How did you find NES?

I think it was an link - although it feels like NES is a permanent, eternal part of my Internet landscape.

Which is costing me money - I need the AR group buy to be over, so I can stop looking at all the other buys going on and drooling uncontrollably!

Googling Mass Firearms Laws...

2 girls 1 cup is a disgusting video, but also is an internet phenomenon which is to trick your friends into watching it. Videos of reactions to watching 2 girls 1 cup are famous online.

case n#1:
"-hey, have u seen this video called 2girls1cup ? you should check it out, its hilarious
-ok, ill google it tonite"
I was just sitting here one day, reading my online bible, and BAM! my computer screen went off and then back on again, the lights dimmed down, my screen started to flash real fast. That's the last thing I remember. When I came to, I was here... I've been trying to leave for years, but every time I try to close this window, my non mouse hand starts smacking me in the face until I stop...

I don't get it.....
I found NES doing a google search on "jerks" [smile]

-1 rep point for that remark bish.

I was searching for a CS9, I found one for sale here and ended up buying it. Before that
I frequented I've never been back there.
I'm one of the early refugees from the old MA-F EMail list.

Remember: Derek can give himself an extra 50 rep points whenever he feels like it, and give you -50 just as easily. [wink]

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