Groom Shot Dead At Wedding By Uncle's Stray Celebratory Bullet

Hmm, how about this one?

Stupid, but I wouldn't call India a third world country.
India is still the very definition of a third world country. Overwhelming illiteracy. Overwhelming poverty. Overwhelming corruption in their legal system. Stir in an active Marxist rebellion, and you've got quite the third world stew.
Well it is one of the largest industrialized countries in the world with perhaps the best educated population.
Largest countries? Yes. Industrialized? No. Best educated, no. India still has a literacy rate of only 61%:

Yes, India has a growing middle class and a core of very well educated people. But the folks that you deal with in Bangalore are not representative of the country as a whole. It is still largely an agrarian society, made up of impoverished farmers who live and farm today much the same as they did in the 1800s.
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Thanks, both of you.

Is this otherwise unnecessary step a "feature benefit?"

An "undocumented feature enhancement".

Derek, could you put the emoticon menu-bullet onto the quick-reply menu bar? I could do it if I had access to the .php directory, shouldn't be difficult.

Sorry for the hijack, we now return you to the India 3rd-world country debate already in progress.

All I can say is, they must be doing something right over there, 3rd-world or 2nd world or 1st-world. They have nearly all of the USA's customer phone-support business now.

Or should that read, "The USA must be doing something wrong in that India has nearly all of our customer phone-support business now"?
Largest countries? Yes. Industrialized? No. Best educated, no. India still has a literacy rate of only 61%:

Yes, India has a growing middle class and a core of very well educated people. But the folks that you deal with in Bangalore are not representative of the country as a whole. It is still largely an agrarian society, made up of impoverished farmers who live and farm today much the same as they did in the 1800s.

Where do the folks fall into that keep calling my damn cell phone? I've literally turned down jobs because I can't understand their "Bedeeep bedeeeep bedeeeep"
Where do the folks fall into that keep calling my damn cell phone? I've literally turned down jobs because I can't understand their "Bedeeep bedeeeep bedeeeep"
Folks that work in call centers in India are part of the well educated middle class minority. You're not talking to an illiterate, impoverished peasant in a rural village.
Folks that work in call centers in India are part of the well educated middle class minority. You're not talking to an illiterate, impoverished peasant in a rural village.

Can we put English on their agenda???? It's just annoying when you are in customer service to the US and you can't speak the damn language. This is why they've lost contracts with Microsoft and Dell.
Your Euro-centric, jingoistic and myopic world view has rendered you incapable of comprehending the subtle grace and glory of other cultures..........

Celebratory gunfire was a big problem in Bosnia when I was there. The local cops used to drive up to the front gate of our base and tell us where and when the weddings, parties were going on in our sector. Half the nights it sounded like we were under attack. One day when I was NCOIC at the front gate I heard AK gunfire very close. I looked out the window of the guard shack and this Bosnian was standing across the street firing his AK into the air and waving at us. After a few automatic weapons were leveled at him I walked over to him w/my interpreter to find out what the hell he was doing. He was shitfaced and having a little fun w/his AK.
Celebratory gunfire was a big problem in Bosnia when I was there. The local cops used to drive up to the front gate of our base and tell us where and when the weddings, parties were going on in our sector. Half the nights it sounded like we were under attack. One day when I was NCOIC at the front gate I heard AK gunfire very close. I looked out the window of the guard shack and this Bosnian was standing across the street firing his AK into the air and waving at us. After a few automatic weapons were leveled at him I walked over to him w/my interpreter to find out what the hell he was doing. He was shitfaced and having a little fun w/his AK.

Does he even know how much ammo costs now? He could have bought his own damn dinner and stopped the US efforts to create another welfare state!!!
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