Gun permit applications surged nearly 1,000 percent in New York’s Jewish community

A few.
Unless you are saying this was the event that is going to change a half century years of voting history.
Would love to see it , but know better that to hold my breath.

Oh god no. I'm just happy to see some eyes opening, even if only a little. Inertia is a bitch.
I'm Jewish and I can't figure this out either!
and considering how the Dems have turned on Israel since Obama it's quite startling how they're still sheeple. GF,s niece married a nice Jewish guy, brilliant businessman and we attend Thanksgiving at their house in W.Hartford. He bitches about his property taxes but hates Trump. I drive down in my RAV4 covered in TRUMP 2020 stickers and His retired Dentist farther gives me dirty looks and still refuses to vote for a Republican. I gave him shit about Da Nang Dick and the rest of the lib CT. pols and he counters with Trump is an illegitimate President.
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