Good Samaritan Beaten At Drive-Through

Seriously...whether I was packing a knife, a pistol or a .700 Nitro Express, I would have driven to Burger King.
What bothers me most is the number of people here that would charge into a 3 on 1 situation with guns and knives over someone getting harassed. I'm not going to introduce a gun, knife and spray into a situation that hasn't involved anything more than harsh words. Especially not when I am going into it outnumbered 3 to 1. I'm not going to assume that I have Chuck Norris' skills and can take 3 guys in their prime, and that there's no chance they get a lucky shot in and put me on the ground.

Again if she is being assaulted I'm in. If all they are doing is saying mean things to her, I'll wait until the cops show up or until it actually turns into a bad situation.
If the woman is in physical danger:

Step 1. Call 911
Step 2. Exit vehicle with bravado and gusto.
Step 3. Inform punks that 911 is on the way and they need to vacate the premises.
Step. 4. Await response from punks and react accordingly.
Step 5. Where the hell is my maglite any way?
Step 6. If they advance and want to throw down - dance with everything but the kitchen sink. Maglite, spray, mother, dog, you name it.
Step 7. Is 911 here yet?

If they are just being rude and obnoxious to woman with no threat of physical harm:

Step. 1. Call 911
Step 2. Stay in vehicle or avoid physical confrontation
Step 3. Monitor situation
Step 4. Be thankful that your kids didnt turn out like these a-holes
You have to be kidding. These punks should be G/F's in prison for the next 5 to 10 years! I can't believe he let them go. Sounds like the Judge was pissed too!
Is it just me, or what are 17 year olds doing out at 1:30 am?

If I had ever stayed out that late at 17, I have visions of my father driving around, finding me, dragging me and throwing me in the trunk and driving back home (not likely letting me out of the trunk until morning either).

Yet again, the judge sent the wrong message here by giving them probation, particularly when two already had criminal records. I expect to read about them again in the papers in the future.
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Judge is right, victim is "larger" than most people.....personally, I would have asked for incarceration.

The Judge is wrong. The victim is an idiot. They continued to kick him while he lay motionless. They must have knocked a marble or two loose in the beating. Or he's a fraid of further retaliation from friends of the perps or whatever. But he's still an idiot.

PS. Good for him sticking up for the car full of hosebags at a drive thru at 1:30 in the AM.

Should have called the police before he exited his vehicle.
call the cops!!!!! As long as she is not being physically assaulted then there is no need to jump in. Massachusetts would definitely prosecute all of you that want to be heroic.
call the cops!!!!! As long as she is not being physically assaulted then there is no need to jump in. Massachusetts would definitely prosecute all of you that want to be heroic.

They'd also likely prosecute you for physically stopping someone from walking out your front door with your television.

Have fun hiding in your closet waiting for the po po.
Stay in the truck, call the cops, it isn't your fight, and not good if you get hurt or have to hurt or kill someone else.

I have to agree with Cross-X here - We don’t know what started the altercation with the three morons and the lady, maybe she did something , even unintentionally, that triggered them to harass her? Don’t get me wrong here, punks like that should be locked up after being given a good whipping. BUT to Cross-X point, if you wade into the situation and end up hurting , or killing, someone, then it could go really badly for you. I’m 6’3” 210 lbs, second degree black belt, know how to handle myself and carry. I’d still stay in the car and call the cops? Why – it’s not my fight. I’d honk my horn, call the cops, yell at the scumbags that the cops were coming. I would not get out of the vehicle. I carry for my own protection and the protection of my family. This is MA, not Texas ( unfortunately) and as such our actions have to be carefully weighed. If it was my wife or daughter, different story. Sounds harsh, but you sometimes have to harden your heart when dealing with the laws in this state. Three on one – I’ve done it in the past, but that was me at my peak and younger. Got jumped by three slightly drunk soccer fans back in the UK. Police sergeant who took my statement snapped his notebook shut and exclaimed, ”not their lucky night sir, was it!” [grin]

I was lucky enough to take a CC class with GOAL and the attorney that spoke gave me a lot to think about. He painted a scenario that surprised most of us there. Say you come out of a bar to find a big guy harassing and starting to physically mess with a smaller woman. What would you do? Most of us said we’d intervene and if he didn’t stop we’d most likely shoot him. Bad answer. She may have started the physical altercation by stabbing him, and now you’ve escalated on her behalf by using deadly force…So you have legally stepped into her shoes and will have to bear the consequences. Very bad decision in this state. Do I like the fact I should not get involved – no, absolutely not.

I am no action hero - for one I'm getting too old. I will always , if possible, walk away from a confrontation, even if it makes me look cowardly. I have nothing to prove, but if I am put in a situation where my option to retreat is taken away from me, then the confrontation will be over very quickly.

He did a brave thing , but I think IMHO he was wrong. Flame away.

I find it disgustingthese punks are back on the streets. One can only hope they pick on someone the next time who will put them in hospital.
For verbal assault on another person I would have called 911. I would not exit my vehicle.

For physical assault on another person I would dial 911 exit the vehicle and spray them with mace. This indeed is dangerous because multiple individuals were involved.

I have driven by that McDonalds in the evening and have noticed that teenagers hang out in the parking lot in large groups. That is never a good situation as the guys are always trying to impress the other guys and their girlfriends to.
Typical heartless punks.

I would have grabbed my trusty aluminum bat from it's permanent place at the side of my seat, got out and just stood there swinging it from shoulder to shoulder...then laughed at the idle threats as they scrambled to their car.
I think the guy is an idiot for "forgiving" them. Whatever the f*** that means. No matter why a fight starts, 3 on 1 is bad enough, but anyone who kicks an unconscious person does not belong in society.

I think the judge is a bigger idiot. He should know better. Now they're out on the street. Maybe they'll get punished the next time they do something, if they even get caught; but that does not make me feel better. And I'm sure it won't mean anything to the next person who runs into these punks at the wrong time.

Any bets on how long it takes these scumbags to hit the news again?
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