Has anyone noticed that the left is way beyond full retard now?

Except the Nazis were not communists the others in your list were. And communism has a founding theme absent in Nazi Germany.

The one commonality is they all killed a shitload of people who they took a dislike to.

They were both totalitarian government philosophies. Funny how that word has disappeared from the lexicon as the dem’s have moved further and further to the left
My ancestors were all in the colonies before the American Revolution. They were Scots who had faced their own domestic issues with the English monarchy, and weren't of a mind to go through it again.

Same here, brother. My Scots-Irish ancestors just wanted to be left the hell alone, and so do I. When pushed, they joined the Army and took a little walk down to Yorktown.
its the new normal.
eight years of obama lunacy has emboldened the crazies on the left. They want free shit, they want blah blah blah....and if ANYONE stands in their way, that person is a nazi/racist/bigot.

i am not sure if the cork can ever be put back in that crazy bottle! Its been well over a year of Trump, and there are still nut jobs screaming for impeachment....like THAT is ever going to happen.

I think the problem is: EIGHT YEARS is like a life time to these nuts. they do not remember back when things were more polite/gentlemanly/free speech.
ALL of this stems from Trump Derangement Syndrome. The left still can't over Trump's election and is lashing out in all directions. This won't abate until he is out of office.
Yup, history doesn't repeat but it rhymes.

The irony is the left are convinced they're the good guys. I merely wish to be left alone and offer others the same courtesy whereas you can see there are already more than a few on the left dreaming of mass executions and open ditches with us being rolled into them.

Okay, so I like hyperbole.

No, the true irony is that the "useful idiots" are always the top layer of the ditch but that part never dawns on them until the precipitating.
Funny thing how the Liberal progressive mind works.. While they're screaming confiscation today, what will they be screaming for after the next hurricane Andrew/Katrina/Sandy, or another Boston marathon event, or another Baltimore or LA riot type of situation? What happens when the first-responders are so over-taxed by the event that "help" will be days away, and maybe the gangs and thugs get "their Christmas" as we descend into WROL for a few long days and nights. What will the PC progressives be whining then?

Nah, that was before. It could never happen again.

And while "most" of us are too young to remember it, the Governor of Massachusetts once ordered confiscation. How'd that work out?

History can be an awesome teacher.

I'll tell you what happens next- Martial law is declared and the blue helmets will come. This is what the NWO pricks want.
The loot at will child raping surrender monkey blue helmets can't deploy anywhere without logistical assistance from the US. That ain't happening. Most other industrialized nations can barely field an army, let alone a fleet of transport planes or ships anymore.
Its called desperation...its a sign we actually are winning
Yes but it also means that any limitation on what they would do to protect their precious Marxist agenda is now stripped away. We are in science fiction land for the kinds of things they will do to us now.
Reading Letters to the Editor in the Springfield Republican tonight. Anyone from Longmeadow? This guy must be a wonderful neighbor.
1. People should not be allowed to store guns in their homes. Instead they should be stored in a municipal lock up under the control of a legally responsible official. If a person wanted to use their gun for hunting, they would have to sign it out after showing their gun license and hunting license. No automatic weapons would be allowed to be signed out. Someone who owned more than five gun weapons would be required to be examined by competent medical authorities. Do they really need that many for their own protection? Burden of proof is on them.

We need to build anti-gun campaign strong enough to confront the NRA (Letters)
It's funny how the left, as a bunch of europhile elitists, is now taking the same positions King George did with regards to the freedoms & natural rights demanded by the colonists and somehow they, as people 'educated' yet alarmingly ignorant of history, expect the eventual result of antagonizing militia to be different.

The left went from lurching towards winning the midterm elections out of apathy to enraging their opposition and filling them with resolve. Normally only the GOPe is that stupid.
Yep. Honestly is there another country capable of fielding a considerable fighting force half a world away right now?

Russia has been running an arms sales exhibition in Syria but I think that’s pushing the limits of their ability to take their show on the road. One aircraft carrier and it’s a heap of shit.

France and Britain could kick around a third world country but probably not more.

China is still trying to develop a military capable of crossing the Taiwan strait.
U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch posted the following on Facebook and is getting slammed

Representative Stephen F. Lynch

“The NRA has a tremendous amount of influence on Republicans in Congress, who have blocked every opportunity for Congress to vote on legislation that would reduce gun violence and save lives. I am proud that I have consistently received an “F” rating and do not accept support from the NRA. Advocating for common-sense gun legislation does not hinder our freedoms or threaten the Second Amendment. We owe it to our children and loved ones, and to the victims and survivors of every mass shooting, to act.”
Funny how Lynch never bothered proposing legislation in 2008 when Obama was king and held a majority in both chambers.
“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

– John Adams

Some seem to have no idea what Freedom means and how it is unique to the American way of life. For them Freedom apparently holds no value. Would they actually miss it were it to disappear? Or, for that matter, even realize that it was gone?
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U.S. Representative Stephen Lynch posted the following on Facebook and is getting slammed

Representative Stephen F. Lynch

“The NRA has a tremendous amount of influence on Republicans in Congress, who have blocked every opportunity for Congress to vote on legislation that would reduce gun violence and save lives. I am proud that I have consistently received an “F” rating and do not accept support from the NRA. Advocating for common-sense gun legislation does not hinder our freedoms or threaten the Second Amendment. We owe it to our children and loved ones, and to the victims and survivors of every mass shooting, to act.”

My Father worked with that turd years ago and if he was alive he'd punch him right in the dick.
I wrote him right after Sandy Hook when he was coffin dancing and told him exactly that.
I'm sure he remembered my Dad.
You apparently have to sell your soul to be a Dem.
“Posterity! You will never know how much it cost the present Generation to preserve your Freedom! I hope you will make good use of it. If you do not, I shall repent in Heaven, that I ever took half the Pains to preserve it.”

– John Adams

Some seem to have no idea what Freedom means and how it is unique to the American way of life. For them Freedom apparently holds no value. Would they actually miss it were it to disappear? Or, for that matter, even realize that it was gone?

An excellent point and here's the answer, I think.

"Few men desire freedom; the greater part are content with just masters".....Gaius Sallustius Crispus, Roman statesman and historian, 86−34 BC

Only a minority of men want to be free, the rest fear their own weakness.
The difference is most of them are unwilling to pull the trigger themselves, out of squeamishness or fear they'd be the one shot. They're only willing to pay someone else to do it for them, and they don't like it when you point out it amounts to the same thing.

Now the question is, will the people getting paid to do this for them actually do it? If there is enough money involved, it is not out of the question.

Could be Russians, but it's a given that Soros is definitely behind it.

Wait, isn't Soros a Nazi sympathizer? How does that jive with Russians?

California or New York probably will lead the way with a ban on centerfire semi-automatic rifles or perhaps all semi-autos. I suspect people in those states would simply lay down and take it, telling themselves it's for the public good. SCOTUS probably would not hear any of the cases such a ban would generate.

I thought New York and Connecticut were already ignoring gun laws. No?
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Reading Letters to the Editor in the Springfield Republican tonight. Anyone from Longmeadow? This guy must be a wonderful neighbor.

We need to build anti-gun campaign strong enough to confront the NRA (Letters)
Wow. This is my favorite part:

3. If we had a genuine national health care system, there would be fewer mentally ill folks walking around without care and supervision. Within twenty years of setting up such a universal system, we would have a healthier population and all of those who needed mental and/or physical care would be getting it.

If I recall correctly, it was the left that made us empty the state hospitals into the streets in favor of voluntary "community care". In the 1950's we had 560,000 people in involuntary confinement for mental health problems. Now we have 45,000, even though our national population has doubled.

We had too much confinement back in the 50's, but does anyone honestly believe over 95% of people in mental hospitals were nonviolent people who didn't belong there?
The Dems are in full panic, revenge mode. The don't know what they're getting into. They are advocating harassing us in public, restaurants, movie theaters,etc because they're still butt hurt over their devastating loss in 2016. This is going to get very ugly soon.
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