Governor Patrick blames GOAL AGAIN for holding up his unconstitutional legislation

In response to a recent GOAL alert, I contacted my rep (Katherine Clark) and today received this response from her assistant. At least they appear to have taken time to speak with Jim Wallace regarding this issue and following up with me (thanks Jim for helping to educate our legislators). They never stated their actual position on this issue but at least they seem to be paying attention:
Hello MA_Shooter,
I wanted to follow up with you on Amendment #13. I spoke with Jim Wallace, the Executive Director of the Gun Owners’ Action League (GOAL), who informed me that GOAL supports the changed language in Amendment #13 and the original intention of their amendment remains in tact. The final amendment will not allow those who are carrying a gun without a license to remain in pretrial detention, without bail, UNLESS that individual is currently a felon, on bail, or in violation of their parole. This is actually less stringent language than GOAL was going for, so they were very pleased with the amendment. If you have any other questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.

Have a wonderful day.



Katherine M. O'Koniewski
Legislative Aide
Office of Representative Katherine Clark
State House, Room 254
Thanks everyone, tomorrow we will post our weekly "Video News" with Jim's response to Deval, it's great stuff!

Better would be to ask WTKK for equal air time.

Take Dwarvin's route and send a copy of the video to the Gov'. BTW, + REPS to you Ross.

You should also hand the Governor and Jim Braude the gun law poster.
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Note that one of Patrick's former friends in the Senate is back in the news:

Mass. pol who stuffed money in bra pleads guilty

Each of the eight attempted extortion charges carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison, three years of supervised release, and a $250,000 fine.

Hey hey, sounds like a prohibited person to me!
Honestly the BEST solution to this problem would be to get him to sit down and actually take some time to learn about this legislation.

+1. There's something very wrong about laws getting crammed through the process that no one understands, or has even read.

Scriv, didn't EX Senator Wilkerson originally scream "Racism" and plead that she was innocent?

Guilty pleas are often just part of a legal strategy (or lack of funds to drag out the legal process), and not indicative of the person's conscience.

Can we start a pool on her sentence? Me, I'll pick "probation; no jail time".

Just like most other criminals, sadly.
Can we start a pool on her sentence? Me, I'll pick "probation; no jail time". [puke2]

That's OK with me if she flips on the likely dozens of other [STRIKE]hacks[/STRIKE] co-conspirators that she's had dealings with. I bet you can hear a pin drop on Beacon Hill right now...
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Sure explains why sentencing has been delayed until September. Get the sentence in Sept, give her until Nov 9 to report to jail and then the pardon is issued.

It would be VERY interesting to get a tally of how many Democratic elected officials have been convicted of crimes vs. Republicans in the last 10 years or so. It just seems to me that you hear of Democrats breaking the law and Republicans fooling around. (Of course, the fooling around stays in the news FAR FAR FAR longer than the democrat's crime. I wonder what the numbers would jump to if you added stuff like tax cheats and criminal accusations where same party officials refuse to press charges.

Its sick in any case.
Excellent response by GOAL to our out-of-touch-Governor.

These words of our Gov really made me shake my head: We haven’t got any tools in place in terms of .... for people who commit crimes using a gun....

When he said this, a fact immediately came to my mind, the Bartley-Fox law which is supposed to be used to prosecute "people who commit crimes using a gun" which is a tool that Deval thinks is missing.

There is a post on NES somewhere that links an article from the Boston Globe that reveals just how this law is practically never used. I can't remember the numbers exactly, but during a window of time there were about 1000 (?) prosecutions for gun crimes and this law was used for only 9 of them.

Related post:
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These words of our Gov really made me shake my head: We haven’t got any tools in place in terms of .... for people who commit crimes using a gun....

When he said this, a fact immediately came to my mind, the Bartley-Fox law which is supposed to be used to prosecute "people who commit crimes using a gun" which is a tool that Deval thinks is missing.

There is a post on NES somewhere that links an article from the Boston Globe that reveals just how this law is practically never used. I can't remember the numbers exactly, but during a window of time there were about 1000 (?) prosecutions for gun crimes and this law was used for only 9 of them.

Related post:

Great point.
Thanks for posting that Rob. I'm stunned how much new BS legislation is being drafted all the time.
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