell # so he could get in touch with me "easier". Called and left him my work number (as I don’t have a cell phone) about a week and a half ago, and STILL have not gotten a call to set up the prints and photos. Now I work with this guy’s sister (which I didn’t know at first) and he’s in my work at least twice a week so he should have no problems calling the place.

I'm telling ya man, I'm really starting to get aggravated with this, haha, I mean come on all you need to do is SCHDEUAL the appointment. One phone call, 5 minutes, that’s really all I ask at this point! Considering after that I still need to wait at least another month befor I even see the liscene, I would like this to get started now.

Yesterday I guess I went to the wrong place. So today I went to the correct door and got spoken to by the LO. As expected, the answer was basically "I told you at your interview it would take 8 weeks. You'll get it when you get it. Don't call. Don't stop by. Just go home and wait." I explained very politely that it's been almost 12 weeks and that didn't seem to make any difference. I couldn't even find out if I'd been approved.

You guys should notify, in this order, either your city councilman (if you have one), your state representative or senator, and then GOAL about the difficulties you're having.
My friend on Foxboro who went in for his interview on Jan. 6 is still waiting. He called last week. The first guy he talked to said he didn't know what my friend was talking about. They transferred him to the COP's office, where he got a machine. No call back yet. This is after they lost his application the first time, and told him in the interview that they only issue restricted licenses. I think I'm going to tell him to stop by next time he gets the chance.
See my new post (sticky) in this forum on the exact process. You can probably figure out why it takes so long from that.
I applied Jan 6th in Franklin...still waiting. I practically jump the postman each day in hopes it will be there.

Did the Lt. estimate how long he thought it would take? I applied 2 weeks ago in Franklin and he said it would be 3-6wks. A friend of mine applied in Franklin last week and was told 4-8wks. I've heard Franklin typically has a quick turnaround on LTC's so I had high hopes...
See my new post (sticky) in this forum on the exact process. You can probably figure out why it takes so long from that.

Very informative and lots of moving parts there. Based on the estimates you received, there seem to be quite a few checkpoints for the local PD to bottleneck/stall things. Especially if they are only part time or there is a big backlog of apps and various responses coming in for old applications.

Given your timelines and assuming the PD submits everything to the proper departments in parallel and they move things along as soon as they can (HA!), it sounds like the process should be taking ~6 weeks (best case) from app/photos/prints (3 weeks from the MSP seems to be the long pole + ~2 weeks for the FRB to actually process it + 1 week to print/mail and have the PD finalize it). Any slow down or stalls at the PD (especially before the FRB gets it), will dramatically increase the wait.

I can see how it'd be tough to track the status of an app before it makes it to the FRB. Though it'd be nice if they (FRB) had a system to allow applicants to see when their app makes it to them and if it approved/printed yet. Their current processing time window is useless when you have no idea if/when the PD has even submitted it for review.
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Sutton, MA (very green town from what I am told). Applied Feb 10. Interview, prints, pics, app (done via web at the PD) all completed same day. Took about 15 minutes. Was told 3-5 weeks. Friday will be 4 weeks. Hopefully will get it just in time for the warm weather.
See my new post (sticky) in this forum on the exact process. You can probably figure out why it takes so long from that.

Hey lens thanks for the information this really helped it seems my application just reached the FRB on the 20th when the pd told me that I was all set and according to the dcjis website they will probably get to it by the end of the week so I should have it by next sometime next week which would be my 9th week. So ill post when it arrives, once again thanks it really cleared up a lot of questions.

Sutton, MA (very green town from what I am told). Applied Feb 10. Interview, prints, pics, app (done via web at the PD) all completed same day. Took about 15 minutes. Was told 3-5 weeks. Friday will be 4 weeks. Hopefully will get it just in time for the warm weather.

From what I've read while waiting for my card, the color of the town just represents the type of ltc they will receive green gets unrestricted but yet I doesn't mean they will receive their cards any sooner than any other town. Just a thought please correct me if I'm wrong.
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From what I've read while waiting for my card, the color of the town just represents the type of ltc they will receive green gets unrestricted but yet I doesn't mean they will receive their cards any sooner than any other town. Just a thought please correct me if I'm wrong.

You are correct
Sutton, MA (very green town from what I am told). Applied Feb 10. Interview, prints, pics, app (done via web at the PD) all completed same day. Took about 15 minutes. Was told 3-5 weeks. Friday will be 4 weeks. Hopefully will get it just in time for the warm weather.

I was told 4-5 weeks. It took 8 (green town), Xmas and New Year were in there. You're setting yourself up for a lot of frustration...I would double whatever they tell you. When it's done you'll think it was fun (while you're waiting, not so much). Then you can get a Sig P226 and be a happy camper Lille me!!![smile][smile][smile]
Just called my local pd to ask if my fid was in and to find out when my app was sent to the frb. So it seems it was sent in to them on feb 17th and according to the dcjis their still working on that week hopefully it gets issued this week and arrives next week the latest. Hopefully
Just called my local pd to ask if my fid was in and to find out when my app was sent to the frb. So it seems it was sent in to them on feb 17th and according to the dcjis their still working on that week hopefully it gets issued this week and arrives next week the latest. Hopefully

Not singling out your post, Rifling I am following all those who have had these unbelievably excruciating waits. I sympathize with all of you, but I think many of you are making it worse, with your overly optimistic expectations. Not to say you shouldn't expect the system to run quickly, efficiently, and lawfully, but, right now, the situation in too many towns, is what it is. I urge all of you to contact as many of those in power, you can, to help.

My only advice is, to take what they told you the ETA of your license will be, with a grain of salt. Figure how much time you think it should take, then double, triple, or quadruple it. If it arrives before that...celebrate!

I'm not trying to put a damper on anyones wait...just a different perspective from someone who's waiting for a rather large appliance rebate that should have arrived in mid December.
Not singling out your post, Rifling I am following all those who have had these unbelievably excruciating waits. I sympathize with all of you, but I think many of you are making it worse, with your overly optimistic expectations. Not to say you shouldn't expect the system to run quickly, efficiently, and lawfully, but, right now, the situation in too many towns, is what it is. I urge all of you to contact as many of those in power, you can, to help.

My only advice is, to take what they told you the ETA of your license will be, with a grain of salt. Figure how much time you think it should take, then double, triple, or quadruple it. If it arrives before that...celebrate!

I'm not trying to put a damper on anyones wait...just a different perspective from someone who's waiting for a rather large appliance rebate that should have arrived in mid December.

Yea I know and they told me it was going to arrive since last week I'm just trying to do as much research as I can and setting up my own ETA from information from LenS post about the procedure to the dcjis website and information of when it was "actually" submitted by my local pd.
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