GOAL sent me a subscription letter


NES Member
May 3, 2010
=------> over here
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I actually appreciated it, as it's been on my list of things to do.

Then after thinking about it, I wondered how they got my name and address.

If they bought a mailing list from any of the clubs I belong to, It bothered me that anyone could obtain that info for a small fee. Then I started to get paranoid and wondered just how they got my info.

Anyone know?
It's probably part of a mass marketing campaign where they send out letters to a large number of people hoping to reach those who could/would be part of the demographic who would support GOAL and it's programs. Quite a bit less work-intensive than trying to weed out those who already belong.

It appears that there are many more firearms owners in Massachusetts then there are GOAL members. They need to try every avenue to increase membership.
Yes, but is it money well spent? How useful/effective are those people over at GOAL?

The NRA sent some funds for membership and mailings for the year. I do not know the amount or frequency. I wish I could get to the monthly meetings but that hasn't been possible.

Any Member can go to these meetings. Just confirm due to weather or other circumstances.

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Yes, but is it money well spent? How useful/effective are those people over at GOAL?


About as useful as they can be with the pathetically tepid support they get from MA gun owners. I’m not 100% current with the membership numbers but maybe 10% of MA gun owners are members of GOAL. They’re a minority of a minority. Their voting block is minuscule yet they become the focus of gun owner’s anger every time our legislators f*** us over. You want to really make a difference? Get everyone you know to join. You think Wallace is ineffective? Give him some ammo (ie voters). Guess what? The legislature doesn’t give a shit about you, the Constitution or your values. They care about being re-elected. You want them to listen to you? Give GOAL the votes to make a difference.
Even better - show up at hearings at the State House. Attendance affects legislators more than anything else.

Everyone needs to do something - It's easy to give up. This is a like a lengthy ground war not a extraction mission.
I last I heard it was 16,000. There are ~400,000 licenses gun owners in MA. 16,000/400,000 = 0.04%. Not 10% or 1% or 0.1% , but


That’s why it’s tough to get things done at the state level. I don’t blame GOAL, I blame other gun owners for not joining. GOAL is doing their part, gun owners are not. It’s very simple.

ETA: 4% as noted below. It’s still no pull for us at the state level.
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I'm a Lifer at G.O.A.L. and NRA.

What I would like to do though, is go door-to-door with G.O.A.L. and NRA subscription forms just to watch people's heads explode.
I would like to start in Cambridge...

"Knock, knock"
"Who's there?
"NRA who?"...
Goal is doing what they can with what they’ve got. And for how little they have the difference they have made is impressive. They are always front line when it comes to Massachusetts firearms legislation. Imagine what they could do with 10 times the members/funding.
16,000/400,000 = .04 which is 4%. .04% would be 160/400,000.
I know. I got confused when he said 4% wasn't even close... but after re-reading I saw that he wrote "...4% isn't even close enough..."
Me = Duh!
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